1 million immigrants every year

Rubio said roughly 1 million foreigners become permanent residents every year. And, that's every year. Why do we do this? My guess is we need the manpower.

I'm sick of hearing the conspiracy theories. I even have my own. They want to keep unemployment above 3% because that keeps wages down.

I don't see why we couldn't have 1% unemployment.

What is the GOP and dnc's reason for bringing in 1 million new Americans every year?

I know we have too many retired baby boomers and not enough workers paying taxes.

Why not half a million or 250,000?

Or even less.

Do you know why Social Security will certainly fail one day if nothing is done to change it? Do you know what the term "replacement level" means in terms of demographics? Have you ever studied US History at all?
Immigrants can help solve our biggest economic problems. Given that President Obama has led thelongest private sector expansion in American history—which has seen the unemployment rate cut faster and more dramatically than even Mitt Romney promised, as we’re on pace for thesecond-highest number of jobs ever created in one president’s term—Republicans have to find other numbers to whine about. Their current fixation is the labor force participation rate. It is falling, as it has for decades, mostly because those pesky Baby Boomers actually thought we were serious when we said Americans should be able to retire. I know Republicans just like to complain instead of trying to solve problems. But if they really want to increase labor force participation, immigration reform is the way to do it. Immigrants have showed ahigher labor participation rate recently, and could help replace — and support — the legions of retiring Americans. Forcing all workers to join in a legal labor market, where they can’t be exploited, would also help to address our second biggest problem: stagnant wages. Immigrants have already raised wages for American workers between 0.1 and 0.6 percent. And with these workers invited to participate in and contribute to our economy, they can advance the efforts to raise salaries through a higher minimum wage and a new overtime threshold that willpay millions of Americans more for work they’re already doing.
And you can't explain why we take in 1 million immigrants a year every year either.

Because we are a nation of immigrants, and we always will be. The people being naturalized didn't show up here last week, Dimwit.
That has to be the dumbest reason ever posted....

I don't expect the likes of you to understand America.

How does that make your reason any smarter?

Here is ...

You beg for support like a little girl, fish. Pathetic.

By the way, Morita is not an Irish name, you fucking idiot.
I knew you weren't really an American.
Insults, not logic or facts. That's all you've got.

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I've been trying to engage him in an honest thoughtful discussion ....

You lying sack of shit. No, you haven't.
I've asked you DIRECT questions and you've never answered one. You sir are a piece of shit I would love to school on a wrestling mat......

You'd love to be able to, fish, but don't kid yourself. You say you have asked DIRECT questions? Try one right now, bullshitter.
Next time. You've already answered my question indirectly by arguing with that other guy about social security. Stop being such a dick in the future gooky boy. I know you are a gook. Just look at all the threads you have started. No one posts that much shit about asian without being an asian.

Or maybe you're just a wannabe
Rubio said roughly 1 million foreigners become permanent residents every year. And, that's every year. Why do we do this? My guess is we need the manpower.

I'm sick of hearing the conspiracy theories. I even have my own. They want to keep unemployment above 3% because that keeps wages down.

I don't see why we couldn't have 1% unemployment.

What is the GOP and dnc's reason for bringing in 1 million new Americans every year?

I know we have too many retired baby boomers and not enough workers paying taxes.

Why not half a million or 250,000?

Or even less.

Do you know why Social Security will certainly fail one day if nothing is done to change it? Do you know what the term "replacement level" means in terms of demographics? Have you ever studied US History at all?

Which politicians are explaining this to the stupid voters who are voting for Trump? Do they realize if all immigrants leave social security will dry up?

A guy said earlier, "ss will be fine". How does he know that?
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
I only do it to you because I can't stand you. I don't want to get in trouble but I'd like to punch your face. JK.

Which politicians are explaining this to the stupid voters who are voting for Trump? Do they realize if all immigrants leave social security will dry up?....

Even trump hasn't called for all immigrants to leave. Pay attention.
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.
Too funny y'all now want to capitalize on a lame claim of being against immigration when their major leaders both Clinton's, Pelosi and Reid have all helped fund and bring more shit into the country to displace American workers.
So have the Republicans silly. Read those links I posted in post #23.

Immigration always has been controversial in the United States. More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin worried that too many German immigrants would swamp America’s predominantly British culture. In the mid-1800s, Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy drunks, not to mention Roman Catholics. At the turn of the century a wave of “new immigrants” — Poles, Italians, Russian Jews — were believed to be too different ever to assimilate into American life. Today the same fears are raised about immigrants from Latin America and Asia, but current critics of immigration are as wrong as their counterparts were in previous eras.

Immigrants have enriched American culture and enhanced our influence in the world
Letting foreigners in even if they have an appearance of wealth is also a mistake. I started looking into the H1b visas and these have been not only displacing American workers and college students but some have also been using and abusing the grant system for small businesses. Best thing to do is start shipping them all out and do a restart with common sense in place.
People like Trump are polarizing our government. Republicans told themselves to pass immigration reform after losing in 2012. When a bipartisan bill passed the Senate — a bill that would have doubled the number of border patrol agents — the House GOP refused to vote on it. Instead they voted to deport law-abiding undocumented immigrants, over and over. Why?The House GOP does not need to win one Latino voteto keep its majority. And while Latinos care about far more than immigration, the issue is hugely consequential and symbolic, as it shows whether your outstretched hand is open to new Americans, or making a fist. For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections and gut the policies that built the middle class. Now they need minorities to win the White House, and the seeds of distrust and division they’ve planted have grown into vines that threaten to strangle the party itself, the same way they have cut off all air to reform.
I grew up pretty tight and close with a Mexican family that actually treated me like a family member. The son close to my age hated the nasty illegals and what he called Chicanos. He also though would go with his mom out to feed the poor Mexican migrant workers that people like Pelosi used and abused to gain a portion of their millions. This is not a matter of Republicans. It is a matter of seeing why and where those immigrants are coming from. Who is doing the using and abusing so they can displace American workers and the jobs that American workers can do.

The GOP does not need minorities to win the WH. Rubio is a dink and Cruz does not have what it takes to be president. The Bushites and the nazi crew did think they could get Jebby in there. Their mistake as it did not work.

Now someone did post a thoughtful and somewhat thought out the post concerning their next move and it may very well be that they try to get behind Clinton. God forbid that they somehow figure out a way to get that bitch into office but it could happen if they think somehow she may do their will.

Again. The whole system needs to be rebooted. I am not going to post every detail of how on this can be done on an Internet forum as I have no dog in the race. I am merely a spectator at this point that they took out of business long ago with very illegal means.
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
I only do it to you because I can't stand you. I don't want to get in trouble but I'd like to punch your face. JK.

If you get off on receiving pain and humiliation that's your fetish, fish. I'm a peaceful fellow these days. Maybe you can find a little old lady to fulfill your apparent desire for said pain and humiliation.
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
I only do it to you because I can't stand you. I don't want to get in trouble but I'd like to punch your face. JK.

If you get off on receiving pain and humiliation that's your fetish, fish. I'm a peaceful fellow these days. Maybe you can find a little old lady to fulfill your apparent desire for said pain and humiliation.
Yea after years of other 115 pound wrestlers handing you your ass. Little boy stfu please.
.... For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections ......

Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
I have no problem with the gays. None. Do you? There is my first direct question.
Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
I only do it to you because I can't stand you. I don't want to get in trouble but I'd like to punch your face. JK.

If you get off on receiving pain and humiliation that's your fetish, fish. I'm a peaceful fellow these days. Maybe you can find a little old lady to fulfill your apparent desire for said pain and humiliation.
Yea after years of other 115 pound wrestlers handing you your ass. Little boy stfu please.

Wrong again, fish. For a nobody whose greatest accomplishment is being someone's throwing dummy, you'd be wise to check the size on those britches, fish.
Bullshit. Playing games with racism for cynical political purposes is and has always been the democrat party's game.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
I have no problem with the gays. None. Do you? There is my first direct question.

Fucking liar. Who has used a homophobic slur here? Just you, fish.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
I only do it to you because I can't stand you. I don't want to get in trouble but I'd like to punch your face. JK.

If you get off on receiving pain and humiliation that's your fetish, fish. I'm a peaceful fellow these days. Maybe you can find a little old lady to fulfill your apparent desire for said pain and humiliation.
Yea after years of other 115 pound wrestlers handing you your ass. Little boy stfu please.

Wrong again, fish. For a nobody whose greatest accomplishment is being someone's throwing dummy, you'd be wise to check the size on those britches, fish.
I started wrestling in 10th grade. 11th grade I was all League and 12th grade I was All State. Got a partial scholarship to Eastern Michigan University. Pretty good for never wrestling until 10th grade. I was a BEAST!

Did you ever wrestle in college? I doubt that very much. So what was your accomplishment in wrestling? There, another direct question I doubt you will answer.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
I have no problem with the gays. None. Do you? There is my first direct question.

Fucking liar. Who has used a homophobic slur here? Just you, fish.
So what queer faggot gay boy? That doesn't mean I hate gays, just you. Do you think gays should be allowed to marry?

3rd direct question you won't answer.
A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
I have no problem with the gays. None. Do you? There is my first direct question.

Fucking liar. Who has used a homophobic slur here? Just you, fish.
So what queer faggot gay boy? That doesn't mean I hate gays, just you. Do you think gays should be allowed to marry? I do.

Lying fucking hypocrite.
Oh stfu faggot.......

A racist, bigoted, homophobic democrat. Typical fucking hypocrite.
Homophobic? Did you just throw that in for kicks? Because I love the gays. I may call you a faggot but that's just because you are an idiot and faggot makes me feel better. It's like when you say FUCK instead FUDGE.

Lying hypocrite bigot. Typical of the left.
I have no problem with the gays. None. Do you? There is my first direct question.

Fucking liar. Who has used a homophobic slur here? Just you, fish.
I asked you a question and as usual you didn't answer you little dick asian.

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