+1 Obama approves fracking for gas in Utah 3700 new wells

Can be- but ask some people in PA, whose fracking was done under Booosh non-regulation and need all their water trucked in...

They don't need it. Their water was tested and came out fine but the epa scared the residents to the point that reason went out the window.

The water that was tested was cleaner than some natural artesian springs indicators.

Yep, the real outrage is that Obama allowed his epa to scare the residents to the point of needlessly purchasing thousands of dollars of bottled water for no reason other than politics.

Just another scam on the American people.
Fracturing is safe. The lateral is drilled and completed after surface and intermediate casing are in place. The fracture allows increased permeability through an area of the formation. The casing prevents gas from entering an underground reservoir. Fracture propagation is usually around 600 feet hence the need for several fractures along a lateral that is a mile long. One other note, laterals are several thousand feet from aquifers.

fracking has been proven to cause quakes and contanimate water supplies

All speculation. No proof. Otherwise Obama is for natural disasters and dirty water no?
Obama is pro dirty water folks. You heard it here first. From a lib no less so it must be true.
They have agreed to use less harmful chemicals and I'm sure this will be monitored closer than any previous drill. A test project if you will.

Thing is though, fracking has never been proven to be harmful. The biggest fracking project in America was shut down for a time and investigated by the epa for over a year. Ultimately the epa left quietly with their tail between their legs.

I live in PA, fracking is big here, so I searched and searched for anything that proved fracking was dangerous.

There's nothing
Underground natural gas storage is at a record level and is poised to stay that way throughout the remainder of 2012. The glut of natural gas stems partly from the energy industry’s success with new and more efficient drilling techniques that has allowed production to skyrocket in areas known as shale formations. While production has been increasing, demand for natural gas has not been able to keep up, forcing producers to put their natural gas into storage.

Will Natural Gas Storage Reach Full Capacity? | Energy4Business

It's the same dumbass right wingers who make the same stupid comments. They sit in front of the Internet yet don't know how to use a "search engine". They think a search engine is like a Native Injun, but with less feathers.
So is he finally reversing his policy that energy prices need to necessarily skyrocket? Good. Even if it is motivated purely by a desire to get reelected, we need more jobs and less suffering for people.
They have agreed to use less harmful chemicals and I'm sure this will be monitored closer than any previous drill. A test project if you will.

Thing is though, fracking has never been proven to be harmful. The biggest fracking project in America was shut down for a time and investigated by the epa for over a year. Ultimately the epa left quietly with their tail between their legs.

EPA official defends Pavillion fracking report | Our Public Lands

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in no way contends that a draft report on groundwater pollution in Wyoming could apply to hydraulic fracturing in any other part of the U.S., an EPA official told a U.S. House subcommittee.

That includes the Marcellus Shale, a vast area of booming gas drilling in Pennsylvania and other northeastern states, EPA Regional Administrator James Martin said Wednesday.

“The geologic conditions that exist with the Marcellus Shale are significantly different,” Martin told the House Science Committee’s energy and environment subcommittee, which held a hearing in Washington on the draft EPA report.

The report, released Dec. 8, theorized that gas industry activity including hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, may have caused groundwater pollution in Pavillion.
They have agreed to use less harmful chemicals and I'm sure this will be monitored closer than any previous drill. A test project if you will.

Thing is though, fracking has never been proven to be harmful. The biggest fracking project in America was shut down for a time and investigated by the epa for over a year. Ultimately the epa left quietly with their tail between their legs.

EPA official defends Pavillion fracking report | Our Public Lands

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in no way contends that a draft report on groundwater pollution in Wyoming could apply to hydraulic fracturing in any other part of the U.S., an EPA official told a U.S. House subcommittee.

That includes the Marcellus Shale, a vast area of booming gas drilling in Pennsylvania and other northeastern states, EPA Regional Administrator James Martin said Wednesday.

“The geologic conditions that exist with the Marcellus Shale are significantly different,” Martin told the House Science Committee’s energy and environment subcommittee, which held a hearing in Washington on the draft EPA report.

The report, released Dec. 8, theorized that gas industry activity including hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, may have caused groundwater pollution in Pavillion.

And in other news It's speculated that Kermit got Miss Piggy pregnant
They have agreed to use less harmful chemicals and I'm sure this will be monitored closer than any previous drill. A test project if you will.

Thing is though, fracking has never been proven to be harmful. The biggest fracking project in America was shut down for a time and investigated by the epa for over a year. Ultimately the epa left quietly with their tail between their legs.

EPA official defends Pavillion fracking report | Our Public Lands

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in no way contends that a draft report on groundwater pollution in Wyoming could apply to hydraulic fracturing in any other part of the U.S., an EPA official told a U.S. House subcommittee.

That includes the Marcellus Shale, a vast area of booming gas drilling in Pennsylvania and other northeastern states, EPA Regional Administrator James Martin said Wednesday.

“The geologic conditions that exist with the Marcellus Shale are significantly different,” Martin told the House Science Committee’s energy and environment subcommittee, which held a hearing in Washington on the draft EPA report.

The report, released Dec. 8, theorized that gas industry activity including hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, may have caused groundwater pollution in Pavillion.
in other words he's guessing and hoping that his fear mongering works

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