

Gold Member
Mar 14, 2015
Do anybody have any thoughts about this religion? Or maybe there is somebody on this forum who has acquaintances who consider themselves followers of Zoroaster? Please write your opinions about main ideas and doctrines of this religion or personal experience in it if someone has one.
There are over a billion followers of zoroastrianism. They are called Jews and Christians.
Do anybody have any thoughts about this religion? Or maybe there is somebody on this forum who has acquaintances who consider themselves followers of Zoroaster? Please write your opinions about main ideas and doctrines of this religion or personal experience in it if someone has one.
I have one friend who is Z.

Her family is Persian obviously.

They believe that Islam came from Z and that the Mo-Akmed story is all a myth.
I thought Zoroastrianism was the chaplain's religion in Catch22.
Zoroastrian cuisine is ELEGANT. ----and similar to kosher but pork is ok. Muslim Iranians I have
known DESPISE "arab food"------"arab language"-----"arab """ART""" " and "arab music"----
and arabs, in general. It seems that they like Zoroastrian culture LOTS and kinda claim
it in a perverse way. The world would be a better place of Iranians REVERTED to
Do anybody have any thoughts about this religion? Or maybe there is somebody on this forum who has acquaintances who consider themselves followers of Zoroaster? Please write your opinions about main ideas and doctrines of this religion or personal experience in it if someone has one.
I have one friend who is Z.

Her family is Persian obviously.

They believe that Islam came from Z and that the Mo-Akmed story is all a myth.
What can you say about her? Do she have some habits and practices related to this religion which seem strange or unusual for us?
Zoroastrian cuisine is ELEGANT. ----and similar to kosher but pork is ok. Muslim Iranians I have
known DESPISE "arab food"------"arab language"-----"arab """ART""" " and "arab music"----
and arabs, in general. It seems that they like Zoroastrian culture LOTS and kinda claim
it in a perverse way. The world would be a better place of Iranians REVERTED to
What do you mean saying 'in a perverse way'?
Zoroastrian cuisine is ELEGANT. ----and similar to kosher but pork is ok. Muslim Iranians I have
known DESPISE "arab food"------"arab language"-----"arab """ART""" " and "arab music"----
and arabs, in general. It seems that they like Zoroastrian culture LOTS and kinda claim
it in a perverse way. The world would be a better place of Iranians REVERTED to
What do you mean saying 'in a perverse way'?

Zoroastrians are persecuted in Iran------HATED. Iranian muslims I have known,
cite aspects of Zoroastrian culture as if it is THEIR OWN MUSLIM STUFF.
They do not offer attribution------kinda like THE AYATOILETS invented it.
As to the persecution of Zoroastrians past and present----like it does not and
never existed
There are over a billion followers of zoroastrianism. They are called Jews and Christians.
It is highly doubtful. The philosophy of Christianity and Zoroastrianism are quite different.
It was a poke.
Seems to me like a lot of their stories were ripped off from them.
Sumerians too.

very superficial knowledge is a dangerous -----THINGY

I read what i read rosie. It is what it is.
Obviously details are different but the themes are all the same. It would be like an author changing words up from a previous publication.
The stories are extremely similar. You know that.
There are over a billion followers of zoroastrianism. They are called Jews and Christians.
It is highly doubtful. The philosophy of Christianity and Zoroastrianism are quite different.
It was a poke.
Seems to me like a lot of their stories were ripped off from them.
Sumerians too.

very superficial knowledge is a dangerous -----THINGY

I read what i read rosie. It is what it is.
Obviously details are different but the themes are all the same. It would be like an author changing words up from a previous publication.
The stories are extremely similar. You know that.

all the MYTHS world wide-----share commonalities. If you want to approach the issue with some semblance of reality-----cite your examples. "ripped off" ? nope----just superficial similarities. -----OH LOOKIE another "flood story" must be a rip off by hindu dravdians from Sioux Indians of the north American southwest
There are over a billion followers of zoroastrianism. They are called Jews and Christians.
It is highly doubtful. The philosophy of Christianity and Zoroastrianism are quite different.
It was a poke.
Seems to me like a lot of their stories were ripped off from them.
Sumerians too.

very superficial knowledge is a dangerous -----THINGY

I read what i read rosie. It is what it is.
Obviously details are different but the themes are all the same. It would be like an author changing words up from a previous publication.
The stories are extremely similar. You know that.

all the MYTHS world wide-----share commonalities. If you want to approach the issue with some semblance of reality-----cite your examples. "ripped off" ? nope----just superficial similarities. -----OH LOOKIE another "flood story" must be a rip off by hindu dravdians from Sioux Indians of the north American southwest
Garden of the gods (eden)
Heaven and hell
7 arc angels
Bones not touching the earth
Virgin birth
Hek, abraham was sumerian. I mean.. come on lol
It is highly doubtful. The philosophy of Christianity and Zoroastrianism are quite different.
It was a poke.
Seems to me like a lot of their stories were ripped off from them.
Sumerians too.

very superficial knowledge is a dangerous -----THINGY

I read what i read rosie. It is what it is.
Obviously details are different but the themes are all the same. It would be like an author changing words up from a previous publication.
The stories are extremely similar. You know that.

all the MYTHS world wide-----share commonalities. If you want to approach the issue with some semblance of reality-----cite your examples. "ripped off" ? nope----just superficial similarities. -----OH LOOKIE another "flood story" must be a rip off by hindu dravdians from Sioux Indians of the north American southwest
Garden of the gods (eden)
Heaven and hell
7 arc angels
Bones not touching the earth
Virgin birth
Hek, abraham was sumerian. I mean.. come on lol

""bones not touching earth"" ??? right------the VIKINGS got their VALHALLA
from Sumeria too. "garden of the gods"?? HAPPY HUNTING GROUNDS.
you be silly-------read FREUD------even children DREAM in the HUMAN SYMBOLS
when they are four years old. ---------The Lenilenape Indians had "RESSURECTION"
fantasies----------from SUMERIA
Do anybody have any thoughts about this religion? Or maybe there is somebody on this forum who has acquaintances who consider themselves followers of Zoroaster? Please write your opinions about main ideas and doctrines of this religion or personal experience in it if someone has one.

Long time since I studied it. It isn't 'monotheistic' as some claim, and little of it is really similar to 'Christianity', that's also a fake claim, it's very intellectually unsophisticated stuff in comparison with Jewish theology, but still an improvement over paganism, even with its obsession with demonology, with its advance from human sacrifice to animal sacrifice. It appears after Judaism and some others, not before, and its 'creed' is more than a little infantile.It doesn't have anything to recommend it over Christianity, but then no others do, either. As Hegel said, Christianity is the highest intellectual evolution of theology, logic, and philosophy, bar none.

AVESTA: YASNA: (English)

As for 'influence on Islam', Islam isn't a religion, so that claim is just silly. Islam has no theology of its own, just a claim that some illiterate mentally retarded homicidal desert bandit had some 'visions', most of which was later eaten by his family goat. Please, just stop with the ridiculous assertions already; nothing in 'Islam' is original theology, all of it came from surrounding cults.
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There are over a billion followers of zoroastrianism. They are called Jews and Christians.
It is highly doubtful. The philosophy of Christianity and Zoroastrianism are quite different.
It was a poke.
Seems to me like a lot of their stories were ripped off from them.
Sumerians too.

very superficial knowledge is a dangerous -----THINGY

I read what i read rosie. It is what it is.
Obviously details are different but the themes are all the same. It would be like an author changing words up from a previous publication.
The stories are extremely similar. You know that.

One of the more hilarious illogical claims is that because some historical claim in the OT might resemble some other culture's historical beliefs, it was 'stolen' or something and therefore the OT is ' all lies n stuff', as if in order to be 'true' they have to have entirely different historical claims or something, which is just weird 'logic'; the same for moral precepts and other comparisons, as if there is some requirement they all have to be completely different and not universal experiences and concepts.

Cuz, like, nobody else is supposed to have had floods or saw comets n stuff , and cuz somebody else besides Jews experienced those and wrote about it that means they faked it all and 'stole' the stories .... lol what a hoot.

And, in any case, many of those myths alleged to have been invented before the OT turn out to be later revised myths and in fact influenced by the OT and Christian beliefs by later writers, and that includes Egyptian myths.

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