Zionist genocide in Israel

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser" Socrates

Netanyahu's dwindling army of scripted shills are all starting to sound alike:

"anti Semite", "Jew hater", "Muzzie lover", "Nazi", and now "liar" and "retard".....

You can deny the obvious for as long as you like but what the Netanyahu regime is doing to the sick, homeless and hungry residents of Gaza is not only criminal and inexcusable, it will fuel anti Israel / anti Jewish sentiment for generations.

  1. “Genocide; definition:
“Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. The term, derived from the Greek genos (“race,” “tribe,” or “nation”) and the Latin cide (“killing”), was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-born jurist who served as an adviser to the U.S. Department of War during World War II.”
That definition establishes that what is happening is not a genocide nor an attempted genocide.

Hamas is part of Israel's strategy to prevent any 2 state solution ever.
Notice he says, "Anyone who ....." :blahblah:All of the personal experience you and I have in the Arab/Muslim world and in the Middle East is inferior to his MSM, Dick & Jane convictions.
This is not accurate. The numbers of confirmed dead are 7797 children and 4959 women, as well as 1924 "elderly" (not defined, sex unknown). Yes, there is some number of "missing", but not confirmed dead.
These are the revised numbers posted by OCHA. The are unlikely to be entirely accurate in the midst of war, but ...

Do you think that anyone studying what the rational world is calling a genocide doesn't know that Zionists have inflated Jewish casualties for over a century?

- "167 newspaper and other references to "Six Million Jews" 1900-1945"


#165 1944 - Nahum Goldmann, Jewish Western Bulletin, December 8th, 1944: " ... apart from Jewish losses in combat service, 5,500,000 Jews have been killed in Germany and German-occupied tesritories [territories] since the outbreak of the awr [war]. These figures exceed the number anticipated even by the most pessimistic. ... Yes, the Germans murdered close to six million Jews ... "

#166 1944 - Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet War News, December 22nd, 1944: "In the regions they seized, Germans killed all Jews, from the old folks to infants in arms. Ask any German prisoners why his fellow countrymen annihilated six million innocent people ... " CONTINUED

- "Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks"

EXCERPTS "This is corroborated by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC),

Below is a list of all the fatalities of rocket and mortar attacks fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel in the entire history of these attacks. Throughout the years of rocket attacks into Israel, a total of 26 people have been killed altogether.

For 2008, it is unknown how the IDF transformed eight fatalities into fifteen.

After a full year of no Israelis being killed by rocket fire from Gaza, Israel had to invade Gaza, prompting the new killing of three Israeli civilians, which provides retroactive justification for the prompting itself.

Still, this is part of the story. As much as the IDF loves to play with numbers, there are certain numbers that it avoids, such as the numbers behind the artillery fire leveled against Gaza, which rivals the number of rocket attacks from Gaza."CONTINUED
Notice he says, "Anyone who ....." :blahblah:All of the personal experience you and I have in the Arab/Muslim world and in the Middle East is inferior to his MSM, Dick & Jane convictions.

I don't think it matters. Israel intends to go on killing Palestinians.

Christian Zionists think it's God's plan.

Jesus called them a den of vipers
John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
I don't think it matters. Israel intends to go on killing Palestinians.

Christian Zionists think it's God's plan.

Jesus called them a den of vipers
I understand that it may not matter but do you ever wished you could just slap their faces?

Well, I'll clarify.

Briefly put, I don't think that the veracity of of something is dependent on the ethnicity of the author.

I believe that Stalin said:
"The loss of one life is a tragedy, the loss of one million lives is a statistic."

What makes Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza especially heinous is the indiscriminate slaughter of so many civilians and deliberate starvation as a weapon.

Why is there no investigation into a despicable attack that is looking less and less like a "surprise"?

Well, I'll clarify.
I appreciate that.
Briefly put, I don't think that the veracity of of something is dependent on the ethnicity of the author.
I believe that Stalin said:
"The loss of one life is a tragedy, the loss of one million lives is a statistic."

What makes Netanyahu's genocidal foray around Gaza especially heinous is the indiscriminate slaughter of so many civilians and deliberate starvation as a weapon.
And this is why facts matter and the language we use is important. You have chosen specific language here, and I am assuming it is deliberate. Let's match that language to some facts and evidence. I have yet to see any evidence that Israel is committing "indiscriminate" acts, as opposed to acts against military objectives within the constraints of IHL. Nor have I seen any evidence of "deliberate starvation". I am not saying that no such evidence exists, merely none has been presented to me by those making claims such as yours in this post.

For clarity, NOT evidence:
  • opinion pieces, especially those employing emotive and inaccurate language
  • tokenizing Jews
  • articles which reframe the question or case being made
  • anything that moves the goal posts
  • outcomes as proof of intent
  • primary source documents
  • testimony from subject matter experts
  • reports from agencies with access to accurate information
That definition establishes that what is happening is not a genocide nor an attempted genocide.


To keep it simple, don't you think that the residents Gaza could be considered a group of people who are being killed because they are living on land that "Greater Israel" Settlers feel is theirs?

While 7 October was a horrible atrocity, it is looking less and less like a surprise and was part of cyclical violence that has been going on for decades.

To keep it simple, don't you think that the residents Gaza could be considered a group of people who are being killed because they are living on land that "Greater Israel" Settlers feel is theirs?
No. They are simply more or less innocent victims of war caused by Hamas.
While 7 October was a horrible atrocity, it is looking less and less like a surprise and was part of cyclical violence that has been going on for decades.
Which justifies it in no way at all. And Israel has an obligation to protect its people from such atrocities by Hamas.
To keep it simple, don't you think that the residents Gaza could be considered a group of people who are being killed because they are living on land that "Greater Israel" Settlers feel is theirs?
Had Gaza not attacked Israel on October 7, committing atrocities upon her citizens, would anyone in Gaza have been killed in the past 224 days? So, no. They are not being killed because Israel wants more beach. They are being killed as a result of incidental harm in a just war.

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