1:22 mark of the video reveals exactly who is behind this Ukrainian crisis


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I never had anything against American people, but the politicians: 1:22 mark of the video reveals EXACTLY WHO IS BEHIND this Ukrainian crisis, as one of the dingbats shouts "America is with us".
No it does not means that American people or Washington, but it means those who control it. On CNN you only see a short clip of this video, but I searched for a full version based on the title, because I was curious

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZRktdWljmc]Video: Russian troops fire warning shots as Ukrainian military march towards Crimea air ba - YouTube[/ame]
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...we're there because of the strategic value of Ukraine...as is Russia's criminal cabal.

Nobody gives a fig about the common Ukrainian people, this is about controlling pipelines and the central asia gas lines etc.


...we're there because of the strategic value of Ukraine...as is Russia's criminal cabal.

Nobody gives a fig about the common Ukrainian people, this is about controlling pipelines and the central asia gas lines etc.

I can agree with this statement, but then the question I have is this: Did or Did NOT the ousted Ukrainian president win democratic elections promising closer ties to Russia? Answer is yes, he did. And so the next question is why doesn't US media mention that? and why are American political leaders drumming up support for protesters even before the escalation of violence?

...we're there because of the strategic value of Ukraine...as is Russia's criminal cabal.

Nobody gives a fig about the common Ukrainian people, this is about controlling pipelines and the central asia gas lines etc.

I can agree with this statement, but then the question I have is this: Did or Did NOT the ousted Ukrainian president win democratic elections promising closer ties to Russia? Answer is yes, he did. And so the next question is why doesn't US media mention that? and why are American political leaders drumming up support for protesters even before the escalation of violence?

Why yes the President was duly elected.

Why yes this was a coup.

Why yes our media and our governments are lying to us.

Why yes Svoboda was driving the violence in the overthrow.

...we're there because of the strategic value of Ukraine...as is Russia's criminal cabal.

Nobody gives a fig about the common Ukrainian people, this is about controlling pipelines and the central asia gas lines etc.

I can agree with this statement, but then the question I have is this: Did or Did NOT the ousted Ukrainian president win democratic elections promising closer ties to Russia? Answer is yes, he did. And so the next question is why doesn't US media mention that? and why are American political leaders drumming up support for protesters even before the escalation of violence?

Why yes the President was duly elected.

Why yes this was a coup.

Why yes our media and our governments are lying to us.

Why yes Svoboda was driving the violence in the overthrow.
Who is backing "svoboda" ?
I never had anything against American people, but the politicians: 1:22 mark of the video reveals EXACTLY WHO IS BEHIND this Ukrainian crisis, as one of the dingbats shouts "America is with us".
No it does not means that American people or Washington, but it means those who control it. On CNN you only see a short clip of this video, but I searched for a full version based on the title, because I was curious

Video: Russian troops fire warning shots as Ukrainian military march towards Crimea air ba - YouTube

Really. Russian troops INVADE a sovereign nation and take over a piece of it but the US made some statements and they are the one that went too far. Your proof of this is that someone in the nation that is upset about foreign invaders occupying their lands said USA. You are nuts.

The ass backwards logic there is asinine. What do you expect the US to do – not voice their own interests and what they want to see happen? That is ludicrous. IF the US had sent troops there to instigate this then you might have something to stand on. As of yet, Russia is the sole nation occupying pieces of Ukraine atm and that should be absolutely unacceptable to anyone.
"Nuland: … “when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy …Robert Serry – he’s now gotten both Serry and Ban ki Moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday… so that would be great I think to help glue this thing and have the UN help glue it and you know fuck the EU.”

Chronology of the Ukrainian Coup » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

How did things work out in the Crimea for Nuland's New Name, Robert Serry?
We got that answer yesterday.

"United Nations envoy Robert Serry has agreed to end his mission in Crimea and leave the region after a group of armed men hijacked his car and took him hostage in a coffee shop.

"Serry is believed to be on his way to the airport after agreeing to the demands of the 15 or so men that he drop his diplomatic mission and leave. As he drove off to the airport, a crowd jeered 'Putin! Putin!' and 'Russia! Russia!' at him."

Ukraine Crisis: UN Envoy Robert Serry Abandons Crimea Mission at Gunpoint

The US, EU, and IMF are meddling on Russian borders in ways the Pentagon would never allow in this hemisphere.

We've bought the new government in Kiev which relies on Neo-Nazis to intimidate all political opposition, and there's no way the Russian military will accept a hostile state on its western border, especially one that depends on fascists to maintain order.
I never had anything against American people, but the politicians: 1:22 mark of the video reveals EXACTLY WHO IS BEHIND this Ukrainian crisis, as one of the dingbats shouts "America is with us".
No it does not means that American people or Washington, but it means those who control it. On CNN you only see a short clip of this video, but I searched for a full version based on the title, because I was curious

Video: Russian troops fire warning shots as Ukrainian military march towards Crimea air ba - YouTube

Senseless twat.

Of all the Countries that have ever existed in all of history, only one -- Ours, the United States of America has held morality as its ultimate achievement.

No Country has freed more people from the yoke of slavery, from the horror of tyranny, the gulags of communism, the ovens of National Socialism and the slow death of soft tyranny than has the United States of America.


Not Rome, Not Greece before them, not the Egyptians, not the Huns, the Vikings, the Mongols, the British, the Germans, the Soviets, the Japanese, the Chinese, the murdering pedophile raghead mohamet.....


The world is mostly free today for one reason and one reason only -- The United States of America.

We are the ONLY Country that has ever existed that professes and tries to live by morality.

We often fail, we often make mistakes and we are not perfect. Far from it.

But nobody else even tries. Just us.

Get over yourself
I never had anything against American people, but the politicians: 1:22 mark of the video reveals EXACTLY WHO IS BEHIND this Ukrainian crisis, as one of the dingbats shouts "America is with us".
No it does not means that American people or Washington, but it means those who control it. On CNN you only see a short clip of this video, but I searched for a full version based on the title, because I was curious

Video: Russian troops fire warning shots as Ukrainian military march towards Crimea air ba - YouTube

Really. Russian troops INVADE a sovereign nation and take over a piece of it but the US made some statements and they are the one that went too far. Your proof of this is that someone in the nation that is upset about foreign invaders occupying their lands said USA. You are nuts.

The ass backwards logic there is asinine. What do you expect the US to do – not voice their own interests and what they want to see happen? That is ludicrous. IF the US had sent troops there to instigate this then you might have something to stand on. As of yet, Russia is the sole nation occupying pieces of Ukraine atm and that should be absolutely unacceptable to anyone.
Ass backwards logic is to believe that the snipers from Ukraine government shot both at the protesters and at the police: "Behind The Kiev Snipers It Was Somebody From The New Coalition" - A Stunning New Leak Released | Zero Hedge

And I have a VERY VALID reason to suspect the side that does TRICKS LIKE THIS:



Democracy Now! is making the same claim regarding opposition snipers in Kiev being responsible for the murders of police officers and civilians:

"In other news from Ukraine, a leaked phone call has bolstered claims anti-government forces were behind sniper attacks on protesters in Kiev last month.

"Both sides of Ukraine’s political divide blamed the other when dozens of people were killed by gunfire in the weeks before the ouster of Russian-backed President Viktor Yanukovych.

"But in an intercepted phone call between Estonia’s foreign minister, Urmas Paet, and European Union policy chief Catherine Ashton, Paet says the sniper fire came from the opposition.

"Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet: 'All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers, from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides.'

"EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton: 'Well, that’s — yeah.'

"Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet: 'So that—and then she also showed me some photos. She said that, as medical doctor, she can say that it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets. And it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened, so that there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.'"

Ukraine is beginning to unravel for Kerry and Obama the same way their Syrian lies did.

Maybe Impeachment would be a good solution?

"Update: Sniper killings of Opposition Protesters was Ordered by Opposition Leaders. The leaders of EuroMaidan ordered the shooting of their own supporters

"In an earlier article, GR reported (scroll down) that more than twenty opposition Maidan protesters were killed by professional snipers on February 20. 'This was not a spontaneous event resulting from clashes between protesters and riot police, nor was it marked by an exchange of gunfire between the police and the Neo-Nazi militia.' (See full article below)

"The sniper killings had the hallmarks of a carefully planned operation. They happened within ‘the space of a few hours'. Moreover, the killings coincided with the meetings of President Viktor Yanukovych with a high level EU delegation.

"In a bitter irony, these targeted killings were used as a pretext to topple the government and issue an arrest warrant directed against president Yanukovych."

Ukraine?s ?Democratic Coup d?Etat?: Killing Civilians as a Pretext for Regime Change | Global Research

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