1.7 Million illegals into USA in just 2021

You dummies ever want to live in Latin America??
You are going to love their insane violent crime
. USA is buried
And, isn't it interesting that their laws banning the ownership of firearms still has them having a significantly higher death rate via guns than the USA.
As for the huge influx of illegal migrants, I'm sure the George Soros puppets are jumping for joy and not realizing that this will further drain our resources, cut down more forest, eliminate more wildlife habitat and put us even deeper in debt, or don't care.
White Christians and Jews are the main enemies of the left !!
I am afraid that a possible CW 2 is a realty
The Asians in America are fighting back against the leftist vermin but the gutless Jews don’t

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish
to drive nearly 1.7 million illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border by the end of 2021, new analysis projects.

On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that more than 178,000 border crossers were encountered by federal immigration officials in June along the border. This total does not include illegal aliens who successfully crossed into the U.S., undetected by federal immigration officials.
Biden does not have open borders policy, and a 178,000 is a lot different that 1.7 million.
and nobody gives a shit....what is happening to US under this stolen Administration

oh well....I thought Americans love the traditions the land the country....

....but no....not a shit they give about those things.... oh well.:(

Banana Republic of the USA ....that's what it's liked better.
I’m a Proud American
Your comments make me ill.
PcUuKnEtSs like you are useless.

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Where's your evidence that "many" are kicked out and dangerous? Ay?
You have nothing.
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?

Yes. Been there twice.
Where's your evidence? I'll say there is none. I'll say your an ignorant hate filled racist Republican.
I'll say that no amount of evidence will ever be believed by you, so why waste the time on a wasted POS such as yourself?

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish
to drive nearly 1.7 million illegal aliens to the United States-Mexico border by the end of 2021, new analysis projects.

On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed that more than 178,000 border crossers were encountered by federal immigration officials in June along the border. This total does not include illegal aliens who successfully crossed into the U.S., undetected by federal immigration officials.
Biden does not have open borders policy, and a 178,000 is a lot different that 1.7 million.
The 1.7 million is NOT a one-month total, but a sum of all the months. You really suck at deflection.

BTW. Biden DOES have an open border policy. We're seeing it playing out right before our eyes.
It's a big reason why Europe is turning to China. They feel that the fall of the U.S is inevitable. Why would Europe focus on America when they see China being more stable? Don't fall for the double talking from Europe, they are gone. America has to bank on Japan, Australia and India now. How long before they feel America of today isn't the America of old?

The open border is the most clear danger to Americas sovereignty and some are so desperate to remain in power so they can continue to prop up NY, Cali and D.C that they don't care. It's not even about cheap labour, you have 20M+ already in your country, this is something more in my estimation.

As Trump said, they don't live in these areas, they live in their mansions with walls, castles with moats and miles away from the problems.
China is more stable because of their lack of diversity. Tell me again how diversity iss our friend?

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Where's your evidence that "many" are kicked out and dangerous? Ay?
You have nothing.
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?

Yes. Been there twice.
Where's your evidence? I'll say there is none. I'll say your an ignorant hate filled racist Republican.
I'll say that no amount of evidence will ever be believed by you, so why waste the time on a wasted POS such as yourself?

I don't care if you conveniently leave here. I won t stop you but if you don't, you can expect to get challenged by me forever.
I know you are what I described and your reply acknowledged I hit the nerve.
You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Where's your evidence that "many" are kicked out and dangerous? Ay?
You have nothing.
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?

Yes. Been there twice.
Where's your evidence? I'll say there is none. I'll say your an ignorant hate filled racist Republican.
I'll say that no amount of evidence will ever be believed by you, so why waste the time on a wasted POS such as yourself?

I don't care if you conveniently leave here. I won t stop you but if you don't, you can expect to get challenged by me forever.
I know you are what I described and your reply acknowledged I hit the nerve.
You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
When you stop breathing, hopefully soon, I'll rejoice that the world has become a much better place.

I must have hit a nerve as I noticed you failed to say that you would actually consider proof. We all know you won't, however. You are a waste of air.

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Where's your evidence that "many" are kicked out and dangerous? Ay?
You have nothing.
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?

Yes. Been there twice.
Where's your evidence? I'll say there is none. I'll say your an ignorant hate filled racist Republican.
I'll say that no amount of evidence will ever be believed by you, so why waste the time on a wasted POS such as yourself?

I don't care if you conveniently leave here. I won t stop you but if you don't, you can expect to get challenged by me forever.
I know you are what I described and your reply acknowledged I hit the nerve.
You're as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
When you stop breathing, hopefully soon, I'll rejoice that the world has become a much better place.

I must have hit a nerve as I noticed you failed to say that you would actually consider proof. We all know you won't, however. You are a waste of air.

You're so caring and tender with your words. You make it sound as if I should be privileged to have you advising me.
I could be a waste of air but you should have been sprayed on the sheets.
Have another go smart arse.

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Where's your evidence that "many" are kicked out and dangerous? Ay?
You have nothing.
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?

Yes. Been there twice.
Where's your evidence? I'll say there is none. I'll say your an ignorant hate filled racist Republican.
The evidence, the data, is all around you but you’re scared to acknowledge it Gustavo from Tijuana.
The Asians in America are fighting back against the leftist vermin but the gutless Jews don’t
I believe that it is primarily Hasidic Jews that side with the left. They have large families and use every avenue to obtain any and all government handouts to help out their large families.
If I am completely off-base on this, feel free to chastise me, but I do seem to recall a short story (news or documentary) that addressed it.
Other Jews are just like other individuals, some support the right, some support the left and others fall in-between.
and nobody gives a shit....what is happening to US under this stolen Administration

oh well....I thought Americans love the traditions the land the country....

....but no....not a shit they give about those things.... oh well.:(

Banana Republic of the USA ....that's what it's liked better.
I’m a Proud American
Your comments make me ill.
PcUuKnEtSs like you are useless.

My comments make you ill?

That's OK then, I have no problem with that. :muahaha:

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish

Only idiots post a thread using Breitbart, a single far right tabloid dated July 2021 using an analysis (LOL) into the future. Of course the other far right neo fascists suck up every piece of bullshit and echo each and every BIG LIE & Conspiracy Fictional Story posted!!

They’re everywhere and they will never ever leave
I think USA is already the new Latin America
. Many coming are dangerous people and are actually being kicked out of their own nation for crimes . Most are unskilled and illiterate in Spanish
Another, fucking drama queen who blames all his problems on 'illegals'.
Like the wimp he is.

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