Youth overcomes Tourette's to become fighter pilot


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
As a child R. suffered from Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary movements and vocalizations; yet next week he is set to become a fighter pilot after having passed one of the most excruciatingly demanding preparatory courses the IDF has on offer.

R., 22 today, has suffered from behavioral and health problems in primary school, including hyperactivity, aggressive behavior, angry outbursts and various allergic reactions. His parents say they tried various alternative medicines until they stumbled on a support group for parents of Tourette sufferers, where they were given various advices regarding nutrition, which changed R's health dramatically.

Another key change was lowering the dosage of the medication the child was prescribed. By the age of 13 R. was free of tics and allergies "and decided to become successful in life," his proud father told Yedioth Ahronoth.

R. graduated from high-school and applied to the IDF's three-year flying course, considered extraordinary in difficulty, with only a small proportion of applicants managing to complete it. During the course, which he passed with flying colors, he passed a medical that showed beyond doubt he's completely healthy and qualified to be a pilot.

Youth overcomes Tourette's to become fighter pilot - Israel News, Ynetnews



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