1.37 million Syrian refugees in Turkey


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is really too many refugees for Turkey to handle, and if this goes on any longer, more and more people will be fleeing to Turkey.

1.37 million Syrian refugees in Turkey

The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey has exceeded 1.37 million, according to the statement from Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (AFAD).

As of August 2014, some 1.37 million Syrian refugees have arrived in Turkey since Syrian conflict began in 2011. Among them, 220,000 people were accommodated in 24 refugee camps set up in 10 provinces, said AFAD.

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1.37 million Syrian refugees in Turkey
No matter what your politics or opinion, these are just desperate human beings.

That is why people should contribute to relief agencies to help these desperate people. We should also count our lucky stars that we aren't in the same position as these refugees.
No matter what your politics or opinion, these are just desperate human beings.

We actually agree here.

But, my bet is, you would not agree about illegals coming from the south.

I saw it. I watched it for more than 20 years. I can tell you that when there's knock on your door and you open it to find human beings in a state of total collapse, you don't ask "papers please".

I am not exaggerating when I say I helped hundreds of people. No exaggeration either to say that I wondered if some would die right in front of me.

I'm not christian. I'm atheist, through and through and I hate reading the so-called christians here say they would shoot them or let them die in the desert.

If I still lived west of Tucson, if I still had desperate people knock on my door, I would still help them. That's against the law but I would not hesitate to give those people food, water and, at times, a ride to the bus station so they could travel to the jobs they already had waiting for them.
No matter what your politics or opinion, these are just desperate human beings.

That is why people should contribute to relief agencies to help these desperate people. We should also count our lucky stars that we aren't in the same position as these refugees.

And, if they are brown and at our southern border?

I have tutored many young children who were from south of the border, and I didn't ask their parents if the family was here legally or not. By the way, all people from south of the border don't consider themselves brown -- many of them think of themselves as white because they are light skinned. Meanwhile, I certainly hope you are sending money to UNICEF to help the Syrian children who are refugees. Moveoever, isn't there an immigration forum where you can discuss what is happening to those from south of the border? I don't think it is apropos for this forum since the countries south of the border aren't in the Middle East.
Thinking more about this, remembering driving down a dirt road with brown people in my backseat and a Border Patrol truck in my rear view mirror and wondering if I'd end up going to jail.

Remembering the sheriff pulling into my drive way and catching three young men who were very close to collapse. It was very cold. The deputy called Border Patrol and while they waited, I fixed sugary, flavored coffee and cheese sandwiches. I took it out to them and one of the men grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Another time, I picked up a family on the highway - a mother, father, two youngish men and a young girl. I had a cup of cold soda - that's all I had. I offered it to them and they said to give it to the young girl. It was so hot. More than 110 degrees.

I stopped at a convenience store at the edge of town and bought a hot dog, candy bar and bottle of water for each of them. (Have you ever tried to buy real food at a convenience store? There isn't any) They were effusive in their thanks and ate every bite.

We passed the HQ of Border Patrol (look it up, its on Ajo - means garlic in Spanish) and they all knew what it was. The older man nudged my shoulder and gave me a small square of paper. It was ragged, had been folded and unfolded many times. It was a map of the Tohono O'odam reservation.

I followed the map and came to a tiny dirt house. When we pulled up, the house exploded in people and there was much kissing and hugging and crying. Several thanked me, said they would pray for me, kissed my hand and I left them there.

BTW, my car smelled of body odor - they had been walking for weeks. But there was not one piece of trash or paper from what I had bought for them.

Around the adobe houses on the reservation, there was never trash and many had marks where they raked the dirt around the house. That's very common there. They're incredibly poor but there is no trash around the houses.

There are many here who would say I should have pulled into Border Patrol but still - they really are just desperate people.

If you or the people you love were ever caught in such a desperate situation, wouldn't you hope that someone would hold out their hand and help?

I think about the Resistance during WWII and wonder who would endanger their own lives just to do the right thing.
No matter what your politics or opinion, these are just desperate human beings.

That is why people should contribute to relief agencies to help these desperate people. We should also count our lucky stars that we aren't in the same position as these refugees.

And, if they are brown and at our southern border?

I have tutored many young children who were from south of the border, and I didn't ask their parents if the family was here legally or not. By the way, all people from south of the border don't consider themselves brown -- many of them think of themselves as white because they are light skinned. Meanwhile, I certainly hope you are sending money to UNICEF to help the Syrian children who are refugees. Moveoever, isn't there an immigration forum where you can discuss what is happening to those from south of the border? I don't think it is apropos for this forum since the countries south of the border aren't in the Middle East.

Good point about calling them "brown". I only do that because the haters call them that.

Its so easy to care when its far away but the answers aren't so easy when its your own back yard. I think the subjects are related. Your post brought back memories so I wrote them.
This is really too many refugees for Turkey to handle, and if this goes on any longer, more and more people will be fleeing to Turkey.

1.37 million Syrian refugees in Turkey

The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey has exceeded 1.37 million, according to the statement from Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (AFAD).

As of August 2014, some 1.37 million Syrian refugees have arrived in Turkey since Syrian conflict began in 2011. Among them, 220,000 people were accommodated in 24 refugee camps set up in 10 provinces, said AFAD.

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1.37 million Syrian refugees in Turkey


He is the one who caused all this mess in the first place.

He is arming ISIS.

I wouldn't give Erdogan and his Turkey a cent...
No matter what your politics or opinion, these are just desperate human beings.

We actually agree here.

But, my bet is, you would not agree about illegals coming from the south.

I saw it. I watched it for more than 20 years. I can tell you that when there's knock on your door and you open it to find human beings in a state of total collapse, you don't ask "papers please".

I am not exaggerating when I say I helped hundreds of people. No exaggeration either to say that I wondered if some would die right in front of me.

I'm not christian. I'm atheist, through and through and I hate reading the so-called christians here say they would shoot them or let them die in the desert.

If I still lived west of Tucson, if I still had desperate people knock on my door, I would still help them. That's against the law but I would not hesitate to give those people food, water and, at times, a ride to the bus station so they could travel to the jobs they already had waiting for them.

So much for agreement. To say that we wouldn't offer them food and water is BS. To say that we don't understand why they are coming here again is BS. I posted the poverty and that over 200 million are living on $2.50 a day in Central America........I understand the WHY they are coming.

But we can't set policy to open the flood gates of many more MILLIONS to come here when it is costing us out the Wazoo...........Your IDEOLOGY DOESN'T PAY THE DEBTS of this Gov't and the States who are OVERBURDENED with illegals and they are breaking piggy banks.

That's reality. Give them food and water. Give them shelter and a way back home. Millions come here and become citizens LEGALLY..........Your ideology will cause 10's of millions more to come. That's the deal.

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