+1 Obama approves fracking for gas in Utah 3700 new wells

He misspoke.

I'm not going to say this is the perfect coincidence and timing during the election season.

since it's so blatant that I don't need Two
This guy will do anything and everything to get votes. Next week, he'll stop this through an executive order to make the tree huggers happy. He can't afford to lose those votes either. Straddling the fence or jumping back and forth will probably cause extreme pain in the groin area.
Aren't all the Liberal Environmentalists against Fracking? :confused:

I seem to recall rdean making a thread about this a while back.

I know Libs will be outraged about this!
Fracking is a proven method to recover natural gas. And natural gas is the least damaging fossil fuel for the amount of energy recovered. However, should these wells damage aquifers, even in Utah, the results will be a banning of fracking. People in the Western States know the value of water.
They have agreed to use less harmful chemicals and I'm sure this will be monitored closer than any previous drill. A test project if you will.

Thing is though, fracking has never been proven to be harmful. The biggest fracking project in America was shut down for a time and investigated by the epa for over a year. Ultimately the epa left quietly with their tail between their legs.
Of course Barry's okaying the drilling.

Its 2012. An election year.

If he happens to win that second term the brakes will lock up and smoke all the way to DC.
Of course Barry's okaying the drilling.

Its 2012. An election year.

If he happens to win that second term the brakes will lock up and smoke all the way to DC.

Whatever the reason its a good thing. The GOP should push for more.
This guy will do anything and everything to get votes. Next week, he'll stop this through an executive order to make the tree huggers happy. He can't afford to lose those votes either. Straddling the fence or jumping back and forth will probably cause extreme pain in the groin area.

Especially considering what Biden said about Obama..
Apr 26, 2012 – "I promise you, the president has a big stick," Biden said, after quoting President ...
Idiot misled dupes, he's been approving fracking all along, morons, just with intelligent regulation, making it as safe as possible. Same with the Keystone, which will be approved by the end of the year, just through legal channels...

Talk about your capitalist running dogs! Change the channel, idiot tools of greedy, power mad, myopic, incompetent mega rich Pubs/corporations- you're off the wall chumps fighting your own interests fcs. See sig pp1 and 3, doofuses...
Fracturing is safe. The lateral is drilled and completed after surface and intermediate casing are in place. The fracture allows increased permeability through an area of the formation. The casing prevents gas from entering an underground reservoir. Fracture propagation is usually around 600 feet hence the need for several fractures along a lateral that is a mile long. One other note, laterals are several thousand feet from aquifers.
Can be- but ask some people in PA, whose fracking was done under Booosh non-regulation and need all their water trucked in...
I've been up there in PA. That had nothing to do with regulation. It had to do with adamant land owners who insisted that operators drill their wells. Both parties were at fault. The regs were in place.
Can be- but ask some people in PA, whose fracking was done under Booosh non-regulation and need all their water trucked in...

They don't need it. Their water was tested and came out fine but the epa scared the residents to the point that reason went out the window.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OyFNeS6EQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Court blocks Obama's EPA war on fossil fuels - YouTube[/ame]
Can be- but ask some people in PA, whose fracking was done under Booosh non-regulation and need all their water trucked in...

They don't need it. Their water was tested and came out fine but the epa scared the residents to the point that reason went out the window.

The water that was tested was cleaner than some natural artesian springs indicators.
Fracturing is safe. The lateral is drilled and completed after surface and intermediate casing are in place. The fracture allows increased permeability through an area of the formation. The casing prevents gas from entering an underground reservoir. Fracture propagation is usually around 600 feet hence the need for several fractures along a lateral that is a mile long. One other note, laterals are several thousand feet from aquifers.

fracking has been proven to cause quakes and contanimate water supplies

There were more than 493,000 active natural-gas wells across 31 states in the U.S. in 2009, almost double the number in 1990. Around 90 percent have used fracking to get more gas flowing, according to the drilling industry.[2] Nationwide, residents living near fracked gas wells have filed over 1,000 complaints regarding tainted water, severe illnesses, livestock deaths, and fish kills.[3]

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