1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

LOL You and your exaggerations and distortions.
You ask me if i want to compare personal info and I point out how moronic it is to suggest doing that because there is no way to prove anything said on this board.
Then instead of even trying to defend your indefensible position or showing that you have to integriy to admit when you are wrong you continue to come at me personally.

How sad is that? LOL
:lol: You don't even see your arrogance. It's just natural to you. Birds fly, fish swim, and you're smarter than everyone else. :lol:

Nope never said or argued that I was smarter than everyone else. However, based on how I handled your stalking and continued assault of baseless personal attacks as well as every argument that you threw out in the hopes that something would stick I would say that I am smarter than you. LOL
Unless you believe that you are the smartest person alive, which would take incredible arrogance on your part, then being smarter than you is not a declaration that I am smarter than everyone else.

If we are both running from a bear I don't have to outrun the bear I just have to outrun you.

P.S. you still haven't offered anyting of substance to defend you previous accusation. LOL
Oh, please. You wouldn't accept anything that doesn't completely agree with you.

You may think you get to define reality, but it tells you to eat shit. Your views are a product only of your delusion.
Yes stalk. After all you are the one following me into other threads to continue trolling and attacking me personally. All you have done in post after post was come at me personally with one false accusation after another. If you don't like the label stop living the definition of it.

Furthermore, unlike you I do not believe that i can say whatever I want and have no problem defending what I say. You on the other hand go to the old scorched earth approach and persoanlly attack me for daring to question your opinions and point out the flaws in them as you refuse to discuss anything relevant to the debate even as you fill each thread with pointless personal attacks all in a desperate attempt to tear me down and put this "pompous ass" in his place. LOL

Your own words prove that you are not interested in the debate but instead are out to tear me down. No victimhood here because I think it's hilarious that you feel the need to try and put me in my place. However for you to deny that it is what you are doing even as your own words show that you are is nothing but more dishonesty from you.
I don't care how loudly you whine, I will NOT kiss your ass, okay?

And here I proved that you were being dishonest when you claimed that you were nto trying to tear me down even as you admitted that you coming after me becuase I was a pompous ass?

What more proof do you need. Your own contradictory words say it all. LOL
Says you, the pompous ass who is declaring victory even though his arguments and accusations have been shot down.

BTW why would I ignore you watching you squirm and you try to come at me with your meaningless posts which are full of sound and fury but signify nothing is hilarious.
Yeah, yeah, you won, just because you say so. We get it.

All together, everybody: "drmith is sooo smart!! I wish we could be as smart as he is!!"

LOL Watching posters throw tantrums like this after their spin is countered is part of what makes this board interesting and fun. LOL

I have presented a valid counter argument to everything that you have thrown at me and your response is to continue to come at me personally. The fact that you refuse to defend your accusations and arguments says all that needs to be said.
You think what you're spewing is a valid counterargument?

Well, that's rather telling. :lol:
I didn't say that you said anything in that excerpt. I asked you questions based on your statements about plumbers not needing to educated even though as my unedited post shows they have be an apprentice for roughly 5 years and then they have to be licensed in most states.

I didn't say that that did. Fruthermore in my unedited post I listed all the info on plumbers so it's funy how you edited that out. Why would you do that?

If you are trying to claim that i said he was going to have one then please show me when and where i did say such a thing.

So you can't answer the simple questions??
Your unedited posts says nothing about attending university, which was what we were discussing. And your questions were just more dishonest horseshit strawmen.

But you "won". :lol:

Yes I won because the original topic was NOT about college or universities it was about "further education after HS" which is not specific to only four year colleges and universities. At no point in initformes posts which started this debate over edcuation and jobs did he specifiy that they have to go to college and get a degree. You lost because you bought into the sidestep about college that fitz tried to make.

Your gullibility and inability to follow the thread is not my problem.
Stamp your feet and pout some more, kid. :lol:
Not only are you a fucking dumbass, you're a fucking hypocrite.

Keep it coming I already proved your accusation false in the other thread. So is that why in this one you didn't even try to substantiate it in this thread? LOL
You proved it...because you said you did?

Well, if that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure. :lol:

<sarcasm> Yep, just because I say so and a little thing called proof.

I did offer an expanded version later after I saw that you defense ws to claim that my comments were not based on reality.

here it is.


Now you can continue to throw your tantrums and pretend it doesn't exist. LOL
no stupid..just work and experience. you could leave out the personal stuff.
What a yutz.

Nope not going to do it because there is no point to becuase their is no way to prove anything said on this board. Besdies that what does it matter when you will refuse to believe me and I will refuse to believe you. Why waste the time?

So do you have anyhting else to offer or are you through trolling for the night?
That concrete around your ankles starting to set , is it?

Ok so trolling is all that you have to offer

thanks for nothing.
Funny how you declare victory even as you fail to substantiate your own opinion with anything more than your own opinions
Thanks for the baseless opinions.
More hypocrisy. :lol:

And yet I have backed up my arguments and cited post after post to support my arguments. What have you offered other than baseless empty peronal attacks like the one above?

hey, it is daveman.

he has nothing to offer.
Keep it coming I already proved your accusation false in the other thread. So is that why in this one you didn't even try to substantiate it in this thread? LOL
You proved it...because you said you did?

Well, if that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure. :lol:
This fucking guy hasn't provided a single shred pf evidence to support his claims and yet everyone who challenges his claims is wrong.

thanks for being just as dishoenst as dave. LOL

How wonderful it must be to think one always the smartest person in the room.

It doesn't take much when you are surreounded by the current crop of rightwingers that are surrounding me in these threads. LOL

BTW what about this post


I cited links to the original argument presented by initforme showing that all the rightwing BS about colleges is not the actual topic and yet you failed to respond??

Furtheromre what about all of the links I provided earlier in this thread about the legal requirements for the recall and how walker got the state to pay for his responsibility as the chalenger of the petition??

So you claim i don't provide evidence but when I do you refuse to acknowledge it.

So thanks for the dishonesty.
Last edited:

I don't know if anyone posted this already, I've been away for at least a week.

However, Scotty Walker's A$$ is grass!!

Wisconsin recall petition gets over 1 million signatures; Democratic challenger Falk steps forward - The Washington Post

I know that Scotty and many or even most on the RW didn't expect such a LOUD denouncement of his radical hard-RW policies.

There is sure to be a re-election now, and none of their Big Corporate money could stop the juggernaut of the Will of the People!!



1 million SIGNATURES is impossible..

Simple math proves that it's impossible.

Progressives are fucking liars and WERE SPILLING OVER INTO ILLINOIS...

It's amazing how dishonest progressives are and the length they will go to FRAUD DEMOCRACY......
:lol: You don't even see your arrogance. It's just natural to you. Birds fly, fish swim, and you're smarter than everyone else. :lol:

Nope never said or argued that I was smarter than everyone else. However, based on how I handled your stalking and continued assault of baseless personal attacks as well as every argument that you threw out in the hopes that something would stick I would say that I am smarter than you. LOL
Unless you believe that you are the smartest person alive, which would take incredible arrogance on your part, then being smarter than you is not a declaration that I am smarter than everyone else.

If we are both running from a bear I don't have to outrun the bear I just have to outrun you.

P.S. you still haven't offered anyting of substance to defend you previous accusation. LOL
Oh, please. You wouldn't accept anything that doesn't completely agree with you.

You may think you get to define reality, but it tells you to eat shit. Your views are a product only of your delusion.

LOL How do you know since you never tried to offer anything of substance. The moment I pointed out the flaws in your argument the other day you started coming at me personally while running away from substantiating your own arguments.

Your BS "reality" argument has been addressed and countered in the other thread but my guess is that you just call me a name and run away again.
I don't care how loudly you whine, I will NOT kiss your ass, okay?

And here I proved that you were being dishonest when you claimed that you were nto trying to tear me down even as you admitted that you coming after me becuase I was a pompous ass?

What more proof do you need. Your own contradictory words say it all. LOL

I did not know that your name was victoria. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, yeah, you won, just because you say so. We get it.

All together, everybody: "drmith is sooo smart!! I wish we could be as smart as he is!!"

LOL Watching posters throw tantrums like this after their spin is countered is part of what makes this board interesting and fun. LOL

I have presented a valid counter argument to everything that you have thrown at me and your response is to continue to come at me personally. The fact that you refuse to defend your accusations and arguments says all that needs to be said.
You think what you're spewing is a valid counterargument?

Well, that's rather telling. :lol:

What is more telling is your refusal to address anything that has been said as you offer nothing but personal attacks.

Go ahead and scorch that earth. It's not like I care that you make a fool out of yourself as you go. LOL
Your unedited posts says nothing about attending university, which was what we were discussing. And your questions were just more dishonest horseshit strawmen.

But you "won". :lol:

Yes I won because the original topic was NOT about college or universities it was about "further education after HS" which is not specific to only four year colleges and universities. At no point in initformes posts which started this debate over edcuation and jobs did he specifiy that they have to go to college and get a degree. You lost because you bought into the sidestep about college that fitz tried to make.

Your gullibility and inability to follow the thread is not my problem.
Stamp your feet and pout some more, kid. :lol:

You see. I point out the fact that you and the rest of the right wingers are stuck on stupid based on how you continue to follow fitz's sidestep as he tried to change the focus to college when initforme who started this debate did not start it by talking about college.

here is the same proof that I offere spoon


The fact that you continue to rant on about college when it is not the topic shows that your arguments are inherently flawed and they fail because of it. Meaning you lose.
Keep it coming I already proved your accusation false in the other thread. So is that why in this one you didn't even try to substantiate it in this thread? LOL
You proved it...because you said you did?

Well, if that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure. :lol:

<sarcasm> Yep, just because I say so and a little thing called proof.

I did offer an expanded version later after I saw that you defense ws to claim that my comments were not based on reality.

here it is.


Now you can continue to throw your tantrums and pretend it doesn't exist. LOL
Once again, we're left with your say-so.

You say it's true because you say it's true. Circular logic. Good luck with that.
Funny how you declare victory even as you fail to substantiate your own opinion with anything more than your own opinions
Thanks for the baseless opinions.
More hypocrisy. :lol:

And yet I have backed up my arguments and cited post after post to support my arguments. What have you offered other than baseless empty peronal attacks like the one above?

Nothing that you'd accept. All you want to hear is "You're right, smith!"
Nope never said or argued that I was smarter than everyone else. However, based on how I handled your stalking and continued assault of baseless personal attacks as well as every argument that you threw out in the hopes that something would stick I would say that I am smarter than you. LOL
Unless you believe that you are the smartest person alive, which would take incredible arrogance on your part, then being smarter than you is not a declaration that I am smarter than everyone else.

If we are both running from a bear I don't have to outrun the bear I just have to outrun you.

P.S. you still haven't offered anyting of substance to defend you previous accusation. LOL
Oh, please. You wouldn't accept anything that doesn't completely agree with you.

You may think you get to define reality, but it tells you to eat shit. Your views are a product only of your delusion.

LOL How do you know since you never tried to offer anything of substance. The moment I pointed out the flaws in your argument the other day you started coming at me personally while running away from substantiating your own arguments.

Your BS "reality" argument has been addressed and countered in the other thread but my guess is that you just call me a name and run away again.
It's easy to win when you see only what you want to see.
And here I proved that you were being dishonest when you claimed that you were nto trying to tear me down even as you admitted that you coming after me becuase I was a pompous ass?

What more proof do you need. Your own contradictory words say it all. LOL

I did not know that your name was victoria. Thanks for sharing.
Ahh, the old "No, YOU!!" gambit, popular among second-graders everywhere. :clap2:
LOL Watching posters throw tantrums like this after their spin is countered is part of what makes this board interesting and fun. LOL

I have presented a valid counter argument to everything that you have thrown at me and your response is to continue to come at me personally. The fact that you refuse to defend your accusations and arguments says all that needs to be said.
You think what you're spewing is a valid counterargument?

Well, that's rather telling. :lol:

What is more telling is your refusal to address anything that has been said as you offer nothing but personal attacks.

Go ahead and scorch that earth. It's not like I care that you make a fool out of yourself as you go. LOL
You whine like a mule.

-- Azim, Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves

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