Zuckerberg: Facebook is in 'arms race' with "Russia"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"Carthage must be destroyed" , what should be the USA´s new step in order to win this war with Nigeria in Snow?


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has told US Senators his company is in a constant battle with Russian operators seeking to exploit the social network.

"This is an arms race.
They're going to keep getting better," he said.

Facebook: We're in arms race with Russia
'Z' is in LEAGUE with Russia. The dude gave Putin the platform from which to run his PsyOps programs that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for him, to spread division and violence....and evidence shows he was PAID ... in RUBBLES ... so he can't say he did not know he was in league with Vlad and Russia.

'Z' also ILLEGALLY spied on as many Americans (Just like Barry ... and Mueller) - and others around the world - and leaked / shared / SOLD as much of their info as possible.

It is no surprise, then, that he and Mueller are butt-buddies, violating personal rights, com mitting crimes, and refusing to tell even the US govt what they have done / are doing.
'Z' is in LEAGUE with Russia. The dude gave Putin the platform from which to run his PsyOps programs that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for him, to spread division and violence....and evidence shows he was PAID ... in RUBBLES ... so he can't say he did not know he was in league with Vlad and Russia.

'Z' also ILLEGALLY spied on as many Americans (Just like Barry ... and Mueller) - and others around the world - and leaked / shared / SOLD as much of their info as possible.

It is no surprise, then, that he and Mueller are butt-buddies, violating personal rights, com mitting crimes, and refusing to tell even the US govt what they have done / are doing.
Z is of the ruling class, so he thinks he is entitled.

Funny how he meets with congressmen BEFORE his congressional testimony. He likely owns congress.
That basically says he sold everyone's data.
no said that he fights for your freedom everyday, what you do for your country and for our freedom ?
Unless you are 2 black ladies who support trump.
The really absurd thing about congress grilling Zuckerfuck about privacy, is the federal government is the BIGGEST abuser of American citizen's privacy. Hypocrisy and the federal government are one and the same.

What an F-ing joke.
That basically says he sold everyone's data.
no said that he fights for your freedom everyday, what you do for your country and for our freedom ?
Unless you are 2 black ladies who support trump.
The really absurd thing about congress grilling Zuckerfuck about privacy, is the federal government is the BIGGEST abuser of American citizen's privacy. Hypocrisy and the federal government are one and the same.

What an F-ing joke.
yep. whole bunch of asshole in the room at that time.

what i said when all this broke out with cambridge was that it wasn't just because cambridge did it, bad them. not even because zuck let *his* side do it 5 years previously.

it was because when his side did it it set the timetable that he knew it could be done and that's 5 years of doing nothing about it at all.

don't worry about tracking cookies and targeted ads. those are going nowhere. opting out? good god i've tried but it ignores me. meh, just ignore the targeted ones as much as i do the others and move on.

worry about the fact he has shown a blatant disregard for privacy for a long time. add in his serious misfires now of:
1) retracting 10+ year old mail - a "feature" that only he has it would seem and it goes against his terms and conditions.
2) going after medical history. to me this screams fake news so maybe this is bogus. have not heard much more on it and i think if true it would headline somewhere other than drudge.
3) serious bias in how they affect the reach of conservative groups. 2 black ladies are a danger to the community? oh no you did'n facebook! no one and i mean NO ONE can defend that one. i don't care who they like they are no danger, just don't listen if you don't like 'em or their topic but stop whining about what they're talking about. good lord get a life.
4) reach is gone. appeal dead. kids don't use it. put all this into 1 but i can promise you the *reach* i used to have is about 30% of what it was 6 months plus ago. boosting a post is a way to pay to get more reach but it mostly just allows more people you already busted your ass to like your site to see your posts. its not enough they like you and want to see your news, you have to play the wordsmith games that they change in the background and not tell people. but whatever the reason, my "likes" are dropping and paying for a campaign got me 12 more, 6 of which are already gone. a year ago i'd get a few hundred and they'd stay. the reason many are leaving isn't cause they unlike my page per se, but because they deactivate their profile.

facebook is not likely to survive this storm.

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