Youtube Being Censored, We Can't Question the Government on Youtube

It is an attack on free speech, leftard idiots think it's great but they won't when it comes for them too.

Google is a private company. And can enter any rules. In Russia, long accustomed to the fact that any Western company can without any announcement delete messages or entire accounts for any reason :)

Want real freedom of speech - this can only provide decentralized networks. For example, ZeroNet. Not surprisingly, in ZeroNet the first place among all users is occupied by the Chinese. Surprisingly, the second place is occupied by Americans :D Apparently, someone in the US is not satisfied with the current system.

So if USMB didn't like what you said, or lets say that you liked Trump and just because your LIKE TRUMP and post him proudly DOES USMB HAVE THE RIGHT TO CENSOR YOU RIGHT THE FK OFF THIER BOARD BECAUSE IT'S THEIR RIGHT TO DO SO........ YOU TARDS HAVEN'T A CLUE WTF FREE SPEECH AND RIGHTS EVEN ARE.

Once again, no one has a freedom of speech on YouTube.

YouTube has no effect on our freedom of speech. They can censor their medium all day long and it will never be a violation of free speech.

It's a common theme, but people seem to have lost track of what freedom and rights mean. It means you can't be arrested for doing or saying something. But it doesn't mean anyone else has to listen to you, or help you spread your ideas, or bake you a cake.
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Once again, no one has a freedom of speech on YouTube.

YouTube has no effect on our freedom of speech. They can censor the media all day long and it will ever be a violation of free speech.

It's a common theme, but people seem to have lost track of what freedom and rights mean. It means you can't be arrested for doing or saying something. But it doesn't mean anyone else has to listen to your, or help you spread your ideas, or bake you a cake.

It does and if they can do it who else will do it, and if they can do guess whose next " we all are" left , right, in the middle...... it is censoring sides THEY ADMITTED IT. and changed their " oh ooopsie mistake"..


Evidence suggests the bots in the CIA are attacking conservatives and libertarians on the Internet at the same time Google has launched a campaign to purge YouTube of all similar contact supporting President Trump.
Hard-Left Actively Driving Trump Supporters From Internet
Three years later, this video of a little boy twerking at a gay pride parade is still up.
This is where the problems start, when the government/media/companies start to think that they have to take care of us and that we can't even be exposed to certain information. They know best. They know what is better for you than you do. That is why ALL of our rights are very important and must be protected ferociously.
All three statements are accurate. You're Socialist, you don't understand business or economics, and I do..

Okay- prove all of those things.

Go for it.

This should be interesting.

Because so far all you are doing is pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold.
The last time I bothered replying to your economically illiterate ass was in a thread regarding FDR.

Still waiting for you to have the balls to try to stand up to your claims:
a) That I am a socialist
b) That I don't understand economics or business or
c) That you do.

Because as I pointed out before- so far all you are doing is pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold.

Or you can just admit you were lying.
I already did. You cut off, like, most of my post. If you're going to be that intellectually dishonest, and THAT obvious about it, replies to you are a waste of time.

You mean I cut off the part where you were pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold?

You called me a socialist- because I disagreed with you- like the majority of economists- regarding FDR.

And that- that is not only intellectually dishonest- it is just down right idiotic.
No, I mean you cut off the part you disagreed with and didn't bother debunking it because you know it's true. In other words, you're being the most common type of Socialist; One who ignores all contrary points instead of debunking them and just repeats himself.

I called you a socialist because you agree with FDR's policies, which are Socialist and factually did not work, because Socialism does not work. He extended the Great Depression by many years.

'Economists' is merely an appeal to authority fallacy with no citations to back it up. Only Keynsian economists agree with FDR, and they're frauds.
Which of these dates occurred first:
  • October 29, 1929
  • March 4, 1933
Take all the time you need. Feel free to use Google. I wouldn't trust Bing on this one.

Actually you could probably just open the calendar tray on your computer and scroll back to see which one is more recent. Then it would be the other one.

Not rocket surgery.

Oh while you're in there look up "Hoovervilles". And come back and essplain why they were not called "Rooseveltvilles".
At this point, I'm not even sure you bothered reading my post, let alone the link. I went into detail on exactly why you're confused(On this subject specifically, we don't have all week for me to explain everything else.). Before FDR took office, it was a recession. After he took office, he made it a Great Depression. I even specified which policies it was.

Probably because the people calling them that were just as confused as you are.

There's no hurry on figuring out those dates. I understand it may take some research. Especially with blinders on.

Perhaps a visual aid will help. Note the years listed on the bottom axis:


Oh look --- there's one of the dates I mentioned right there on the chart. That's a clue for ya.

So are these numbers "fake"?

See that spike at the right edge of the pink area? The one marked "March 15, 1933 Dow gained 15.34%, largest one-day gain")?

That point would be eleven days after FDR was inaugurated.

Now look at the plunge marked "Great Depression" (the pink area) and essplain to the class how Roosevelt came into office and "brought" that retroactively.

This oughta be a hoot. :popcorn:
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

The Stock Crash is a symptom, not a cause of the Great Depression, so the chart doesn't help your case at all.

How FDR Made the Depression Worse | Robert Higgs

FDR's policies, practically all of them, increased the cost of living and made it harder to do business. He made the Recession we were already experiencing worse in every way.

As I said earlier, combine inability to afford hiring employees with the government forcing your business to hire more employees, and your economy is destroyed. In this particular case, your economy is plunged into a Depression and then dragged through it for many years.
Are you seriously claiming the period from 1929 through 1933 was a recession and not a depression? Kind of goofy since you also claim the crash of '29 was a "symptom" of the Grear Depression but call it a recession in '33.
The beginning of "the Great Depression" was a recession, which only became a Depression when FDR decided to screw things up more. Don't hurt yourself too much pretending to think about it.
Okay- prove all of those things.

Go for it.

This should be interesting.

Because so far all you are doing is pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold.
The last time I bothered replying to your economically illiterate ass was in a thread regarding FDR.

Still waiting for you to have the balls to try to stand up to your claims:
a) That I am a socialist
b) That I don't understand economics or business or
c) That you do.

Because as I pointed out before- so far all you are doing is pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold.

Or you can just admit you were lying.
I already did. You cut off, like, most of my post. If you're going to be that intellectually dishonest, and THAT obvious about it, replies to you are a waste of time.

You mean I cut off the part where you were pulling crap out of your ass and calling it gold?

You called me a socialist- because I disagreed with you- like the majority of economists- regarding FDR.

And that- that is not only intellectually dishonest- it is just down right idiotic.
No, I mean you cut off the part you disagreed with and didn't bother debunking it because you know it's true. In other words, you're being the most common type of Socialist; One who ignores all contrary points instead of debunking them and just repeats himself.

I called you a socialist because you agree with FDR's policies, which are Socialist and factually did not work, because Socialism does not work. He extended the Great Depression by many years.

"Socialism" has nothing in the world to do with "points" or "debunking" anything.

"Ignoring points", especially documented ones like that chart I put up, isn't "Socialism" either. That's just abject and obtuse Denialism. As you've continue to demonstrate by digging yourself deeper into this "FDR brought the Depression" canard, even though it wasn't your revisionist claim in the first place. That poster at least had the presence of mind to run away and hide when he was called on it.

'Economists' is merely an appeal to authority fallacy with no citations to back it up. Only Keynsian economists agree with FDR, and they're frauds.

And that right there is a No True Scotsman fallacy.
"They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service."

flacaltenn can you give examples of what you'd like to allow, but are unable to allow, due to restrictions imposed by google..?

flacaltenn i noticed you ignored my post.

why can't you give examples so we can understand the crux of this matter??
"They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service."

flacaltenn can you give examples of what you'd like to allow, but are unable to allow, due to restrictions imposed by google..?

Don't want to get into specifics, but SEVERAL of our rules are based on their demands.

Del is close.. But those Russian bride or Hot Russians want to date you ads ---- are DESIGNED for the 2 of us by our "Google preference files" from Google spying. Something the 2 of us have in common... Can't talk about "those days" undercovers in Moscow...
I actually have stopped using Google because I think they have become too nosy. Not as big a deal to change search engines. I will have to look for another site to replace YouTube now too.
"They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service."

flacaltenn can you give examples of what you'd like to allow, but are unable to allow, due to restrictions imposed by google..?

Don't want to get into specifics, but SEVERAL of our rules are based on their demands.

Del is close.. But those Russian bride or Hot Russians want to date you ads ---- are DESIGNED for the 2 of us by our "Google preference files" from Google spying. Something the 2 of us have in common... Can't talk about "those days" undercovers in Moscow...

I always thought the ads here were just random. I don't see ads any more because of ad blocker but I used to get ads for things I've never looked at or searched for. All KINDS of weird ads would pop up here, which slows down the site when you are trying to navigate. Life is SO much better without ads! :)
"They tell US at USMB what content we can't allow if we want their ad service."

flacaltenn can you give examples of what you'd like to allow, but are unable to allow, due to restrictions imposed by google..?

Don't want to get into specifics, but SEVERAL of our rules are based on their demands.

Del is close.. But those Russian bride or Hot Russians want to date you ads ---- are DESIGNED for the 2 of us by our "Google preference files" from Google spying. Something the 2 of us have in common... Can't talk about "those days" undercovers in Moscow...

I always thought the ads here were just random. I don't see ads any more because of ad blocker but I used to get ads for things I've never looked at or searched for. All KINDS of weird ads would pop up here, which slows down the site when you are trying to navigate. Life is SO much better without ads! :)

Go tell that to the Dem minority in Congress. They think $30,000 of Russian Troll ads is a freaking national crisis.
At this point, I'm not even sure you bothered reading my post, let alone the link. I went into detail on exactly why you're confused(On this subject specifically, we don't have all week for me to explain everything else.). Before FDR took office, it was a recession. After he took office, he made it a Great Depression. I even specified which policies it was.

Probably because the people calling them that were just as confused as you are.

There's no hurry on figuring out those dates. I understand it may take some research. Especially with blinders on.

Perhaps a visual aid will help. Note the years listed on the bottom axis:


Oh look --- there's one of the dates I mentioned right there on the chart. That's a clue for ya.

So are these numbers "fake"?

See that spike at the right edge of the pink area? The one marked "March 15, 1933 Dow gained 15.34%, largest one-day gain")?

That point would be eleven days after FDR was inaugurated.

Now look at the plunge marked "Great Depression" (the pink area) and essplain to the class how Roosevelt came into office and "brought" that retroactively.

This oughta be a hoot. :popcorn:
FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

The Stock Crash is a symptom, not a cause of the Great Depression, so the chart doesn't help your case at all.

How FDR Made the Depression Worse | Robert Higgs

FDR's policies, practically all of them, increased the cost of living and made it harder to do business. He made the Recession we were already experiencing worse in every way.

As I said earlier, combine inability to afford hiring employees with the government forcing your business to hire more employees, and your economy is destroyed. In this particular case, your economy is plunged into a Depression and then dragged through it for many years.
Are you seriously claiming the period from 1929 through 1933 was a recession and not a depression? Kind of goofy since you also claim the crash of '29 was a "symptom" of the Grear Depression but call it a recession in '33.
The beginning of "the Great Depression" was a recession, which only became a Depression when FDR decided to screw things up more. Don't hurt yourself too much pretending to think about it.
Your post and claim is complete bullcrap only an uneducated fool could make. When FDR was inaugurated into the Presidency unemployment was over 30% and hundreds of banks had gone broke and closed their doors leaving funds unavailable and lost to depositors. What kind of jerk would call that a recession? In other words, the banks being broke prevented people from getting their cash out of the bank. Referring to 1933 USA as being in a recession instead of a depression is jackassery or outright lying.
You can use Vimeo for music videos. I don't know if they have any other types of videos though.

Never trust a mega corp who's motto is "Don't Be Evil".. That's more of a confession..

I noticed after the outcry of outrage, I have heard some of these channels have come back on-line. I checked out the channel that was the biggest controversy, the one that caused all this, the Richie Allen show, it is back up, yet w/o the video that started all of this.

I think what this is going to do, is have a "chilling affect" on the content providers that have been taken down, and then had their channels re-instated w/o the videos that had the strikes against them. This is how you turn an open society in to a closed society.

The real competition here is where the alternative platform is going to be.
You can use Vimeo for music videos. I don't know if they have any other types of videos though.
Vimeo is a profit based platform

For politics, it seems to all be going to either Steemit or Bitchute.

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