1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped, 90 Percent Reported Sexual Harassment

☭proletarian☭;1948728 said:
YOu obviously never met any strong women, and I know many women who could kick many men's ass. And as a women who played sports most of her life, I can tell you I am more aggressive and competitive than some men. Go watch a WNBA game or even women's college basketball. I played co ed bball for a few years and was never cloths lined by a guy, when I played high school that was the secret weapon for some girls. You really need to get your head out of the sand and realize women are not all susie homemaker anymore.

Women still aren't as strong as men, overall, and no matter how fit a woman is, there is always a man who can overpower her.

And for every big man there's someone smaller who can land a hip toss into an armbar

Yeah. I had that happen to me frequently during grappling. Some small (but well trained in MMA) soldier would twist my ass into a pretzel and force me to tap out like a little sissy.
Women should not be in combat.

If ever there is a great example of why this is so it's Israel.

Israel is a tiny country under constant threat of extintion by it's arab neighbors.

Yet, they never allowed women in combat. It doesn't work.

Actually that is not true. Women have been in combat in the Israel Army. They pulled them out in most cases because they found that the Arabs (during wars) were less likely to surrender to women troops.

And your proof of this is?

Well, at this point, with you denying the reliability of other posters' sources...what would be the point in trying to convince you. You've got your ears and eyes closed to reality and facts. It would be like pearls before swine.
Cuz they B sexy !


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Women should not be in combat.

If ever there is a great example of why this is so it's Israel.

Israel is a tiny country under constant threat of extintion by it's arab neighbors.

Yet, they never allowed women in combat. It doesn't work.

Women are in combat, doofus. In case you haven't been paying attention, the nature of warfare has changed a tad in the past 40 years.

There are no "front lines" and there are no safe jobs. If you are going to allow women into the military, specifically the Army and Marines, then women are going to be in combat. It's not like the bad guys give a fuck about our rules and regulations.

Maybe you could go tell the young specialist who received a silver star for her valorous action under hostile enemy fire that "it doesn't work".

The one point we would probably agree on is getting rid of the separate standards for women and men.

If women are in the military, they are in combat, they should be able to meet all the same standards as an Infantryman.

The same should go for age. I knew too many 45 year old infantry LTC's who could max the PT test at the 18-21 year old bracket.

No. Women should not be in combat for the reasons that Israel found out.

If women weren't already IN combat, who would you hide behind?
I have never participated in a thread here where it didn't evolve into childish crude name-calling. People complain about forums that have filters and moderation, this site is prime example of why those boundaries are set in place.

You have no idea. I can link you to political forums that make USMB look like an Ivy League debate society. :lol:
I am not talking about combat support roles, I am talking about actual combat.

There is not a fucking difference anymore.

Stop being dense.

We used to have a joke in the Navy when they first put women on ships and in planes that they put us in the slowest and least armed units....the ones that would take the first hits in a war....then they wouldn't have to worry about us anymore. They don't like it when we can defend ourselves....or at least some of them like CMike don't like it.
Actually that is not true. Women have been in combat in the Israel Army. They pulled them out in most cases because they found that the Arabs (during wars) were less likely to surrender to women troops.

And your proof of this is?

Well, at this point, with you denying the reliability of other posters' sources...what would be the point in trying to convince you. You've got your ears and eyes closed to reality and facts. It would be like pearls before swine.


What a moron.

My sources quoted congressional hearings.

That is a lot different than newsjunkiespost.com, stopmilitaryrape.com, other left wing blogs, that just make stuff up.

Perhaps you can learn the differences between a credible source and a non-credible source.

Here, I'll help you in your education

credible - definition of credible by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

cred·i·ble (krd-bl)
1. Capable of being believed; plausible. See Synonyms at plausible.
2. Worthy of confidence; reliable.
3. Being of sufficient military capability to deter an attack or carry out an operation successfully: credible military force.

Women should not be in combat.

If ever there is a great example of why this is so it's Israel.

Israel is a tiny country under constant threat of extintion by it's arab neighbors.

Yet, they never allowed women in combat. It doesn't work.

The Bible has long been a tool used by many nations to plan military missions regarding strategy, logistics, and psyops. If you read through some of the narratives you will see women were also in combat and sometimes played crucial roles. These events are thousands of years old. Your sexism predates the Old Testament.
Actually that is not true. Women have been in combat in the Israel Army. They pulled them out in most cases because they found that the Arabs (during wars) were less likely to surrender to women troops.

And your proof of this is?

Well, at this point, with you denying the reliability of other posters' sources...what would be the point in trying to convince you. You've got your ears and eyes closed to reality and facts. It would be like pearls before swine.

:lol: In other words, if posters question nonsense from left wing blogs that don't back anything up, you might as well just continue making shit up, because no one will believe it anyway.

And in your mind why bother having credible sources to back your shit up, that would mean that you would be posting the truth.
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"History shows that the presence of women has had a devastating impact on the effectiveness of men in battle," wrote John Luddy in July 27, 1994, for the Heritage Foundation backgrounder.

"For example, it is a common misperception that Israel allows women in combat units. In fact, women have been barred from combat in Israel since 1950, when a review of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War showed how harmful their presence could be. The study revealed that men tried to protect and assist women rather than continue their attack. As a result, they not only put their own lives in greater danger, but also jeopardized the survival of the entire unit. The study further revealed that unit morale was damaged when men saw women killed and maimed on the battlefield," Luddy said.

Writes Edward Norton, a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces: "Women have always played an important role in the Israeli military, but they rarely see combat; if they do, it is usually by accident. No one in Israel, including feminists, has any objection to this situation. The fact that the Persian Gulf War has produced calls to allow women on the front lines proves only how atypical that war was and how little Americans really understand combat."

"Few serious armies use women in combat roles. Israel, which drafts most of its young women and uses them in all kinds of military work, has learned from experience to take them out of combat zones. Tests show that few women have the upper-body strength required for combat tasks. Keeping combat forces all male would not be discriminatory, as were earlier racial segregation schemes in the military, because men and women are different both physically and psychologically," said the Feb. 5, 1990, National Review.

Furthermore, Israeli historian Martin Van Creveld has written extensively about the failure of the IDF to successfully integrate and use women in combat.

Finally, even Israeli citizens don't relish the thought of allowing their women into combat roles. In 1998, a survey conducted by the Jerusalem Post newspaper found that 56 percent of Israelis don't want women in combat.
Why Israel Doesn't Send Women Into Combat

Before 1948 the Jewish community in Palestine fought the British togain our independence. In that struggle, women played an important and activepart. Women served in the Palmach, an underground paramilitary force. Women went on undercover missions, and often smuggled weapons because British soldiers were more hesitant to search women than men.

Women often were usedfor carrying messages and for surveillance work. In fact it was the practice o fPalmach to send a young man and woman together to do surveillance work. If caught, they could always play the role of loving couple.

Thus, women did play a role in the underground before the establishment of the state. Even then, when Palmach undertook a larger military operation, for example, a retaliatory raidagainst some Arab village, the women would be left behind.

It was only when isolated settlements were attacked by Arab ir-regulars, and later by invading Arab armies, that women fought shoulder toshoulder with the men. This was a matter of home defense. When a remote kibbutz of 100 or 200 people was attacked by a regular force, it was adesperate situation that required everyone to fight.

Even so, the number of women who actually handled rifles or threw hand grenades was very small. I am unaware of a single Israeli woman who has claimed, "I was in combat in1948.1 handled a rifle. I threw a hand grenade. I fired a machine gun." Theremay have been a few such women, but for the most part they existed only in the Arab imagination.

More typically, women were kept very busy looking after the essential needs of combat, such as nursing, preparing and bringingup supplies, communications, and looking after the children; after all, these were civilian settlements under attack.

Basic Training for Women

The first thing the IDF did after it was established on 26 May 1948 was to exclude all women from combat. While women do serve in, and in factare drafted into, the IDF, their role is to provide essential auxiliary services in order to free men for combat.

Furthermore, the IDF does not have mixed units on the American model; rather, women form part of a separate Women's Corps, known as CHEN.

Originally CHEN was an acronym meaning Women's Corps; it also happens to mean "grace" in Hebrew.

For administrative and disciplinary purposes, women are subject toother women. Far from treating men and women draftees equally, the IDF has whole volumes detailing exactly what may or may not be done to or with women soldiers to prevent them from being harassed or otherwise maltreated.

...Duties of Female Soldiers

Apart from their work in the Women's Corps (that is, training andsupervising other women), women in the IDF serve successfully in manyv aried and essential fields, including nursing, social work, clerical activities,psychological testing, intelligence, communications, and radar
. Althoughthere are no women pilots, the IDF does employ women as instructors in somecombat-related activities, such as driving tanks and heavy self-propelledartillery pieces. This policy was first instituted during the late 1970s againsta background of breakneck expansion and sharp manpower shortages.

Martin van Creveld is a professor of history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Hereceived his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and has been a Fellow of WarStudies at Kings College, Cambridge. During the I99Ì-92 school year, he taught at theUS Marine Corps Command and Staff College in Quantico, Virginia. He is the author ofFighting Power: German unci U.S. Performance, 1939-1945; Technology and War;Command in War; Supplying War; The Training of Officers: From Military Profes-sionalism to Irrelevance; and, most recently, The Transformation of War. The presentarticle, appearing originally in the Fall 1992 issue oí Policy Review (pp. 65-67), wasadapted from testimony Professor Van Creveld gave last summer before the PresidentialCommission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces in Washington, D.C.
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Women should not be in combat.

If ever there is a great example of why this is so it's Israel.

Israel is a tiny country under constant threat of extintion by it's arab neighbors.

Yet, they never allowed women in combat. It doesn't work.

The Bible has long been a tool used by many nations to plan military missions regarding strategy, logistics, and psyops. If you read through some of the narratives you will see women were also in combat and sometimes played crucial roles. These events are thousands of years old. Your sexism predates the Old Testament.

Like when?
And your proof of this is?

Well, at this point, with you denying the reliability of other posters' sources...what would be the point in trying to convince you. You've got your ears and eyes closed to reality and facts. It would be like pearls before swine.

:lol: In other words, if posters question nonsense from left wing blogs that don't back anything up, you might as well just continue making shit up, because no one will believe it anyway.

And in your mind why bother having credible sources to back your shit up, that would mean that you would be posting the truth.

You didn't answer my question. If women weren't in combat, who would you be able to hide behind?
Well, at this point, with you denying the reliability of other posters' sources...what would be the point in trying to convince you. You've got your ears and eyes closed to reality and facts. It would be like pearls before swine.

:lol: In other words, if posters question nonsense from left wing blogs that don't back anything up, you might as well just continue making shit up, because no one will believe it anyway.

And in your mind why bother having credible sources to back your shit up, that would mean that you would be posting the truth.

You didn't answer my question. If women weren't in combat, who would you be able to hide behind?

:cuckoo: You see moron I wanted to show the difference between adequately backing up what you say and just spewing bullshit you know nothing about like you do.

I doubt you will get it though.
:lol: In other words, if posters question nonsense from left wing blogs that don't back anything up, you might as well just continue making shit up, because no one will believe it anyway.

And in your mind why bother having credible sources to back your shit up, that would mean that you would be posting the truth.

You didn't answer my question. If women weren't in combat, who would you be able to hide behind?

:cuckoo: You see moron I wanted to show the difference between adequately backing up what you say and just spewing bullshit you know nothing about like you do.

I doubt you will get it though.

So, who will you hide behind if there aren't women out there serving their country on the front lines against terrorism and other bad guys?

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