1 million, 290 thousand plus weapons carried concealed, no Wild West shoot outs.

I would guess that probably 20% or more of the people where I live are carrying.
Probably a lot more.
Lefties weep for the non-loss of life.

This link was used for the "knockout game" thread but it has a great chart if stats imbedded in it. The number of CCW holders and how fast it is increasing. Probably the reason crime is down.

Evidence that guns deter: "Knockout game" attacker asks victim if he is armed before hitting him - Crime Prevention Research Center

If you're capable of knocking somoene out with a single blow what difference does it make if they're armed? :)
This is an important point in the battle to protect the 2nd Amendment from those with an irrational fear of guns...

One of their chief arguments is that guns in the hands of law abiding, regular, people will lead to more gun violence and more crime....that was one of their core arguments whenever carry laws were being debated.

the fact that more and more Americans are not only buying guns, but are actually carrying them for protection completely destroys their anti gun point...and it needs to be brought up over and over again...why...because they now fail to bring it up and are trying to forget it as they move on to other ways to get rid of private ownership...

with guns in the hands of so many more people...more violent crimes are being stopped and lives are being saved...far more than are murdered with guns...to a rate of 11-12,000 murders with guns each year vs. 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped, and lives saved with guns...

Keep in mind as well...accidental gun deaths are on the decline as well...so even that part of their argument is shown to be wrong....

You defeat these irrational people by pointing out that they are wrong, again and again in what they believe...and you address how wrong they are whenever you have a chance....just as they do on their side of the battle...

thanks for the post...
Lefties weep for the non-loss of life.

This link was used for the "knockout game" thread but it has a great chart if stats imbedded in it. The number of CCW holders and how fast it is increasing. Probably the reason crime is down.

Evidence that guns deter: "Knockout game" attacker asks victim if he is armed before hitting him - Crime Prevention Research Center

If you're capable of knocking somoene out with a single blow what difference does it make if they're armed? :)

He said it in his OP. Deter.
I would guess that probably 20% or more of the people where I live are carrying.
Probably a lot more.

And those are just the one's who have a CHL. I know plenty who carry without one.
Of course this being Texas thats no surprise.
Lefties weep for the non-loss of life.

This link was used for the "knockout game" thread but it has a great chart if stats imbedded in it. The number of CCW holders and how fast it is increasing. Probably the reason crime is down.

Evidence that guns deter: "Knockout game" attacker asks victim if he is armed before hitting him - Crime Prevention Research Center

If you're capable of knocking somoene out with a single blow what difference does it make if they're armed? :)

Better make sure you hit true. If not you're a dead man.
Gun ownership is still on the rise, open carry and concealed carry has been granted in increasing numbers, yet still no "Wild West Shootouts" like many lefties predicted.

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