YouTube removed a Trump lawyer's opening statement at the Senate Homeland Security hearing on election fraud.

My Party? I am a lifetime Republican.
Keep reminding us of that

because reading your posts no one would have guessed

He's full of shit. I've called him out on this claim in other threads where he identified himself as a proud Democrat the same day he claimed he was a "Lincoln Party Republican" in another thread. No response of course. He's whatever is convenient for the argument he's trying to make. The worst kind of liar.

You have made the claim I am a Democrat. I have never said I was. And I am part of the Lincoln Project but I don't support all that it will lead to. I am a 1956 Eisenhower Republican when the GOP really WAS the Grand Old Party. If we went back to that we would own most of the Republicans AND many of the Democrats as both parties have gone to hell in a hand basket.

Republican Party Platform of 1956

You will notice the color change. Back in those days and back, the color for the Republicans was blue while the Democrats were Red. This follows the doctrine started by Lincoln, operated by Teddy R and Eisenhower. You owe almost everything that affects your life today to that time period including Jet Air Travel, Microwave Ovens, Cell Phones, Highways and Bridges, and much much more. There still is a lot to do and so far, you have been nothing but a freeloader.
From eisenhower to biden in just 65 short years

George Orwell saw you coming before you even knew it yourself
I don't care what YouTube does with its business. I don't care what USMB does with its business either.
Now apparently it has resurfaced and so far they've decided to leave it up.
Deep state is in panic mode.

At some point, every Entertainment Agency in the World will have to develop some for of integrity. Integrity means that they won't be spreading the Rump Lies and stirring up his Cult to violence anymore than they have to.

It's become too dangerous to keep presenting this type of things. On Jan 20th, Rump will be banned from almost every Social Network in the world outside of Russia and even the Russians ones my join in, who knows. Meduro is in the same boat for the same reasons. Notice, his rants don't make it into Youtube or any other Social Media site either. If Rump were to be treated the same way for exactly the same reasons, you wouldn't hear a peep out of him as no Network or Social Media would allow him, his Partyoftherump, his backers or his Cabinet one second of time.

Look for this to be the norm the closer we get to Jan 20th.

“Trump cult violence”??
Please show us where all this Trump supporter violence is.
You see, back here in this place called reality, we have seen a years worth of rioting, looting, attacking people in the streets, etc... and those weren’t trump supporters doing those things. We have also witnessed lots of attacks in Trump supporters at rallies, as well as attacks as people on the street wearing a Trump hat or whatever.
Damn near all the violence has been from the left wing types. To deny this is proof that you are either a dishonest little cuck or just delusional. And with such blatant dishonesty or delusion, it’s hard to take anything you say seriously.
Or perhaps you’re scared that the violence pendulum will swing the other direction, and trump supporters will start attacking and beating people who support Biden?
I wouldn’t worry considering I’ve never seen anyone with a Biden hat/shirt or anything else, and no one attends his “rallies”.

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