1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

Yes I won because the original topic was NOT about college or universities it was about "further education after HS" which is not specific to only four year colleges and universities. At no point in initformes posts which started this debate over edcuation and jobs did he specifiy that they have to go to college and get a degree. You lost because you bought into the sidestep about college that fitz tried to make.

Your gullibility and inability to follow the thread is not my problem.
Stamp your feet and pout some more, kid. :lol:

You see. I point out the fact that you and the rest of the right wingers are stuck on stupid based on how you continue to follow fitz's sidestep as he tried to change the focus to college when initforme who started this debate did not start it by talking about college.

here is the same proof that I offere spoon


The fact that you continue to rant on about college when it is not the topic shows that your arguments are inherently flawed and they fail because of it. Meaning you lose.
You seem to get rather emotional when it's pointed out that you don't get to dictate how the discussion goes.

Oh, well.
You proved it...because you said you did?

Well, if that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure. :lol:

<sarcasm> Yep, just because I say so and a little thing called proof.

I did offer an expanded version later after I saw that you defense ws to claim that my comments were not based on reality.

here it is.


Now you can continue to throw your tantrums and pretend it doesn't exist. LOL
Once again, we're left with your say-so.

You say it's true because you say it's true. Circular logic. Good luck with that.

Click on the link. If you click on the link it takes you to another post that cites and quotes other posts to show how my version is reality.

You do know how to use a link don't you or do I have to spell everything out for you?


Now you can go back to pretending it doesn't exist esposing your dishoensty once again. LOL
More hypocrisy. :lol:

And yet I have backed up my arguments and cited post after post to support my arguments. What have you offered other than baseless empty peronal attacks like the one above?

Nothing that you'd accept. All you want to hear is "You're right, smith!"

Try me. Post something other than avoidance and personal attacks.

If you are so sure that you can do then it should be easy enough to actually do it.
<sarcasm> Yep, just because I say so and a little thing called proof.

I did offer an expanded version later after I saw that you defense ws to claim that my comments were not based on reality.

here it is.


Now you can continue to throw your tantrums and pretend it doesn't exist. LOL
Once again, we're left with your say-so.

You say it's true because you say it's true. Circular logic. Good luck with that.

Click on the link. If you click on the link it takes you to another post that cites and quotes other posts to show how my version is reality.

You do know how to use a link don't you or do I have to spell everything out for you?


Now you can go back to pretending it doesn't exist esposing your dishoensty once again. LOL
Read it. Yawn. "Look at me, I'm so smart!" Whoopty-shit.
And yet I have backed up my arguments and cited post after post to support my arguments. What have you offered other than baseless empty peronal attacks like the one above?

hey, it is daveman.

he has nothing to offer.
Uh oh. Now smith is going to say all you're offering is baseless empty peronal attacks.

Oh, wait -- no, he won't. :lol:

Based on the content of your posts and responses I would say that Lk's comment is supported.

All he has to do is read the content of this thread and the proof is there. The only way to show otherwise is to stop your scorched earth tactics and start providing substantive arguments.
And yet I have backed up my arguments and cited post after post to support my arguments. What have you offered other than baseless empty peronal attacks like the one above?

Nothing that you'd accept. All you want to hear is "You're right, smith!"

Try me. Post something other than avoidance and personal attacks.

If you are so sure that you can do then it should be easy enough to actually do it.
:lol: It's funny how you pretend you're interested in anything besides fawning adoration.

I've seen how you react to others who give you what you demand from me. There really is no difference.
hey, it is daveman.

he has nothing to offer.
Uh oh. Now smith is going to say all you're offering is baseless empty peronal attacks.

Oh, wait -- no, he won't. :lol:

Based on the content of your posts and responses I would say that Lk's comment is supported.

All he has to do is read the content of this thread and the proof is there. The only way to show otherwise is to stop your scorched earth tactics and start providing substantive arguments.
Yup, I called it. No enemies on the left.

Oh, well, enjoy your hypocrisy.
Oh, please. You wouldn't accept anything that doesn't completely agree with you.

You may think you get to define reality, but it tells you to eat shit. Your views are a product only of your delusion.

LOL How do you know since you never tried to offer anything of substance. The moment I pointed out the flaws in your argument the other day you started coming at me personally while running away from substantiating your own arguments.

Your BS "reality" argument has been addressed and countered in the other thread but my guess is that you just call me a name and run away again.
It's easy to win when you see only what you want to see.

Uh you do realize that you are the one pretending content doesn't exist and skipping posts that show the very proof that you say doesn't exist don't you??

I have to ask because unlike you I don't pretend to speak for other posters.

I posted the link to the other post which quotes and cites other posts to show that my timeline matches reality and yet here you still pretend that it doesn't exist. Why is it that most of the accusations you fling my way apply to your more than they do to me??
Last edited:
A new poll shows that Republican Scott Walker leads four potential Democratic challengers hoping to unseat the Wisconsin governor in a recall election.

Walker has been targeted for recall by those opposed to a bill he signed into law that limited bargaining rights for public sector unions. The measure sparked massive protests and recall efforts against members of the state Legislature. Opponents recently filed a million signatures to recall Walker that have yet to be certified.

Nonetheless, the Marquette Law School Poll surveyed 701 registered Wisconsin voters by both landline and cell phone Jan. 19-22. The poll found Walker led Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, 50 to 44 percent; former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, 49 to 42 percent; former Congressman David Obey, 49 to 43 percent; and Democratic State Sen. Tim Cullen 50 to 40 percent.

“The old line ‘you don’t beat somebody with nobody’ is true,” said Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette Law School Poll. “Other polls have asked only if Governor Walker should be recalled and have found closer races. But in the end, some specific Democrat will face Governor Walker. This poll is the first of the year to match specific potential Democratic challengers against the governor. The results show a competitive race but one in which Governor Walker starts with an advantage.”

Read more on Newsmax.com: Marquette Poll: Wisconsin's GOP Gov. Walker Leads Democratic Challengers in Recall Effort
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Marquette Poll: Wisconsin's GOP Gov. Walker Leads Democratic Challengers in Recall Effort

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I did not know that your name was victoria. Thanks for sharing.
Ahh, the old "No, YOU!!" gambit, popular among second-graders everywhere. :clap2:

Hey you were the one who provided the card so it's only natural that it would belong to you. LOL

Furthermore since you went with childish attacks I figured I wold respond on your level. I would hate to go over your head again.
You think what you're spewing is a valid counterargument?

Well, that's rather telling. :lol:

What is more telling is your refusal to address anything that has been said as you offer nothing but personal attacks.

Go ahead and scorch that earth. It's not like I care that you make a fool out of yourself as you go. LOL
You whine like a mule.

-- Azim, Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves

Heres your card back


It's obvious that you need it more than me. LOL
LOL How do you know since you never tried to offer anything of substance. The moment I pointed out the flaws in your argument the other day you started coming at me personally while running away from substantiating your own arguments.

Your BS "reality" argument has been addressed and countered in the other thread but my guess is that you just call me a name and run away again.
It's easy to win when you see only what you want to see.

Uh you do realize that you are the one pretending content doesn't exist and skipping posts that show the very proof that you say doesn't exist don't you??

I have to ask because unlike you I don't pretend to speak for other posters.

I posted the link to the other post which quotes and cites other posts to show that my timeline matches reality and yet here you still pretend that it doesn't exist. Why is it that most of the accusations you fling my way apply to your more than they do to me??
Why do you have to keep lying? I saw your silly post. It's just you flapping your ego. I remain unimpressed, despite your little tantrums.

Grow up, kid. If it's possible.
Stamp your feet and pout some more, kid. :lol:

You see. I point out the fact that you and the rest of the right wingers are stuck on stupid based on how you continue to follow fitz's sidestep as he tried to change the focus to college when initforme who started this debate did not start it by talking about college.

here is the same proof that I offere spoon


The fact that you continue to rant on about college when it is not the topic shows that your arguments are inherently flawed and they fail because of it. Meaning you lose.
You seem to get rather emotional when it's pointed out that you don't get to dictate how the discussion goes.

Oh, well.

You seem to get rather cowardly and lacking of integrity when proven to be wrong

oh well.

Fact is that I provided links and suppoting info somethign that you and spoon claimed I never did and you turned tail and ran away again. LOL
I did not know that your name was victoria. Thanks for sharing.
Ahh, the old "No, YOU!!" gambit, popular among second-graders everywhere. :clap2:

Hey you were the one who provided the card so it's only natural that it would belong to you. LOL

Furthermore since you went with childish attacks I figured I wold respond on your level. I would hate to go over your head again.
You're not capable of going over my head, boy. :lol:

You flatter yourself. You do that a LOT. :rofl:
You see. I point out the fact that you and the rest of the right wingers are stuck on stupid based on how you continue to follow fitz's sidestep as he tried to change the focus to college when initforme who started this debate did not start it by talking about college.

here is the same proof that I offere spoon


The fact that you continue to rant on about college when it is not the topic shows that your arguments are inherently flawed and they fail because of it. Meaning you lose.
You seem to get rather emotional when it's pointed out that you don't get to dictate how the discussion goes.

Oh, well.

You seem to get rather cowardly and lacking of integrity when proven to be wrong

oh well.

Fact is that I provided links and suppoting info somethign that you and spoon claimed I never did and you turned tail and ran away again. LOL
What's with you leftists and redefining words? You got all of them wrong except the articles and pronouns. :lol:
Once again, we're left with your say-so.

You say it's true because you say it's true. Circular logic. Good luck with that.

Click on the link. If you click on the link it takes you to another post that cites and quotes other posts to show how my version is reality.

You do know how to use a link don't you or do I have to spell everything out for you?


Now you can go back to pretending it doesn't exist esposing your dishoensty once again. LOL
Read it. Yawn. "Look at me, I'm so smart!" Whoopty-shit.

Hey I can't help it that I was right and posting info to support my arguments and you were WRONG again. Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to attack me personally you might actually have something valid to offer but somehow I doubt it.
Nothing that you'd accept. All you want to hear is "You're right, smith!"

Try me. Post something other than avoidance and personal attacks.

If you are so sure that you can do then it should be easy enough to actually do it.
:lol: It's funny how you pretend you're interested in anything besides fawning adoration.

I've seen how you react to others who give you what you demand from me. There really is no difference.

If I were interested in "adoration" then wouldn't I be kissing everyone's ass so my rep would go up??

I am not here to make friends but I would like to have an adult conversation about certain topics but then you are not acting like an adult. so thanks for wasting my time. LOL

You have had every opportunity to present arguments with substance and have failed to do so. How does that reflect negatively on me??
Uh oh. Now smith is going to say all you're offering is baseless empty peronal attacks.

Oh, wait -- no, he won't. :lol:

Based on the content of your posts and responses I would say that Lk's comment is supported.

All he has to do is read the content of this thread and the proof is there. The only way to show otherwise is to stop your scorched earth tactics and start providing substantive arguments.
Yup, I called it. No enemies on the left.

Oh, well, enjoy your hypocrisy.

LOL is that the best you've got? You claim that LK was making baseless claims but fail to show how they are baseless even as you pretend that the pages upon pages of your unsubstantiated rants showing that you've got nothing to offer don't exist.

How is that hypocrisy on my part?? You made an unsubstantiated claim to try and claim that someone else's claim was unsubstantiated. Do you not see the irony?? LOL
It's easy to win when you see only what you want to see.

Uh you do realize that you are the one pretending content doesn't exist and skipping posts that show the very proof that you say doesn't exist don't you??

I have to ask because unlike you I don't pretend to speak for other posters.

I posted the link to the other post which quotes and cites other posts to show that my timeline matches reality and yet here you still pretend that it doesn't exist. Why is it that most of the accusations you fling my way apply to your more than they do to me??
Why do you have to keep lying? I saw your silly post. It's just you flapping your ego. I remain unimpressed, despite your little tantrums.

Grow up, kid. If it's possible.

What did I lie about?? Got proof?? I know it's pointless in asking because you have nothing to offer but I am an optimist.

I substantiated my arguments by providing substance to support them and what do you have to offer?? nothing if substance.

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