
  1. deanrd

    What does the Republican embrace of Russia and North Korea and Arabia mean for the US?

    It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of: Russia North Korea Saudi Arabia The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin. More Republicans...
  2. deanrd

    After lending more than $2.5 billion, Deutsche Bank told Trump "NO MORE LOANS"! Why?

    After lending more than $2.5 billion, Deutsche Bank told Trump "NO MORE LOANS"! Why? Trump Sought a Loan During the 2016 Campaign. Deutsche Bank Said No. In 1998, it lent Mr. Trump $125 million for renovations on a Wall Street skyscraper. The relationship blossomed, and over the next 17...
  3. deanrd

    What is left in the Donald Trump/Vladimir Putin CHECK LIST?

    So suppose Trump really does work for Vladimir Putin. And Putin gave Trump a "Check List" of things he wants done. So what is left to do on that speculative "Check List". We can start with what Trump and the Republicans have already "accomplished": 1. Trump has divided the nation. CHECK 2...
  4. deanrd

    Wow! What Hillary said! Trump is "Putin's Puppet". And time will only prove her right!

    Secrets handed over to Russia by Trump in the Oval Office. Trump defending Russian interference in our election. Trump defending Russian Oligarchs. Trump removing sanctions. Trump lying. And Hillary told Trump he would be Putin's Puppets. Turns out, she was right. Watch Trump lie. Right...
  5. The Original Tree

    Nancy Pelosi is being BLACKMAILED by Pakistan

    Hillary Rotten Clinton and WashHerDirtyAss Schultz hired Pakistani Hackers to pry in to the Congressional Files of your Congressmen and Congresswomen in the hopes it would give them an edge in the 2016 election. Never mind that the FBI at the time really didn't give a shit and tried to help...
  6. The Original Tree

    DemNazi Party Just Weaponized Congress against The President with an eye on 2020.

    Secret Depositions, Secret Courts, and more Unconstitutional Nonsense. The DemNazi party is out for blood even if The Mueller report completely exonerates The President. An Army of Inquisitors will soon be running Washington DC. It's McCarthyism all over again, only darker and much uglier...
  7. deanrd

    Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin?

    Is Ann Coulter working with Vladimir Putin? Donald Trump is doing what Ann Coulter says and he shut down our government. So we know Vladimir Putin wants the United States destroyed. And we know that Republicans see Vladimir Putin has a strong leader and many want him for president even...
  8. deanrd

    Did we win the "Cold War" only to lose it with the election of Donald Trump?

    Did we? It was because of NATO that we won the Cold War. Now that Trump wants to turn NATO into a Mafia Style "Pay for Protection" scheme and Trump is threatening to kick countries out of NATO that won't pay, is NATO over? Did we lose the Cold War to Russia. Clearly, Trump works for Russia...
  9. The Original Tree

    Was Barak Hussein Obama Already Owned By Russia During His Debate With Romney?

    Let's review: Made a joke about the threat of Russia to America's Security Interests In a Hot Mic moment made a promise to work a back room deal with Putin Gave a Iran, A Terrorist State, $150 Billion to buy Russian Missile technology and Uranium Centrifuges Gutted our military Fired...
  10. deanrd

    But, that's what he said about Stormy, remember?

    I was watching the president on the South Lawn. He was asked if he knew his campaign was sharing polling data with the Russians. And he said, "No, I didn't know anything about it". But that's what he said about Stormy and it turned out there was a tape. Can Republicans believe him this time...
  11. deanrd

    Remember when Trump shoved the leader of Montenegro? Everyone asked: What was that about?

    Anyone watching Rachel Maddow? Apparently, two weeks into to his administration, the Trump administration asked if Poland was about to invade Belarus. Somehow, someone put into Trump's mind that Poland was about to invade Belarus. The only person in the entire world who ever made such a claim...
  12. Litwin

    "ruSSia" has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States"

    I just wonder what Trump is gonna do , will he still protect putler in 2019 if putler ´d deploy the Gulf Stream... "ruSSia has proposed to deploy the Gulf Stream for the destruction of the United States" , A thermonuclear charge of a radial dyke of the Icelandic Snayfelsjokull volcano will...
  13. Litwin

    Belarusian Lukašenka about "Russia": I'm not talking "brotherly state". We will be partners

    accruing Halford John Mackinder and many other strategists, Belarus strategically is the most importer country in the world. he said more than 100 years ago, who controls Belarus (partly Ukraine, Baltics, and Poland) , commands the world. and lt´s clear that Pulter´s Ozero is losing the battle...
  14. deanrd

    Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

    Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies? Just So it’s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president. The current president of the United States is Donald Trump. Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies? And if he lies does that bother them? What are...
  15. The Original Tree

    Fusion GPS worked directly with The FBI on The Dirty Dossier

    Well, there you have it. The Insurance Policy was not only a COUP launched by senior members of The Obama DOJ and FBI, but it was collaboration with FUSION GPS, Christopher Steele, and other Russian Agents on the Dossier itself. So the FBI knew BEFORE any so called investigation in to Fake...
  16. deanrd

    At some point, the Statute of Limitations will run out on Hillary. What will the GOP do then?

    I was watching Fox News. There was a lady in place of Bret Baier. They were sitting there in a panel, four of them including the woman who was in place of Bret. In a ten minute period, I bet they said Hillary at least 20 times. Hillary hasn't been in any kind of office since 2013. We have...
  17. deanrd

    Chuck and Nancy dismantled Donald. Imagine what Vladimir did?

    Donald Trump brought the press into a meeting where he thought he was going to run over Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. But no matter how much a liar tries, he can’t beat people telling the truth. Not in the long run. So if Donald Trump was easily manhandled by Nancy Pelosi, I can only...
  18. Weatherman2020

    Wiped, Like with a Cloth

    SCO’s Records Officer told the OIG that as part of the office’s records retention procedure, the officer reviewed Strzok’s DOJ issued iPhone after he returned it to the SCO and determined it contained no substantive text messages,” the OIG report said in stating that Strzok’s phone had been...
  19. T

    Butina admits conspiring as Kremlin Agent targetting GOP, NRA

    I'd say it's hardly surprising to me that the NRA is being found to be in bed with Russia. It's a focus of Mueller's investigation. Russian mole Butina has been pictured with just about every influential Republican tied with them. This certainly adds a new dimension to the scope of the collusion...
  20. The Original Tree

    Russia, Radical Islam Behind Caravans: The Monroe Doctrine & War on The American Continent

    Friends, Enemies, Allies and Haters of America: There will be a war on The American Continent within 20 Years. I read a lot of International Newspapers, and am involved in multiple discussion groups, and do a lot of research. Russia wants a military foothold and alliances in Latin America...
  21. Litwin

    BAMBOOSTAN NEWS> “Russia" ’s Most Advanced Robot” Turns Out to Be Man in Robot Suit.

    BAMBOOSTAN NEWS> “Russia" ’s Most Advanced Robot” Turns Out to Be Man in Robot Suit. SO guys , do you still believe that putler´s Somalia in snow can hit USA/west with its Ground Breaking nuclear rockets ? "Boris (vasya) was supposed to be the most advanced robot ever created in "Russia"...
  22. The Original Tree

    More Evidence of what a Scheming, Lying Slime Ball James Comey was.

    They ambushed him, illegally wiretapped him, interrogated him for hours without an attorney present, Bypassed the White House Counsel's office, and then accused him of lying despite official reports stating Flynn had never lied. Then they threatened his son, financially ruined him, over...
  23. The Original Tree

    Russian Collusion sent me to The E.R.

    Breaking News: Robert Mueller has just been admitted in to the hospital to undergo a procedure related to Russian Collusion that he uncovered during the most aggressive investigations conducted by him yet. After two years of monitoring, eaves dropping, wiretapping, and listening to hours and...
  24. The Original Tree

    Obama Bin Lying, and Hillary Rotten Clinton Will Be Indicted

    Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable.. The...
  25. The Original Tree

    Congressional Slush Fund to pay off Prostitutes, Mistresses, and Sexual Assault Victims

    I think it is time President Trump Orders the AG to do a full blown investigation in to how much money the taxpayers have had to pay to keep hookers, mistresses, and sexual assault victims silent. I bet The BARNEY FRANK BILL IS ENORMOUS! Congressional secret fund to pay off sexual harassment...
  26. The Original Tree

    James Comey Literally KNOWS NUTHIN!!!

    For a guy who fancies himself a "G" man and who is trying to cash in on a book he most likely had someone ghost write for him, this guy is both a fraud or an idiot or both. 241 times he said to Congress "I don't know" upon the advice of his FBI Lawyers. Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective...
  27. deanrd

    Definition of 'Foreign Corrupt Practices Act' ---- Dear Mafia Don, are you paying attention?

    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act In 2018, Panasonic agreed to pay more than $143 million for charges stemming from violations of the act. According to the SEC, Panasonic offered a well-paying position to a government official with a state-owned airline in exchange for assistance securing business...
  28. The Original Tree

    More Clinton Corruption: Why Graft, Bribery and Pay to Play are The Norm in DC

    Everyone knew Clinton was corrupt. Even people voting for her. They voted for her out of selfish interests. Government Employees, Public Servants, People Sapping our Social Safety Net, and Liberal Professors who's salaries are supplemented by taxpayers make up the typical Clinton voter...
  29. Litwin

    Oil - Gas curse: Kongo, "Russia", Nigeria, Venezuela, etc.

    Oil - Gas curse: Kongo, "Russia", Nigeria, Venezuela, etc. I just wandering why these bamboostans are still pumping ?
  30. deanrd

    Is America ready for the changes Trump and the GOP are bringing to this country?

    Start with Foreign Policy. Trump's new friends and new American allies: Murderer and Thug Vladimir Putin, the Russian Dictator Despot Kim Jung Un, leader of North Korea Turkey's new Dictator who wants the US to extradite a green card carrying resident who has been peacefully living here for...

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