The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write a non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.
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Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore.
Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities?

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The White House with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those court orders. It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information. It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it.
Any time frame on these upcoming indictments?
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore.
Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities?

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The White House with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those court orders. It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information. It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it.
Any time frame on these upcoming indictments?



Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.
Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...Any day now...:71:...
Come to think of it, it now also makes sense to me why Clinton and Obama were desperate enough to do things like:

Hire Thugs to Assault Trump Supporters at his rallies.

Steal Debate Questions and cheat in the debates.

Spy on The Trump Campaign During The Campaign

Exactly why were Fusion GPS associates and allies like Kislyak sent to Jeff Session's office and Fusion GPS employee Veselnitskaya sent to Trump Tower "for appearances" to make it appear as though there was something insidious going on? The meetings were legal, and like the "Beacon Ping" planted on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank Server, they were meant only to draw attention to itself.

Add to the whole cesspool of dirty Chicago Style Politics, the claim of "Russia Hacked my DNC Server" and not ONE of our 17 Intelligence groups went to look at it themselves and instead relied on the same firm that helped bleach bit Clinton's server in violation of two Federal Court orders not to to file a report favorable to The DNC which indicated that Russia hacked their server, and better yet, intentionally left a digital thumbprint ensuring the finger would be pointed at them. Those claims had to be retracted later, but still not investigation in to the DNC Servers. Evidence shows Clinton's Pakistani Hackers went Rogue and did it from the inside, and handed some of what they gathered to Seth Rich. But the secured server at THE DNC we were assured by The Clinton Campaign was hacked by Russia, but Clinton's unsecured server was not? Anyone believe that?

Then add to that the mysterious Beacon Ping planted on a Trump tower server and Russian Alpha Bank, planted to only draw attention to itself and nothing else, and for the first time in History, a Russian Bank invited The FBI to look at a Russian Bank's server. It was Hillary Clinton's friend, Jean Camp a "Cyber Security" expert who planted The Beacon Ping, and then called The FBI to investigate it, which they just tabled said investigation even after Russian Alpha Bank invited them to see their servers. No such invitation was ever extended by THE DNC.

Then when you realize that Clinton, Obama, and The DNC, Worked with People Like Chris Steele, Skirpal, Sergey Kislyak, Blumenthal and Natalia Veselnitskaya and work with Nellie Ohr at Fusion GPS to create an air of suspicion, someone should stand up and say "just WTF is going on here?"

It all makes sense now. Not only were they desperate to win, they were desperate to keep their Play to Pay scheme hidden just like they tried to keep their secret server hidden in a bathroom, so The Obama Administration could secretly email the Clinton team and collude with them to influence the election by any means possible, including contacting Putin and asking him for his help, so they could keep their corrupt gravy train running.

Put it all together and that is what this entire "Russia Russia" mess is all about.
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This is what republican desperation looks like kids. Get a good look, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of it over the next few months.
Hillary Clinton should be investigated for Whitewater and Benghazi.
I’ve been hearing this since the 90’s. I am sure it’s true this time. It just has to be, right?
I’ve been hearing this since the 90’s. I am sure it’s true this time. It just has to be, right?
3 Whistle Blowers from The Clinton Foundation have stated Clinton has been engaged in this for decades, so Yah, you are correct.
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore.
Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities?

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The White House with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those court orders. It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information. It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it.
Any time frame on these upcoming indictments?

TOT, as I said in other threads-------->many of you defend the Trump Administration better than they do, except for a select few.

We can whistle into the wind all we want, but we can NOT save the Trump Administration or President Trump, they have to save themselves. Unless people from the 3 letter agencies are prosecuted along with at least one on high from the former administration, then Trump is a one term President, period.

And while we will all be disappointed if that happens, we must face reality------------>with control of the House/Senate/Presidency, if the Trump Administration after 2 years can not bring ANYONE to prosecution, then they are either lying, the swamp is to strong meaning it doesn't matter who/how many of whatever we elect, and we have already lost our constitution and the country we knew.

We need to keep our fingers crossed, but if nothing is forth coming, time to hang it up before these Leftists prosecute us!
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore.
Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities?

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The White House with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those court orders. It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information. It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it.
Any time frame on these upcoming indictments?

TOT, as I said in other threads-------->many of you defend the Trump Administration better than they do, except for a select few.

We can whistle into the wind all we want, but we can NOT save the Trump Administration or President Trump, they have to save themselves. Unless people from the 3 letter agencies are prosecuted along with at least one on high from the former administration, then Trump is a one term President, period.

And while we will all be disappointed if that happens, we must face reality------------>with control of the House/Senate/Presidency, if the Trump Administration after 2 years can not bring ANYONE to prosecution, then they are either lying, the swamp is to strong meaning it doesn't matter who/how many of whatever we elect, and we have already lost our constitution and the country we knew.

We need to keep our fingers crossed, but if nothing is forth coming, time to hang it up before these Leftists prosecute us!

One thing they need to crack down on are things like The FBI, DOJ, and other organization slow walking or refusing to abide by lawful requests for documents. These people need to be held in contempt, fined and do jail time. That is where to start. Get compliance with The Law, and people will talk... this btw is in contrast to what Mueller is doing, charging people with lying and then they are refusing to talk. Which tells me, that they have nothing to talk about...because most people would rather save their own skin and tell the truth in a matter whereas most people find being forced to lie as an abhorrent assault on their person.

Mueller has been accused of this three times already just with his faux investigation he is running and was convicted of it along with Weismann previously.
BTW, In addition to Steele and Skirpal, here is Clinton and Obama's main Russian Connection. This is direct EVIDENCE that Bruce Ohr was involved in a smear campaign against President Trump and he and The FBI were complicit in this and were using Russian Sourced Propaganda to do so, and were working with Russian Agents to produce this propaganda and distribute it.

This also dovetails nicely with President Obama changing the rules on how Classified Information is distributed throughout the government so things like The Russian Dirty Dossier could be quickly distributed across our intelligence communities and it would be harder to trace the origin of that information.

“Our Guy” – The *REAL* Russian Collusion…


Who is “Our Guy”? That would be Oleg Deripaska, the Russian dossier source, and likely employer of Christopher Steele. The same Oleg Deripaska the FBI went to for help in framing Donald Trump through Paul Manafort in September 2016.

♦In 2009 the FBI, then headed by Robert Mueller, requested the assistance of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska in an operation to retrieve former FBI officer and CIA resource Robert Levinson who was captured in Iran two years earlier. The agent assigned to engage Deripaska was Andrew McCabe; the primary FBI need was financing and operational support. Deripaska spent around $25 million and would have succeeded except the U.S. State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, backed out.

♦In September of 2016 Andrew McCabe is now Deputy Director of the FBI, when two FBI agents approached Deripaska in New York – again asking for his help. This time the FBI request was for Deripaska to outline Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort as a tool of the Kremlin. Deripaska once hired Manafort as a political adviser and invested money with him in a business venture that went bad. Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging he stole money. However, according to the article, despite Deripaska’s disposition toward Manafort he viewed the request as absurd. He laughed the FBI away, telling them: “You are trying to create something out of nothing.”

John Solomon reported that Deripaska wanted to testify to congress last year (2017), without any immunity request, but was rebuked. Who blocked his testimony?

In 2017 Oleg Deripaska was represented in the U.S. by Adam Waldman. Mr. Waldman was also representing Christopher Steele, the author of the Dossier. When you reconcile that Deripaska was likely Steele’s source/employer; of course Waldman would be representing both of them.

Adam Waldman was the liaison/go-between Senator Mark Warner (Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman) was using to try and set up a secret meeting with Christopher Steele {Text Messages} without a “paper trail”.


Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political where is The Putin Approved Clinton Dossier?

Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities? They exist at The Clinton Foundation....

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The Current White House Administration with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, and it is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from President Obama, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Mills and company on that Secret Server in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those two Federal Court Orders.

It's the same reason that despite it being proven that Hillary Clinton lied 150 times to FBI Investigators and Congress, that not her nor anyone on her staff nor anyone associated with her was ever charged with "Lying to The FBI" despite the FBI itself making jokes about how many lies Clinton and Company had told and they weren't going to do anything about.

It's the same reason Clinton lied about how many unsecured electronic devices Clinton had (17 not 1 as she claimed), not given to her by State Department IT, but bought on EBAY as Burner Devices so she could destroy them at will.

It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information.

It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

It's the same reason Clinton's secret IT guy plead the 5th 241 times despite being under immunity, and it is the same reason, Comey gave The Entire Clinton Campaign Immunity, never recorded their interviews and Exonerated Clinton Months before even talking to her.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it, and they would have continued to sell America out to the highest bidder for as long as they could, and to keep power meant to keep their scam a secret. To Lose POWER, meant their SECRET would be exposed.

Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed? Why isn't there evidence of money changing hands? Mueller will tell you they all met at The Ecuadorian Embassy with Assange....... Laughable..

The whole thing is a scam to turn over every rock possible in the hopes to find anything they can harass the president with and is an exercise in throwing crap to the wall to see if they can get it to stick. Nothing happens in Russia without Putin's approval. So Question is, why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Clinton to give to Candidate Trump? Plenty of Material because she is a dirty political whore.
Where are the donations from Russia to The Trump Charities?

Clinton took $145 Million from Russia and Obama Bin Lying was given $64 Million for a book he never wrote from a Russian Owned Publishing company he never contracted with to write the non existent book. The Clinton Foundation just had 3 whistle blowers come forward to file sworn affidavits that Hillary Clinton was taking donations from foreign countries for pay to play access to The State Department and for access to Obama Bin Lying. This was the sole reason for The Secret Server to manage a pay to play system and to conceal it.

You have Clinton and Obama selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium, pulling missiles out of the Urkraine, letting Putin take The Crimea, putting excessive regulations on Coal Gas and Oil making it easy for Putin to sell Russian energy to Europe, and promising Putin that they can make deals after he was re-elected. Deals like giving Russia our Uranium and Iran $150 Billion to purchase Uranium and weapons from Russia.

LASTLY: One has to wonder why Clinton and Obama were so desperate to keep control of The White House that they were willing to pay Putin for a Russian Styled Smear Campaign, deal with foreign agents, and launder money through The Podesta Group, COIE Perkins Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to get it to Foreign Agents to pay for The Dossier and then distribute it to their moles John Kerry and John McCain and then distribute it to The FBI, FISA, and DOJ.

I'll tell you why:

For the same reason they are trying to occupy The White House with a daily barrage of unfounded accusations, is the same reason they went to such extremes to launch a soft coup, and launch an investigation in to a nothing burger. It's the same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails in violation of two court orders, and the same reason Comey let her do it in clear violation of those court orders. It is the same reason Lynch ordered Comey to squash the Investigation on Clinton, and the same reason for the unmasking and leaking of classified information. It is the same reason Comey had amnesia 250 times.

The President (Obama) and Hillary Clinton were selling State Department and White House Access and getting rich off of it.
Any time frame on these upcoming indictments?

TOT, as I said in other threads-------->many of you defend the Trump Administration better than they do, except for a select few.

We can whistle into the wind all we want, but we can NOT save the Trump Administration or President Trump, they have to save themselves. Unless people from the 3 letter agencies are prosecuted along with at least one on high from the former administration, then Trump is a one term President, period.

And while we will all be disappointed if that happens, we must face reality------------>with control of the House/Senate/Presidency, if the Trump Administration after 2 years can not bring ANYONE to prosecution, then they are either lying, the swamp is to strong meaning it doesn't matter who/how many of whatever we elect, and we have already lost our constitution and the country we knew.

We need to keep our fingers crossed, but if nothing is forth coming, time to hang it up before these Leftists prosecute us!

One thing they need to crack down on are things like The FBI, DOJ, and other organization slow walking or refusing to abide by lawful requests for documents. These people need to be held in contempt, fined and do jail time. That is where to start. Get compliance with The Law, and people will talk... this btw is in contrast to what Mueller is doing, charging people with lying and then they are refusing to talk. Which tells me, that they have nothing to talk about...because most people would rather save their own skin and tell the truth in a matter whereas most people find being forced to lie as an abhorrent assault on their person.

Mueller has been accused of this three times already just with his faux investigation he is running and was convicted of it along with Weismann previously.


Problem is------->people who do not follow politics like we do, will not take notice unless people are prosecuted. Time is running out, it really is.


Because we both know if/when these people are prosecuted, that while it is all going on, how the MSM will spin it; and it won't be in Trumps favor. They need a CONVICTION or 3! If they wait to long, then those who have their head on the block will delay until AFTER the 2020 election, then will be treated differently. (kinda like Hillary was)

It is time for the Trump Administration (actually, they waited to long) to poop, or get off the pot. Any further delays will give the semblance that it is THEY who are guilty.
BTW, In addition to Steele and Skirpal, here is Clinton and Obama's main Russian Connection. This is direct EVIDENCE that Bruce Ohr was involved in a smear campaign against President Trump and he and The FBI were complicit in this and were using Russian Sourced Propaganda to do so, and were working with Russian Agents to produce this propaganda and distribute it.

This also dovetails nicely with President Obama changing the rules on how Classified Information is distributed throughout the government so things like The Russian Dirty Dossier could be quickly distributed across our intelligence communities and it would be harder to trace the origin of that information.

“Our Guy” – The *REAL* Russian Collusion…


Who is “Our Guy”? That would be Oleg Deripaska, the Russian dossier source, and likely employer of Christopher Steele. The same Oleg Deripaska the FBI went to for help in framing Donald Trump through Paul Manafort in September 2016.

♦In 2009 the FBI, then headed by Robert Mueller, requested the assistance of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska in an operation to retrieve former FBI officer and CIA resource Robert Levinson who was captured in Iran two years earlier. The agent assigned to engage Deripaska was Andrew McCabe; the primary FBI need was financing and operational support. Deripaska spent around $25 million and would have succeeded except the U.S. State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, backed out.

♦In September of 2016 Andrew McCabe is now Deputy Director of the FBI, when two FBI agents approached Deripaska in New York – again asking for his help. This time the FBI request was for Deripaska to outline Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort as a tool of the Kremlin. Deripaska once hired Manafort as a political adviser and invested money with him in a business venture that went bad. Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging he stole money. However, according to the article, despite Deripaska’s disposition toward Manafort he viewed the request as absurd. He laughed the FBI away, telling them: “You are trying to create something out of nothing.”

John Solomon reported that Deripaska wanted to testify to congress last year (2017), without any immunity request, but was rebuked. Who blocked his testimony?

In 2017 Oleg Deripaska was represented in the U.S. by Adam Waldman. Mr. Waldman was also representing Christopher Steele, the author of the Dossier. When you reconcile that Deripaska was likely Steele’s source/employer; of course Waldman would be representing both of them.

Adam Waldman was the liaison/go-between Senator Mark Warner (Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman) was using to try and set up a secret meeting with Christopher Steele {Text Messages} without a “paper trail”.


I notice you are very well versed in EXACTLY what is going on, and who the players really are. Good for you!

I also notice, that the Left has a reasonable excuse for not mentioning this type of stuff----------->because the Trump Administration is sitting to much on its hands!

Like I stated---------->we can NOT save them, they must save themselves with TRUTH through prosecution, and if not, start contemplating a moving company for themselves, and a boatload of other Republicans, who will get hammered in 2020!
BTW, In addition to Steele and Skirpal, here is Clinton and Obama's main Russian Connection. This is direct EVIDENCE that Bruce Ohr was involved in a smear campaign against President Trump and he and The FBI were complicit in this and were using Russian Sourced Propaganda to do so, and were working with Russian Agents to produce this propaganda and distribute it.

This also dovetails nicely with President Obama changing the rules on how Classified Information is distributed throughout the government so things like The Russian Dirty Dossier could be quickly distributed across our intelligence communities and it would be harder to trace the origin of that information.

“Our Guy” – The *REAL* Russian Collusion…


Who is “Our Guy”? That would be Oleg Deripaska, the Russian dossier source, and likely employer of Christopher Steele. The same Oleg Deripaska the FBI went to for help in framing Donald Trump through Paul Manafort in September 2016.

♦In 2009 the FBI, then headed by Robert Mueller, requested the assistance of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska in an operation to retrieve former FBI officer and CIA resource Robert Levinson who was captured in Iran two years earlier. The agent assigned to engage Deripaska was Andrew McCabe; the primary FBI need was financing and operational support. Deripaska spent around $25 million and would have succeeded except the U.S. State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, backed out.

♦In September of 2016 Andrew McCabe is now Deputy Director of the FBI, when two FBI agents approached Deripaska in New York – again asking for his help. This time the FBI request was for Deripaska to outline Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort as a tool of the Kremlin. Deripaska once hired Manafort as a political adviser and invested money with him in a business venture that went bad. Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging he stole money. However, according to the article, despite Deripaska’s disposition toward Manafort he viewed the request as absurd. He laughed the FBI away, telling them: “You are trying to create something out of nothing.”

John Solomon reported that Deripaska wanted to testify to congress last year (2017), without any immunity request, but was rebuked. Who blocked his testimony?

In 2017 Oleg Deripaska was represented in the U.S. by Adam Waldman. Mr. Waldman was also representing Christopher Steele, the author of the Dossier. When you reconcile that Deripaska was likely Steele’s source/employer; of course Waldman would be representing both of them.

Adam Waldman was the liaison/go-between Senator Mark Warner (Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman) was using to try and set up a secret meeting with Christopher Steele {Text Messages} without a “paper trail”.


I notice you are very well versed in EXACTLY what is going on, and who the players really are. Good for you!

I also notice, that the Left has a reasonable excuse for not mentioning this type of stuff----------->because the Trump Administration is sitting to much on its hands!

Like I stated---------->we can NOT save them, they must save themselves with TRUTH through prosecution, and if not, start contemplating a moving company for themselves, and a boatload of other Republicans, who will get hammered in 2020!

I agree. We cannot save The Trump Administration from the soft coup (Insurance Policy) launched against them, but we can discuss it, expose the actual facts, and at least let knowledge be available.

It also may be that The Trump Administration is being strategic with this information and is quietly behind the scenes building a case to prosecute the Coup Co-conspirators. If so, then something like that will take a great deal more time than Mueller's witch hunt for a nothing burger.

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.
Thinking again on this, if President Trump colluded with Russia to win The Election, then why isn't there any evidence of one vote being changed?

Here you go:

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.
That's why Trump paid off his hookers. He knew that so soon after his pussy grabbing was made public, he would not have had a chance to win the election if the two hookers came forward.

We'd have all been sticking a fork in Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all about the timing.

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