1 Mexican killed 1,500 people including U.S. consular with machine gun fire


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Mexican drug cartel enforcer admits to killing 1,500


Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is the most dangerous city in the world. The Mexican police took down one of the most dangerous men in Mexico, Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez, 33, known as “El Diego.” After a fierce gun battle in Chihuahua, Mexico the police took him into custody and he admitted to killing 1,500 people.

In March of this year he allegedly orchestrated the killing of a U.S. consular official and her spouse while her 9 year old daughter was in the back seat unharmed. They hit them with a spray of machine gun bullets while the couple was in traffic headed towards America. The U.S. wants to extradite him for those murders.

“He was a very hands-on manager that was practically involved in the management and organization personally brokering every single activity and every single murder….” Now, there’s a man who likes to kill.

Hernandez’s gang was the La Linea where he was head honcho. He employed corrupt cops and array of hit men who did the dirty work for the Juarez drug cartel.


Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez, 33

Hernandez was responsible for murdering 15 people at a birthday party last January. As I remember that was a mistake and they hit the wrong house. He also planted a car bomb that killed 2 police officers.

It’s unclear if the $1.2 million dollar reward for Hernandez's head will be collected by anyone. "An estimated 41,000 people have been killed in violence related to organized crime in Mexico since December 2006."
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His shirt says, "Rebel Spirit" written down both sleeves.
Is this one of the fellows Obama made sure got our guns?
Send his ass to Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iran & let him go on a killing spree.
them 10 years to find Osama Bin Laden.

All we would need is about an army of 5 to wipe out every living thing in the Middle East. Then maybe we could have peace.

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