What it could actually mean if Manafort flips on Trump.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.
I can only hope that Trump is flipped on and caught, tried and sent to gitmo. If that would shut you the fuck up it would be worth it.
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

To be quite blunt...who cares if Trump knew about the meeting with someone who supposedly had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton? Can you not fathom how ABSURD it is that you think Trump didn't have the right to listen to what was being offered up? Is there ANYONE on the left who wants to tell us that Hillary Clinton wouldn't have taken that meeting if it was offered to her? Because if you ARE making that claim...about a woman who was willing to pay money to foreign agents to smear her opponent with phony dossiers...then you've shown yourself to be a buffoon of epic proportions!

Once again...listening to someone who wants to give you dirt on a political opponent is not illegal. Donald Trump Jr listened...realized that the "Russian lawyer" wasn't there with what she had said she was there with...that the meeting was a bait and switch to talk about something else...and he got up and walked out. How you turn THAT into something you think you can impeach a duly elected President over...is laughable!
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?

The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!
Trump Admits To Collusion—Says Son Had Meeting With Russians “To Get Information On An Opponent”

Trump just admitted why Trump Jr. met with Russians.

Did Trump just throw his OWN SON under the bus?

And that's different then what Jimmy Carter's grandson did to Romney and how?

How Jimmy Carter's Grandson Helped Leak the Secret Romney ...
NYMag › daily › intelligencer › 2012/09
Sep 17, 2012 - The Real Romney Captured on Tape Turns Out to Be a Sneering Plutocrat · Mitt Romney Caught ...
Missing: sneaks ‎| ‎Must include: ‎sneaks

The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.

The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

You got him this time!! Trump is for sure done this time....really...this time it’s for real.
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.

No kidding , dirty politics has been going on before the Roman times and Democrats perfected it in this country (an example would be the Chicago Democrat machine) yet these Yahoo's want us desperately to believe it started with Trump.

Just like with the fake news.

download (3).jpeg
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.
someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime!
Yes, when the "someone" claiming to have dirt on their opponent is an adversarial foreign government, it is indeed a crime.
Why is everyone continuing to forget that part?
The biggest "if".

If Manafort flipped on Trump and he knew Trump knew about the Don Jr., Russian meeting conspiracy, that would make two unrelated people who corroborated that Trump knew about the meeting, Cohen and Manafort.

In fact, if Trump Jr. put dad on speakerphone, then that's a huge problem. We know Trump uses a blocked phone. We know Trump Jr. called someone using a blocked phone multiple times. If Mueller was able to get a hold of those phone records and the times matched up, along with twin testimonies, they would have real concrete, indisputable evidence.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children. Hell, Republicans say fuk you to American children, no way any Republican would want to help Russian children.

And, if Trump knew that Manafort was changing the the GOP party platform to be more favorable to Russia, which Manafort did, on orders from Moscow, that would be conspiracy and point to multiple members of the Trump campaign being complicit and traitors.

Now we know that Republicans aren't traitors and want to get to the truth. OK, just kidding.
That was pure sarcasm.

No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.
someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime!
Yes, when the "someone" claiming to have dirt on their opponent is an adversarial foreign government, it is indeed a crime.
Why is everyone continuing to forget that part?
You described the Steele Dossier
No one believes Trump Jr. wanted a meeting to help Russian Children

Yet you want us to believe the tarmac meeting between bill Clinton and Lynch was about trading cake recipes ?


Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.
someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime!
Yes, when the "someone" claiming to have dirt on their opponent is an adversarial foreign government, it is indeed a crime.
Why is everyone continuing to forget that part?
You described the Steele Dossier
We've been through this over and over again and you are totally aware that's bullshit. The Steele Dossier was oppo research never completely finished that was legally obtained by a legitimate company.
Of course, Trump has a good reason to convince you otherwise, but that is the truth and somewhere under all that denial, you know it.
Amazingly enough...R-Derp is that naive!

For some reason he assumes everyone has dementia like him.


This whole thing baffles me, Bear. For some reason liberals think that someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime! I would be willing to bet a small fortune that few political campaigns for President in this country have not had meetings with people who had "dirt" on their opponent! Campaigns want to reveal the "warts" of the opponent as they do their best to hide the "warts" of their own candidate! It's how the game is played and has been since people started running for office.

That's absurd on it's face but what turns it into farce is that the Clinton campaign PAID a foreign agent big money to put out a series of phony dossiers to smear her political opponent right before the election...hiding her own involvement behind a law firm "cut out" so that the public wouldn't know that it was a political hatchet job of the sleaziest kind!

Then if that wasn't bad enough...the Obama Administration took what they KNEW were highly suspect dossiers paid for by Hillary Clinton...and walked into a FISA court and used those dossiers as "proof" that something illegal was going on between the Trump campaign and Russia so they could obtain not one...not two...but three warrants to spy on people affiliated with the Trump campaign in the midst of a political race!

People should go to jail for THAT...it's so sleazy it boggles the mind.
someone taking a meeting with someone who claimed to have "dirt" on their opponent is a crime!
Yes, when the "someone" claiming to have dirt on their opponent is an adversarial foreign government, it is indeed a crime.
Why is everyone continuing to forget that part?
You described the Steele Dossier
We've been through this over and over again and you are totally aware that's bullshit. The Steele Dossier was oppo research never completely finished that was legally obtained by a legitimate company.
Of course, Trump has a good reason to convince you otherwise, but that is the truth and somewhere under all that denial, you know it.
Your chronic misunderstanding is not clarifying

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