Zero Dark Thirty


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
If Hollywood is in the bag for President Obama, then why isn't this movie coming out sooner?

[ame=]Zero Dark Thirty Teaser Trailer (2012) - Kathryn Bigelow Bin Laden Movie HD - YouTube[/ame]
This is what you put forth as proof Hollyweird is not in the bag for Obama ?

This is up there with your kill downs syndrome children meme from earlier today.
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Hell, Maobama spiked the football again last night, he's not going to let anyone forget he did ONE good thing.

I saw a trailer for this movie yesterday in a theater, I may go see it, they said it will be out in Dec.

As a side point, I saw Looped, it's really intense, not real accurate on paradoxical theroy of time travel, but very entertaining.
Can't wait to see this movie and understand how a real leader goes after evil-doers.
Can't wait to see this movie and understand how a real leader goes after evil-doers.

Yep, you'll get to see how real heros go about their business and how the wimp in the white house made the only decent call in his one term.

"Even before its official release, “Zero Dark Thirty the new movie about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, has become a national Rorschach test on the divisive subject of torture.

The film’s unflinching portrayal of the Central Intelligence Agency’s brutal interrogation of Al Qaeda prisoners hews close to the official record, offering a gruesome sampling of methods like the near-drowning of waterboarding.

What has already divided the critics, journalists and activists who have watched early screenings is a more subtle issue: the suggestion that the calculated infliction of pain and fear, graphically shown in the first 45 minutes of the film, may have produced useful early clues in the quest to find the terrorist leader, who was killed in May 2011.

Such a claim is anathema to outspoken critics of the Bush administration’s decision in 2002 to resort to methods that the United States had for decades shunned as illegal. And a new, 6,000-page report on C.I.A. interrogations by the Senate Intelligence Committee, based on a study of some six million pages of agency documents, finds that brutal treatment was not “a central component” in finding Bin Laden, said the committee’s chairwoman, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California."

[ame=]The interrogator, Pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The interrogator, Pt. 2 - YouTube[/ame]
There is no near drowning involved in waterboarding. There might be the feeling of near drowning, but not actual near drowning. And, even waterboarding is subject to stringent rules as to how many times it can be done and how long it could last.
Can't wait to see this movie and understand how a real leader goes after evil-doers.

You mean like the Union thugs assaulting people in Michigan... Obama's really going after them. :lol:
If you want to really know the true story about the raid I suggest reading No Easy Day by the Navy Seal who was actually a member of Seal Team Six and on the raid that killed OBL.
Can't wait to see this movie and understand how a real leader goes after evil-doers.

On that note how is the search for the evil doers of the Benghazi attack going is anyone even looking? Oh right there are no evil doers it was not a attack but a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control.

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