Live - Massive 80,000 People Turn Out for Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ

Yeah you never answered what part of the laptop was Russian disinformation don't you understand?
Don’t know, I haven’t seen the laptop. The fact that it ended up in the hands of a blind cou repairman who gave it to Rudy Giuliani during an election year…. Come on… you’d be a moron to not smell the stink on that
The letter was election interference. Designed to pad Joe Biden. He even used it during the debate. It's called corruption for those who have difficulty with the English language.
The letter was morning of the sort. Yall are being programmed to be snowflakes and call everything election interference because that’s what Trump is being charged with. That’s what he does. Accuse his accusers of what he is being accused of. It’s very transparent
Don’t know, I haven’t seen the laptop. The fact that it ended up in the hands of a blind cou repairman who gave it to Rudy Giuliani during an election year…. Come on… you’d be a moron to not smell the stink on that

You'd have to be a moron not to smell the stink on the suppression of this story to interfere with the 2020 election.
Don’t know, I haven’t seen the laptop. The fact that it ended up in the hands of a blind cou repairman who gave it to Rudy Giuliani during an election year…. Come on… you’d be a moron to not smell the stink on that
Let's go back a little bit. This whole discussion is about how Anthony blinken recruited these so-called Justice Department officials to certify that Hunter Biden's laptop was just Russian disinformation and we should disregard it. That turned out to be a lie. First you disputed that they even said it now you're saying you don't know. Biden lied about it during his debate. Is this really okay with you?
The letter was morning of the sort. Yall are being programmed to be snowflakes and call everything election interference because that’s what Trump is being charged with. That’s what he does. Accuse his accusers of what he is being accused of. It’s very transparent
Wait a minute, this election interference was way earlier than anything Trump did. That this is okay with you shows what a hypocrite you are. This whole scenario is what MAGA means when they say it was a rigged election. I don't really expect you to understand it because you are of limited language skills and intellect. I will try to make it simple though, Biden was elected through this type of malfeasance and is a tainted elector. Sorry for the big word buddy. You do need a little motivation it looks like to get a further education. I'm here for you
You'd have to be a moron not to smell the stink on the suppression of this story to interfere with the 2020 election.
There’s nothing we know about that story now that we didn’t know then that would have made an ounce of difference during the election.
Anthony blinken recruited these so-called Justice Department officials to certify that Hunter Biden's laptop was just Russian disinformation and we should disregard it
There’s another lie right there. Nobody certified the laptop as Russian disinformation. If you disagree then show the quote where they did stated that. You can’t. Stop lying
Wait a minute, this election interference was way earlier than anything Trump did. That this is okay with you shows what a hypocrite you are. This whole scenario is what MAGA means when they say it was a rigged election. I don't really expect you to understand it because you are of limited language skills and intellect. I will try to make it simple though, Biden was elected through this type of malfeasance and is a tainted elector. Sorry for the big word buddy. You do need a little motivation it looks like to get a further education. I'm here for you
There’s nothing in this laptop story that affects the election. There’s nothing on the cia letter that was untrue. You’re acting like a bitter snowflake because you lost and can’t admit it
There’s nothing we know about that story now that we didn’t know then that would have made an ounce of difference during the election.
Then why did the FBI work hard to suppress the Biden laptop story? Why did Anthony blinken work with Justice Department officials to get that letter diminishing the information onthe laptop Biden could use it during the debate? You have to really be a moron not be able to put two and two together here. Either that or a lying dishonest cheat. Which is it?
There’s nothing in this laptop story that affects the election. There’s nothing on the cia letter that was untrue. You’re acting like a bitter snowflake because you lost and can’t admit it
You just can't admit that it was a rigged election because for some reason you are beholden to your Democrat Masters. Is it a cult thing? Are you just kind of stupid? I prefer to think the latter. Those Democrats sure teach you how to lie well that's for sure.
Why did Anthony blinken work with Justice Department officials to get that letter diminishing the information onthe laptop Biden could use it during the debate?
You’d have to ask him. Probably because he saw a lot of unverified accusations and lies being spread
They didn’t. They were combating a huge wave of disinformation
Yes they did, where were you? They knew the laptop was real. Do I have to teach you everything you know or could you do a little research yourself? I would appreciate it.
You just can't admit that it was a rigged election because for some reason you are beholden to your Democrat Masters. Is it a cult thing? Are you just kind of stupid? I prefer to think the latter. Those Democrats sure teach you how to lie well that's for sure.
Why would I admit something that’s an obvious falsehood. Trump had planned to claim victory and call it rigged before the election even took place. It’s a tactic he uses because he can’t show weakness and can’t admit to losing
You’d have to ask him. Probably because he saw a lot of unverified accusations and lies being spread
No I'm asking you moron. You seem to know all about it. So you're saying that they were that stupid that they got fooled by the Russians.. again?
Why would I admit something that’s an obvious falsehood. Trump had planned to claim victory and call it rigged before the election even took place. It’s a tactic he uses because he can’t show weakness and can’t admit to losing
When the government gets involved in social media to slant the news or censor the news. That's called rigging an election.
You just can't admit that it was a rigged election because for some reason you are beholden to your Democrat Masters. Is it a cult thing? Are you just kind of stupid? I prefer to think the latter. Those Democrats sure teach you how to lie well that's for sure.
I’m not a democrat either
When the government gets involved in social media to slant the news or censor the news. That's called rigging an election.
The only thing the government did was try and curb misinformation. Also Trump was in charge of the government at that time. Problem he had was he was the purveyor of much disinformation himself so he just added to the chaos
Why do you find that hard to believe? Let me give you some statistics. I live next to a town called Pickens, in SC. The population is 3,392. Trump came to town and brought 50,000 people. That is fact. It's time for your denial to stop....

I've seen the pictures. That ain't 80K, it's 40.

Still a very respectable crowd, I don't understand why you guys feel the need to lie about it.

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