Yuge: Deputy FBI Director Has Memory Lapse on Paying for Trump Dossier


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Lost in the tax hoopla:

Congressional investigators tell Fox News that Tuesday’s seven-hour interrogation of Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe contained numerous conflicts with the testimony of previous witnesses, prompting the Republican majority staff of the House Intelligence Committee to decide to issue fresh subpoenas next week on Justice Department and FBI personnel. . . .

Sources close to the investigation say that McCabe was a “friendly witness” to the Democrats in the room, who are said to have pressed the deputy director, without success, to help them build a case against President Trump for obstruction of justice in the Russia-collusion probe. “If he could have, he would have,” said one participant in the questioning.

Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when pressed to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said, McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that, investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.

The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance.

McCabe draws blank on Democrats’ funding of Trump dossier, new subpoenas planned
Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe is ass-deep in the sedition and corruption, and his testimony before Congress left a lot of both questions regarding the Dossier and identified conflicts between his / previous testimony given before by others. His testimony made it clear that he refused to tell everything he knows, and someone is lying. Committee Chairman R-Nunes stated, 'It is hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is not'.

That is why the result of McCabe's appearance is resulting in a lot more subpoenas.
Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe is ass-deep in the sedition and corruption, and his testimony before Congress left a lot of both questions regarding the Dossier and identified conflicts between his / previous testimony given before by others. His testimony made it clear that he refused to tell everything he knows, and someone is lying. Committee Chairman R-Nunes stated, 'It is hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is not'.

That is why the result of McCabe's appearance is resulting in a lot more subpoenas.
A lot of people in the FBI will be going to prison if Congress does it's job.
Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe is ass-deep in the sedition and corruption, and his testimony before Congress left a lot of both questions regarding the Dossier and identified conflicts between his / previous testimony given before by others. His testimony made it clear that he refused to tell everything he knows, and someone is lying. Committee Chairman R-Nunes stated, 'It is hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is not'.

That is why the result of McCabe's appearance is resulting in a lot more subpoenas.
A lot of people in the FBI will be going to prison if Congress does it's job.
Should I hold my breath for that?
Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe is ass-deep in the sedition and corruption, and his testimony before Congress left a lot of both questions regarding the Dossier and identified conflicts between his / previous testimony given before by others. His testimony made it clear that he refused to tell everything he knows, and someone is lying. Committee Chairman R-Nunes stated, 'It is hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is not'.

That is why the result of McCabe's appearance is resulting in a lot more subpoenas.
A lot of people in the FBI will be going to prison if Congress does it's job.
Should I hold my breath for that?
No need. We will all be dead soon now that tax reform has passed.
This whole thing is getting very convoluted. My gut tells me that Trump didn’t collude with the Ruskies, but clearly there are folks who think he did, and people who also want to make it look like he did, whether he did or not. It will take years to straighten out, if it ever is, and the majority of voters will or already have lost interest.
Every day that Mullier can't come up with ANY collusion charges the 'investigation looks more and more ridiculous.
If we get to next August and Mullier and his Blue Chip team of Trump haters still hasn't come up with anything the mid terms are a lock for the REPS.
The very best part is the fucking LIBs KNOW this and are now so desperate they are literally creating a false narrative that Trump will "for sure" fire Mullier.
CNN?MSNBC have spent DAYS trying to do this.
Sorry. Ain't going to happen.

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