
  1. deanrd

    Trump's swamp people: Shockingly, the administration's vetting process was a total mess

    Trump's swamp people: Building an empire of corruption He has surrounded himself with family members, appointees and advisers who’ve been accused of conflicts of interest, misuse of public funds, influence peddling, self-enrichment, working for foreign governments, failure to disclose...
  2. deanrd

    Trump: they were looking to get us for lies

    So they keep playing this clip of George Stephanopoulos asking Donald Trump about whether or not he colluded with Russian and obstruction of justice. So George asked Donald why he didn’t testify to the Mueller team? And Donald Trump answered: they were looking to get us for lies. Is that...
  3. Dan Stubbs

    The Cartels are Busy in Russia.

    Seems the Cartels are busy in Russia now. In January of this year, police and customs officials discovered 50 kilograms of cocaine in a shipping container with bananas from Ecuador, while in August 2016, customs officials seized more than 21 kilograms of cocaine from the country in a container...
  4. Litwin

    'Sex With Stalin' BDSM Game Enrages Russian Communists

    "Enrages Russian Communists" WHY ? 'Sex With Stalin' BDSM Game Enrages Russian Communists - The Moscow Times
  5. Litwin

    European Refiners Could Ditch Poor Quality "Russian" Crude |

    finito of juchi project , how long it will take ? "European refiners are left with lower-quality imports from Russia and are now reviewing how much Russian crude they would buy and at what price, Reuters reported on Monday, citing traders and sources close to European refiners. The quality of...
  6. The Original Tree

    What is Best For America?

    Should that not always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us? It should not be, "What is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump?" It should be, what is best for America. I think The Voters made that choice. They knew Trump...
  7. The Original Tree

    The Party Is Over & You Are The Drunk Still On The Lawn In The Morning

    The Democrat Party is like a drunk on the front lawn after a raucous party. The cops were called a couple times to respond to the disturbances and told you to "keep it down". Someone rode a horse through the living room and out through the picture window. There is some fat girls panties...
  8. midcan5

    Russian Troll Talks

    Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful. Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think...
  9. deanrd

    What is the biggest story of this week?

    What is the biggest story of this week? The trade war with China? The missile test in North Korea? Russian troops in Venezuela? Trump and his 10 felonies from the Mueller report? The constitutional crisis between the executive branch and congressional oversight as outlined in the...
  10. The Original Tree

    Why America should do Weapons Drops and Food Drops for The Venezuelan People

    If Obama can sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Interfere in Israel's Elections, Inerfere in The Ukraine's Elections, Provide money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya to launch a COUP and ASSASSINATE Qaddafi, give millions in cash and weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow Egypt. Give...
  11. deanrd

    North Korea brand new weapons test. First time in a year.

    North Korea says Kim oversaw testing of multiple rocket launchers Trump loves little Kim, Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Trump has all this love for these murderers. And they make him look like such a fool.
  12. EvilEyeFleegle

    No End in Sight for Contaminated Russian Oil Crisis

    As most of us know, the rapid rise in gas prices is due to Russia's main pipeline to Europe being found full of contaminated oil. The losses are is the idea that no-one yet knows exactly what happened: How Russia contaminated $2.7 billion in oil exports to Europe "For the next...
  13. Litwin

    European nation needs our solidarity - Putins Term Limit Stirs Fears of a Takeover in Belarus - Asia

    European nation needs our solidarity - Asiatic barbarians strike - Putins Term Limit Stirs Fears of a Takeover in Belarus. what is Putler´s plan or plans ? does he has any realistic goals ? Its clear for everyone that Belarus will never become a region of Muscovite empire "Putin’s Term...
  14. georgephillip

    Trump, Russia, and November 2020

    "Kirstjen Nielsen, the former homeland security secretary, tried to raise the issue of potential interference in the 2020 election, but was told not to mention it in front of President Trump." If anyone still finds the FBI a credible for source for counterintelligence information, they should...
  15. The Original Tree

    Comey, Clapper & Brennan could get 300 Years in Prison!

    Avenatti, once the number one candidate for The Democrat Party Nomination Will now NEVER BE PRESIDENT and neither will the above mentioned criminals. All 4 have something in common. They all thought they were above the law, and they are all in jeopardy for spending the rest of their lives in...
  16. longknife

    US withdraws troops from Libya amid rival militias fighting near capital

    Thank the Lord! We’re not sending in more to try to “stabilize the situation” as we have so many times in the past. BENGHAZI, Libya — The United States said Sunday it has temporarily withdrawn some of its forces from Libya due to “security conditions on the ground,” as a Libyan military...
  17. T

    Repressions against Crimean Tatars – state policy of Russia

    On the March 27th and 28th 2019 Russian enforcement units provided special operation in several regions of annexed Crimea, and 23 Crimean Tatars have been arrested because of their alleged participation in “Hizb-ut-Tahrir” (prohibited in Russia). All arrested persons were moved to the prisons of...
  18. S

    Arctic is the territory of the dialog

    The next fifth anniversary forum “Arctic is the territory of the dialog” will be held in St. Petersburg at the beginning of April. Are there good causes for optimism? The answer is easy. Present and more warming Arctic opens to the world wider opportunities not only for extension of major...
  19. deanrd

    Is trump going after Jesse Smollett a witchhunt?

    Is trump going after Jesse Smollett a witchhunt? President Donald Trump says FBI will look into Jussie Smollett case The FBI is supposed to get involved when it’s a matter of national security. Chicago has already decided to drop the charges against this young man and everything involving the...
  20. deanrd

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction?

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction? We all know that Donald Trump Senior wrote a letter for Donald Trump Junior to explain the Russian meeting at Trump Tower. They said it was about Russian adoption when we know from emails it was about getting dirt on Hillary...
  21. deanrd

    Russian planes carrying Russian troops land in Venezuela

    The Trump administration has levied crippling sanctions on the OPEC nation's oil industry in efforts to push Maduro from power and has called on Venezuelan military leaders to abandon him. Maduro has denounced the sanctions as U.S. interventionism and has won diplomatic backing from Russia and...
  22. deanrd

    Should you judge a man by the company he keeps?

    Should you judge a man by the company he keeps? Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort is going to prison for 7 1/2 years as well as losing all his money. Michael Flynn, trumps security chief, is probably going to prison, he’s asked for sentencing to be delayed so he could help out some...
  23. The Original Tree

    Cohen Caught In More Lies During Hearing: Additional Criminal Referrals Coming.

    GOP reps refer ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to DOJ for alleged perjury during hearing As I had said before when I listened to The Hearings, this guy just can't keep his story straight even with Adam Schiff and Cummings coaching him. Now he is going to have his jail time extended.
  24. The Original Tree

    Cohen Russian To Attack The House of Representatives & America

    This Crooked Douchebag who stole thousands of dollars from The Trump Organization sure is in a hurry to get some smears in on The President after being disbarred, and now on his way to prison for laying To Congress....(unlike Hillary). Now that it's clear after several investigations that the...
  25. deanrd

    Republicans are still pushing the Hillary/uranium/Russia conspiracy.

    Trump’s cronies are in secret talks to sell nuclear tech to Saudi. The risks are clear House investigates 'White House plan' to share nuclear technology with Saudis Remember, it was Saudi Arabians headed by bin Laden that brought down the World Trade Center. And now Republicans want to sell...
  26. deanrd

    Do Republicans really believe that the US going it alone is safer?

    Do Republicans really believe that the US going it alone is safer? There’s a famous phrase. It’s called “I’ve got your back“. That’s why, historically, we sign treaties. For protection. Russia and North Korea and other despotic regimes will never have our back. They want to see America...
  27. The Original Tree

    The Democrat Party Fatally Shot Themselves in The Foot for 2020 by Gambling on Russian Roullete

    Trying to stretch out a FAKE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION for another year is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It's clear now Mueller was appointed as a retaliatory act for firing Deep State Loyalist, James Comey, as there was no crime to ever investigate. As was suspected all along, thanks to The Patriotic Work...
  28. The Original Tree

    What Did Manafort & Podesta have in Common? Hillary Clinton

    The Podesta Group’s Board composed entirely of Russian Nationals got their hooks in to Clinton, then took her and Obama’s $14 Million, laundered it through COIE law firm to Fusion GPS to pay Russians to interfere in our elections like Obama tried to interfere in Israel’s Elections. The Paper...
  29. JGalt

    Why Russia?

    We've been hearing for over the last two years how "Russian trolls/bots are trying to influence our elections with their propaganda." I also expect that we'll be hearing it more as the 2020 election grown near. But I can't for the life of me figure out the logic behind that often-repeated...
  30. deanrd

    The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

    The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more? We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school. We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies. And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut...

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