The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Should that not always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us?

It should not be, "What is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump?"

It should be, what is best for America.

I think The Voters made that choice.

They knew Trump was a brash, opinionated New Yorker who tells it like he sees it. Most of America is sick of politicians who get rich off the taxpayer's backs and provide nothing in return but empty platitudes, empty promises, and little work to resolve issues.

The biggest problems America had in 2016 were as follows:

1.) The Economy
2.) A Weakened Military and undermined American influence in The World
3.) Excessive Regulations on Business
4.) High taxes
5.) Illegal Immigration, and Asylum Crisis and the associated costs with supporting 1 Million Illegals a year coming in to The US.
6.) Iran, North Korea, China & Russian influence in the World
7.) ISIS
8.) The Disaster that is Obamacare

Congress especially The Left, has done nothing about any of these issues, but as I look at all of them, it seems that only one trying to do the job done he was elected to do IS President Trump.

The Democrat Party does not know how to combat Trump. They don't want to give him even the smallest political victories even though they might be what is best for America. On the surface, it seems like they only care about diminishing The President's Power and Popularity for the sole purpose of gaining more seats in Congress, so they can begin pushing their Open Borders, New Green Scam Deal, and Raid Medicare and Social Security so they can give it to people who have never paid in to it.

This is the worst form of politics and represents buying and selling of votes. That's not what is best for America, and if The Democrat Party does not start doing the jobs they are paid to do, I think they find themselves voted out of office in 2020.

In fact, I think the 2020 elections will end up being a nightmare scenario for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and the Democrats, so perhaps in their panic, this is why they appear to be unhinged, and desperate to smear The President at every turn instead of trying to get something done.

Below is a Leftist Article clearly Anti-Trump but it highlights a big problem for Democrats...... The Country Hates them right now, and may hate them even more in 2021.

2021 Could Be a Nightmare For Democrats — Even If Trump Loses
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Should that always be The Underlying Question to each and everything we do as Americans, and we ask our Government to do for us?

It should not be, "what is best for Obama, or Clinton, or Trump."

It should be, what is best for America.

I think The Voters made that choice.

They knew Trump was a brash, opinionated New Yorker who tells it like he sees it. Most of America is sick of politicians who get rich off the taxpayer's backs and provide nothing in return but empty platitudes, empty promises, and little work to resolve issues.

The biggest problems America had in 2016 were as follows:

1.) The Economy
2.) A Weakened Military and undermined American influence in The World
3.) Excessive Regulations on Business
4.) High taxes
5.) Illegal Immigration, and Asylum Crisis and the associated costs with supporting 1 Million Illegals a year coming in to The US.
6.) Iran, North Korea, China & Russian influence in the World
7.) ISIS
8.) The Disaster that is Obamacare

Congress especially The Left, has done nothing about any of these issues, but as I look at all of them, it seems that only one trying to do the job he was elected to do was president Trump.

The Democrat Party does not know how to combat Trump. They don't want to give him even the smallest political victories even though they might be what is best for America. On the surface, it seems like they only care about diminishing The President's Power and Popularity for the sole purpose of gaining more seats in Congress, so they can begin pushing their Open Borders, New Green Scam Deal, and Raid Medicare and Social Security so they can give it to people who have never paid in to it.

This is the worst form of politics and represents buying and selling of votes. That's not what is best for America, and if The Democrat Party does not start doing the jobs they are paid to do, I think they find themselves voted out of office in 2020.

In fact, I think the 2020 elections will end up being a nightmare scenario for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer and the Democrats, so perhaps in their panic, this is why they appear to be unhinged, and desperate to smear The President at every turn instead of trying to get something done.

Below is a Leftist Article clearly Anti-Trump but it highlights a big problem for Democrats...... The Country Hates them right now, and may hate them even more in 2021.

2021 Could Be a Nightmare For Democrats — Even If Trump Loses
What would be best for the United States? If all liberals disappeared from the face of the earth. Democrats are not patriots and hate America. They’ve been try to destroy her since Lyndon Johnson launched the bullshit Great Society programs then did all they could to lose the Vietnam War.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, Out of 3,082 Counties, President Trump won 2,626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That means President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact that Clinton won 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% Of County Elections in The US is very telling. That is an extremely narrow demographic and cross section of The American Public.

The Fact that she also lost despite spending $1.5 Billion Dollars given to her by donors, vs. Trump's $225 million largely financed by himself, tells you how much people disliked Hillary Clinton. She tried to spend, lie and cheat her way to The White House and even with Obama's help, and a Russian Dossier, she could not overcome her unlike-ability & how much people are repulsed by her.

In Conclusion:

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country that voted for President Trump.

Here is your 15%

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I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.

That's it...keep saying it enough and maybe it will come true.

New Study Reveals That People With High IQs Usually Have One Thing in Common

It's common knowledge that the average IQ of urban vs. rural is WAY higher in urban.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.

But he had support from a more diverse and wide area of the country. Electoral College is about preserving a representative democracy. Founders wanted states voices to be heard. Not just New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Take a basic civics class before you post anymore stupid shit.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.

That's it...keep saying it enough and maybe it will come true.

New Study Reveals That People With High IQs Usually Have One Thing in Common

It's common knowledge that the average IQ of urban vs. rural is WAY higher in urban.
That’s’re a liberal. That makes you a narcissistic asshole . The Unibomber had that same attitude. You’re just a dick with no common sense.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.

Tree just showed you the math.

'Tree' showed me shit.

You think I would waste 5 seconds reading a post from that racist, misogynistic piece-of-excrement?

I saw the thread and posted.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.

But he had support from a more diverse and wide area of the country. Electoral College is about preserving a representative democracy. Founders wanted states voices to be heard. Not just New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Take a basic civics class before you post anymore stupid shit.
Compare with The Clinton Map:

I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

That is a Complete Farce.

Presidential Elections are 50 separate State Elections.

The President won 33 States to Clinton's 17 States.

Clinton only won a hand full of Lawless Sanctuary Cities across America.

Furthermore, President Trump won 2, 626 counties vs Clinton only winning 487.

That mean President Trump won 85% of all the county elections in The US vs. Clinton winning just 15% of all the counties.

This gave The President 304 Electoral Votes to Clinton's 227.

The Fact she got 227 Electoral votes by winning just 15% OF County Elections in The US is very telling.

15% Of Sanctuary Cities should not dictate to 85% of the country.

Here is your 15%

Great post tree. NYC, Chicago, and L.A. don’t run our nation. Their voice is not more important than people living in rural areas.

That's it...keep saying it enough and maybe it will come true.

New Study Reveals That People With High IQs Usually Have One Thing in Common

It's common knowledge that the average IQ of urban vs. rural is WAY higher in urban.
That’s’re a liberal. That makes you a narcissistic asshole . The Unibomber had that same attitude. You’re just a dick with no common sense.

One - how could I be liberal when I have never voted for a Dem in my life? Sheesh - you Trumpbots just refuse to think. You just label.

Two - so it's not common sense that study after study proves that the IQ or urbanites is FAR higher then those who live in the country?


I grew up in the country. Nice people...but most of them are average-to-DUMB. And those I knew who were smart...usually left for the city as fast as they could go.
I think The Voters made that choice.

The voters chose Clinton by about 3 million.

Why are Trumpbots so STAGGERINGLY bad at math?

Trump won the pathetic EC...but he lost the PV by millions.

Hello dumb dumb's...that means Americans chose Clinton over Trump.

Tree just showed you the math.

'Tree' showed me shit.

You think I would waste 5 seconds reading a post from that racist, misogynistic piece-of-excrement?

I saw the thread and posted.
I guess math is "Shit" in Lib Tard DemNazi world.

You went to a public school, didn't you?

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