Zenaida Tells Media Can't Find Job,Has No Work Skills&Wants To Sue Casey Anthony?

Feb 13, 2011
Awee, So Sad! ,,Hello, I Am Zanny The Nanny,I have no work skills, No Personality, I can't find a job as a cleaning woman. Boo Hoo Hoo! Oh, I got an idea, I can sue Casey Anthony for $100,000 !!. Well you know what Zenaida? YOU THINK YOUR THE ONLY CLEANING LADY OUT OF WORK? Remember when she came on the scene with her lawyer complaining that she couldn't find work as a cleaning lady/maid? and it was also at the beginning of the 2008 Recesson? I live in Florida & I remember how bad it was late 2008. Now remember what happened to Kato Kalen when he was in a similar situtation? He became a celebrity. God, What Attractive Female Wished She Was Zanaida? Unfortunately for Zanny, She Is A BUMP ON THE LOG!, Personality of a Turnip,Far From Good Looking,Has No Real Work Skills,Just Plain Boring When On TV, YET SHE WANTS TO SUE CASEY for some 6 Digit Figure. Yah Right! Hey,Why not let all of the 10 Million Americans with work skills who can't find a job also Sue Casey Anthony for $100,000 !!!:razz:
I will always remember when a journalist asked Zen what she did for a living, she says,,"I CLEAN",,,,,,wow!! how impressive,,,that field takes so much effort and intelligence. And on top of that,she can't speak english, makes u wonder if she is even a legal immigrant. You know, there are a few million college graduates with amazing skills who also can't find work,,,hmm, maybe its because we have about 10 Million illegal working aliens in the way?
anyone wanna guess how they will sneak Casey out of jail? I wonder if Freddie Kruger is gonna pick her up in his bus. That would work, no one would ever suspect Casey to be taken away by Freddie Kruger...right?
One embarrassment after another, it seems.

Suing Casey for defamation of character is one thing but to sue for money is something else. Especially when she wasn't working to begin with.
Right! I can understand if Zanny couldnt find work becuase she was a suspect, but the fact is, she was never a real suspect, so there is no excuse for any employer to hire her, the reason she can't find work is because there are too many unemployed cleaning ladies looking for work in a deep recession. and on top of that, SHE HAS NO WORK SKILLS !!!! Typical Liberal,,,,dont wanna work,,,just wants goverment handouts.
It's human nature to be lazy. Not sure why anyone would want to be though. It's boring.

Exactly who is this woman and why does she think she can sue Casey Anthony? More importantly, what exactly does she expect to get from a woman who hasnt been working in the past 3 years?
And what exactly was Zenaida doing before she came into the scene? it's not like she was making 500 a week cleaning homes. I don't even think she was working, if so, she wasn't making much. Does she really think she can sue Casey for a six-digit figure for losing a few months of work? God, I wish I was a suspect! I would of taken the Kato Kalen path, instead of being a pussy twit crying like a baby asking for a handout.

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