Youtube promptly removes Trump phone interview on Newsmax.

President Biden has a plan for your butthurt.
....but still has no discernible Plan for Covid

Hey, hey just hold on there Biden has a plan, okay he told us that 5,000 times during the election. (blueslegend said with Biden mocking sarcasm)
His plan is to give you that slack-jawed, 1000-yard fucktard stare with purple crayon drooling out its mouth and hope you have empathy for half-dead dumb apes and you mercifully just walk away shaking your head.

This is my message to the left.
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Yeah really 1984 indeed.
Folks need to diversify their thinking.

I have found it everywhere.

It ain't no big thing.

I only use YouTube anymore for Music Vids.

What irritates me? I saw this coming a Looooong ass time ago, didn't I? :dunno:

Regarding Bitchute.

This video is everywhere for folks that haven't been captured by the mind controllers. . .



Donald Trump speaks out about 'soft' Mitch, a 2024 run, Twitter ban, Cuomo, Hillary and more

Donald Trump speaks out about 'soft' Mitch, a 2024 run, Twitter ban, Cuomo, Hillary and more

Exclusive Newsmax Trump Interview on 2/17/21

. . I haven't even checked or Minds, but I would not be surprised at all to find it there either. . . .

Folks need to STOP being docile, there is only the illusion of control at this point.

Just keying off of the headline from the OP about YouTube not displaying Trump's call to Newsmax.....well, yeah, that's pretty consistent with what a lot of media....right & left & etc. ........ are doing.

Trump's obsession with claiming his loss was an illegitimate loss has grown stale. Plus, after the January 6th Insurrection much of America realizes his messaging on his obsession is corrosive and dangerous.

Personally, never been a fan of the man's character so I kinda hope he continues fussin' over it. He'll slide more and more into the familiar character of the 'My Crazy Ol' Uncle'....and all that irrelevancy.

Don Trump couldn't prove it was stolen in 61+ attempts in court, heard by nearly 100 judges, not a few of them Republican appointees, including some appointed by Trump himself.

In short, after all that effort there is clearly no there there. (although, I will admit, I'm gonna miss ol' Rudy reaching into his pants to either warm-up the home team ---or----find votes ( ;)). Plus, I liked the effort of Krakenpot Powell, and my all time fav on the Trump Team, Melissa Carrone of Detroit. The gal who saw dead people vote......after she had sent selfie-pornos of her doing something naughty with her boyfriend. (sent the pornos to the boyfriend's wife, and for which she got arrested and convicted as some sort of internet sex-offender. She put a whole new view on the 'revenge porn' issue. Gonna miss her. Although I did hear she is filing to run for a state congressional seat. I love this bar.)
President Biden has a plan for your butthurt.
....but still has no discernible Plan for Covid

Hey, hey just hold on there Biden has a plan, okay he told us that 5,000 times during the election. (blueslegend said with Biden mocking sarcasm)

And I find it pathetic that "SOME LOSERS" are gleefully hoping for failure! Sad; truly sad! :hands:

Yeah man, those Dems the past 4 years.
President Biden has a plan for your butthurt.
Yea, to abolish the first amendment.
Cry harder con. :laugh:

Wow!! 50,000 messages and only a little over 2,000 points. Just pointing out your numbers. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, outside of his narrow little paradigm world, Mr. Synth has a couple of communication issues with the rest of the world. It's really kinda pathetic when you think about his double TDS symptoms...

This is my message to the left.
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That's why Trump's lies are being removed from the public press. He cannot lie to the American people. His Ministry of Truth is closed, and the daily two minutes of hate, otherwise known as Trump's Twitter feed is gone too. The Truth is not whatever Trump decides is the truth.

This is my message to the left.
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That's why Trump's lies are being removed from the public press. He cannot lie to the American people. His Ministry of Truth is closed, and the daily two minutes of hate, otherwise known as Trump's Twitter feed is gone too. The Truth is not whatever Trump decides is the truth.

You would have made such an eager little Nazi.

This is my message to the left.
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That's why Trump's lies are being removed from the public press. He cannot lie to the American people. His Ministry of Truth is closed, and the daily two minutes of hate, otherwise known as Trump's Twitter feed is gone too. The Truth is not whatever Trump decides is the truth.

You would have made such an eager little Nazi.

My oldest brother was nearly killed in WWII fighting the NAZI's on Juno Beach on D-Day. My middle brother was in the navy and escorted convoys of supplies to Europe. All three of my brothers served in WWII. They were a lot older than me, but no, I would never in this lifetime make an "eager little Nazi". You have no idea what a Nazi is. To you it's just a word you toss around to insult people

Just fling your monkey shit mindlessly at the humans passing by.
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This is my message to the left.
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My message to the right
The 20 Greatest Quotes From Rush Limbaugh:

I have no idea if he said those things. But if he did, it was a response to a lot of crap may have been taking from people from those groups for any reason. At t he core of his beliefs, he thought that most of us of all backgrounds could do well in this nation. He did not make up the social justice rules and laws. People abuse them. People have corrupted them. People need to realize it is not a one way road. It is a two way street. The old system has peaked out and the quotas, diversity and political correctness is dumbing us down. We say things on the forums. Because we ramp it up. But for most of us it ends here. Only because
Good. Deprive that traitorous dog of his voice and thereby prevent him from encouraging his simpletons to engage in rebellion again.
That's why Trump's lies are being removed from the public press. He cannot lie to the American people. His Ministry of Truth is closed, and the daily two minutes of hate, otherwise known as Trump's Twitter feed is gone too. The Truth is not whatever Trump decides is the truth.
Trump may have told a lie or two at some point during his
first term, but that isn't why they're censoring him and you, behind all your clever spin, bloody well know it.

But keep flinging your monkey shit, twisted sister.

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