
  1. JGalt

    Russia Demands Bulgaria Stop Painting Soviet Monuments to Look Like American Comic Books

    I don't care how you look at it, this is some funny stuff. "Russia is demanding that Bulgaria try harder to prevent vandalism of Soviet monuments, after yet another monument to Soviet troops in Sofia was spray-painted, ITAR-Tass reported..." Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Painting Soviet...
  2. AveryJarhman

    "Apocalypse - Stalin Documentary"

    #TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions Hard to believe a few seriously warped individuals were able to convicne others to support and engage in this type of violence and human dysfunction. "Apocalypse - Stalin Documentary" Wiki reports: Stalin was...
  3. deanrd

    House of trump: house of Putin by Craig Unger It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trumpā€™s inauguration as president of the United...
  4. Valorie Broderick

    How concerned are you about cyber security in the upcoming elections?

    Is anyone here worried about Russia hacking the elections again? Or do you feel comfortably secure? I'm just interested to know what people think. I've tried to make a poll as well as a discussion in case one way is preferable to you over another.
  5. deanrd

    Did you know the Kremlin was lobbying for Kavanaugh? I guess it's no surprise considering.......

    The Kremlinā€™s For Kavanaugh: Russian State Media Back Trumpā€™s Supreme Court Nominee The Kremlin Hates America's 'Malignant Feminism,' Loves Brett Kavanaugh Russian state propaganda supports Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh As Senators narrowly advanced the nomination of...
  6. The Original Tree

    Feinstein, McLean, & Ford in Legal Jeapordy for Deep State Plot

    I am now hearing that all three of these characters are under investigation. Well, Well. How about this? Blasey Ford as everyone now knows LIED UNDER OATH to The Senate and American People. She told way too many lies to cover here, but the most interesting one was the Lie she told about...
  7. S

    Who's Dividing Who?

    For two years our government and its unelected bureaucracy has been telling us that Russia "sowed seeds of discord" on Facebook and in other media. The SCOTUS nomination hearings over the last couple of weeks made it clear to me that both sides of our 2-party run government and their media...
  8. deanrd

    Donald Trump discovers that itā€™s China who interferes with our elections

    Donald Trump has become only the second president to chair the security council at the UN. The first being Barack Obama. The security council meeting is happening while I write this. Donald Trump announced that they discovered itā€™s China who is actually interfering with our elections not...
  9. S

    Hey CNN: Americans don't care about the Russia Investigation

    CNNs own recent internal polling shows that Americans on all sides of the political spectrum want this investigation over with. What has it accomplished? Huge no- bid cybersecurity contracts for Raytheon and Booz-Allen Hamilton to name just 2. Yet we are still told that big scary Russia is...
  10. Dan Stubbs

    Feinstein releastes Transcript.

    In January 2018, Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the full transcript of an August 2017 ten-hour interview that the Judiciary Committee (which Grassley heads) conducted with Glenn Simpson.[79] Simpson is the co-founder of the political opposition...
  11. deanrd

    The plot to subvert election. Unraveling the Russian story so far.

    The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far As Mr. Trump emerged in spring 2016 as the improbable favorite for the Republican nomination, the Russian operation accelerated on three fronts ā€” the hacking and leaking of Democratic documents; massive fraud on Facebook and...
  12. deanrd

    Even FOXNews is finally starting to report the results of the Mueller investigation.

    Even FOXNews is finally starting to report the results of the Mueller investigation. Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far? Even the brand new indicted Russian who was extradited from Spain. Read this Fox report that goes into detail about each and every person indicted...
  13. deanrd

    Germans more scared of Trump than they are scared of terrorism.

    Germans are more scared of Trump than terrorism, poll finds More than two-thirds of citizens in Germany believe US president ā€˜making the world a more dangerous placeā€™ Germans fear Donald Trump more than Vladimir Putin, poll finds The United States may be Germany's No. 1 ally, but two-thirds...
  14. toobfreak

    New Manafort Trial Cannot Even Mention Mueller Investigation!

    Get this! The new Manafort trial, the judge overseeing it says the Mueller Investigation and Russia and all that lead to his charges in the first place that started this cannot even be brought up during it as totally IRRELEVANT! Which means that for all Mueller's trying, this is but one more...
  15. deanrd

    OMG! Trump FAILED while he practiced telling the truth.

    The Wildest Things About Trump From Bob Woodward's New Book, 'Fear' John Dowd, Trumpā€™s lead attorney with the Russia probe, led a practice session for Trumpā€™s potential testimony with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 election...
  16. BookShaka

    Can you admit itā€™s a witch hunt yet?

    Considering the latest developments have NOTHING to do with Russia...
  17. deanrd

    Reality Winner, she released info about Trump and his Russian connections now sits in jail for leaks

    Reality Winner, N.S.A. Contractor Accused in Leak, Pleads Guilty WASHINGTON ā€” Reality L. Winner, a former Air Force linguist who was the first person prosecuted by the Trump administration on charges of leaking classified information, pleaded guilty on Tuesday as part of an agreement with...
  18. deanrd

    What it could actually mean if Manafort flips on Trump.

    The biggest "if". If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort. In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge...
  19. deanrd

    Russia is still more dangerous than Republicans

    The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed. Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means. Both are dangerous. Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian...
  20. deanrd

    The elephant in the room: What does Russia have on Trump?

    The Russian economy is smaller than the economies of New York State, Texas and California. Yes, we have three states economically more powerful than the Russian Economy. Why Putin is paying women to have more children.. After the break up of the Soviet Union, the population of Russia shrank by...
  21. Fort Fun Indiana

    Trump keeps digging, doubles down on Putin's denial

    Today Trump was asked if the Russians are still targeting the US with attacks. He said, "no", contrary to his own intelligence community. At best, he bases his answer completely on Putin's denial. Fascinating....
  22. deanrd

    Russian military eager to carry out plans Trump and Putin agreed to at secret meeting.

    Understanding the Syria moment at the Trump-Putin news conference Russian military offers to cooperate with US in Syria Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President...
  23. deanrd

    Trump is going to give a press conference in a little while. What do you think he'll say?

    What do you think he'll say? Fake news? I didn't say that? Putin really is our friend? Will he triple down or just lie?
  24. deanrd

    Does this mean the Republican House might restart their investigation?

    Now that Trump has pretty much spelled it out how much he loves Putin and Russia. And we know there was some kind of collusion with Russia during the election. Even someone from Fox and Friends questioned Trump's loyalty. Last night, Hannity's pro Trump panel attacked him. Does anyone...
  25. SavannahMann

    Time for a little truth on Russian interference.

    First, we need to go back a bit in history. Second, we need to go back beyond the 2016 election to before 2012. This is when Hillary and the State Department did violate international sanctions to gin up the Civil War in Libya, and then use Libya as a staging area to ship weapons to Jihadists in...
  26. deanrd

    Will Trump order our Intel Agencies to show Russia how they gather intel?

    Now that Putin says "let's share", will Trump order our intel agencies to "share"? Is there a limit to how far Trump is willing to go to compromise National Security?
  27. Nosmo King

    Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

    Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did? Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in...
  28. Ecocertifmrl

    Friend or enemy?

    So Israel will snuggle up to anyone who scratches behind the right ear. Russia - US - Russia - US Isn't it unethical to choose from two monsters either equally willingly? Russia has been the enemy of the larger part for the longest, but Russia never barks over human right's problems - they...
  29. deanrd

    Mueller looking into Trump's money losing quarter billion dollar golf courses in Europe

    Inside Trumpā€™s Money-Losing Scottish Golf Paradise According to corporate filings in the U.K., Turnberry lost $36.1 million in 2016 (the most recent figure available) on revenue of just $12 million. The operationā€™s debt load nearly doubled between 2015 and 2016, according to the filings...
  30. deanrd

    Remember when Republicans said Democrats were weak on Defense and Russia is our enemy?

    What happened? Republicans are now trashing our former allies. Remember divided we fall? And, they think America will benefit by following the lead of Russian leader and Trump's apparent idol, thug, murderer and former head of KGB, Vladimir Putin. How could one party flip so fast...

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