zero gravity machine

Gravity is not a detectable force like electromagnetism. It's a phenomena caused by the curvature of spacetime near massive objects. It can only be detected by it's effect on mass and electromagnetism. Being all by yourself in flat space there is no way to orbit anything. Applying acceleration in any direction there means you will continue in a straight line until you encounter curved space again. Even that will not happen unless you can go fast enough to beat the general expansion of the universe.
I think you're speaking of space while I'm speaking of spacetime, that's our disconnect. Spacetime is not flat. It can’t be: Einstein’s general theory of relativity says that matter and energy curve spacetime, and there are enough matter and energy lying around to provide for curvature.
I think you're speaking of space while I'm speaking of spacetime, that's our disconnect. Spacetime is not flat. It can’t be: Einstein’s general theory of relativity says that matter and energy curve spacetime, and there are enough matter and energy lying around to provide for curvature.
Matter and energy do curve spacetime but at the largest scale the universe seems to be flat. Any local effect mass has on spacetime is leveled out by expansion. We can clearly image galaxies across billions of light years. Light passing through a curved universe would quickly become scattered rather than proceed as parallel rays across the observable universe.
Matter and energy do curve spacetime but at the largest scale the universe seems to be flat. Any local effect mass has on spacetime is leveled out by expansion. We can clearly image galaxies across billions of light years. Light passing through a curved universe would quickly become scattered rather than proceed as parallel rays across the observable universe.
Except it does: gravitational lensing
Why are you arguing this? It's not like I'm offering some kind of controversial fringe theory. The current cosmological consensus says
Exactly. You, right along with the consensus, remain belligerently confused. Long after they had to drag Einstein, kicking and screaming, back for a second round of nonsense. Wake up. The entire theory was stolen from real scientists theorizing about Aether "lensing" and so forth long ago. Einstein knew it was stolen because he'd done the stealing. He knew "spacetime" was bullshit because he knew the Aether was absolutely necessary for any of it to work. He sold out like any overly ambitious, money grubbing, narcissistic hypocrite finding themself in the right place at an opportune moment.. and so couldn't help doing lots of self-questioning and expressing doubts later, both in public and in private. Quite the cult of personality.

As Newton, Maxwell, Tesla, Thompson, and lots of others already "knew" full well, gravity is really a push not a pull. A natural result of, indeed ubiquitous, but also locally variable Aether pressure. The "lensing" effect due to its higher density around massive objects, exactly as predicted by the identical math. Due, in turn, to IT being the actual stuff noticeably attracted towards centers of mass from all directions at once. Reverse the cause. Notice how the same effects become evident in the mirror. Simples.

No reform of modern physics shall be televised. The "Standard Model" wasn't named lightly. The well established shall always fight change like hell and try to keep the masses asleep. Some of us are just very light sleepers.
The "lensing" effect due to its higher density around massive objects, exactly as predicted by the identical math.
That's what I was getting at without knowing they had said it already until now. If two dense aether fields attract each other using nothing but aether as a medium, then the same effect must create the gravity field in the first place starting at the nucleus. The nucleus is very similar to a 3d vacuum and the gravity field an area of its pull. Why do you think is the atomic particles stay fixed in density instead of expanding out? My guess is that it has something to do with the aether medium being unbreakable.
If two dense aether fields attract each other
Sorry, you've lost me again already.. The net effect of any local increase in Aether density (within or around any mass) is to repel all other masses equally which causes us to sense gravity as a pull rather than a push. There's no "aether fields attract each other". The Aether "medium", aside from being the obvious means of common light energy transfer, enables every other type of energy transfer, including gravitational. The energy holding atomic nuclei together is the same as that forming and holding all the galaxies together.. constant energy exchange from the dielectric (counterspace) to the magnetic (space) and back again through black holes and the like. Each proton begins as a star.. then reality slowly sets in..
The net effect of any local increase in Aether density (within or around any mass) is to repel all other masses equally which causes us to sense gravity as a pull rather than a push.
No pope. The density of the nucleus is unlike typical density and the medium of the aether unlike other medium's. Density in either case would mean more 'wiggle room' since all that is dense is the aether. The nucleus squeeze's the aether at its boundary making a gravity field, and the same squeezing effect happens when two gravity fields touch.
No pope. The density of the nucleus is unlike typical density and the medium of the aether unlike other medium's. Density in either case would mean more 'wiggle room' since all that is dense is the aether. The nucleus squeeze's the aether at its boundary making a gravity field, and the same squeezing effect happens when two gravity fields touch.
Great. Whatever.. When you manage to dig up anything compelling to back such assertions I'll be all ears..
Yeah, no, that's not how it works. Not hard being first to say something. Making sense is the challenge.
I think you're speaking of space while I'm speaking of spacetime, that's our disconnect. Spacetime is not flat. It can’t be: Einstein’s general theory of relativity says that matter and energy curve spacetime, and there are enough matter and energy lying around to provide for curvature.

Depending on how you see things, of course.

Spacetime might think that spacetime is flat, and everything else curves around it.
In the three years since this thread started, has the op built a giant slinky and posted a video of him and his dog being suspended in the "anti-gravity zone"?
If not, then I have but one thing to say;
Resurrection of necro-threads kills baby kittens and contributes to climate change.
In the three years since this thread started, has the op built a giant slinky and posted a video of him and his dog being suspended in the "anti-gravity zone"?
If not, then I have but one thing to say;
Resurrection of necro-threads kills baby kittens and contributes to climate change.
what thing is you good at?
I am certain I have the skill set to build a giant slinky, among other skills.
What are you good at?

See this simple design of a pipe coming from a pressure container with a turbine enclosing the pipe? Find anywhere for any type of turbine generator that this has ever been used. I dare you.

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