10/17/2022 Congressman Jordan Announces Pelosi Removal Today

She's not going anywhere. Not until the GOP takes control, if they take control. And even then she'll still hold her seat.
She broke several laws, Mr. Mick, but the worst thing she did was to bolster divisions in the nation. If Congressman Jordan had not intervened, we may have had a civil war on our hands right after Russia/N Korea/China/Iran nuked NYC or LA. Without Pelosi putting burrs under people's saddles, Congress can concentrate on providing for the common defense, because that's where we are headed. And putting hate-ring-leader Pelosi out, we may be able to jointly concentrate on America's enemies who want to flatten North America, we may be able to somehow bring a sense of peace on earth that President Trump started. Joe and Hunter Biden are half an inch away from a real spanking for theft of Foreign Aid Packages removed from countries getting them. Getting Pelosi on the sideline will at least alleviate that issue that is draining the United States Treasury, hand over fist.
Bullshit. The uranium was transferred to Russia by way of a third party. This is common knowledge.

"In June 2010, Rosatom proposed purchasing a majority share in Uranium One, thereby triggering a review by the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States. The very same month, Bill Clinton was offered a $500,000 speaking fee by Renaissance Capital, an investment bank with Kremlin ties that was selling Uranium One stock.

Clinton’s previous Moscow speech was five years earlier for less than $200,000. In 2005, when Bill Clinton last gave a speech in Moscow, Hillary Clinton was only one of one-hundred US Senators. In 2010, she was the sole US Secretary of State. The Uranium One-Rosatom deal received the Committee for Foreign Investment approval and the purchase was completed in December 2010. Telfer then made his first contribution to the Clinton Foundation for $1 million.

By 2013, when the rest of Uranium One was sold to the Russians, Telfer and entities directly tied to him had given the Clinton Foundation about $2.35 million. All totaled, Giustra, Telfer, and several other individuals who profited from the various UrAsia, Uranium One, and Rosatom deals gave about $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.[vi] None of these donations were disclosed by the Clinton Foundation as Hillary had promised in the 2008 memorandum of understanding she signed.

After the initial Uranium One sale to Rosatom was approved, Congress became deeply concerned that the Russian government now controlled one-fifth of all US uranium assets. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) assuaged their concerns by repeatedly claiming neither Rosatom nor its subsidiary, ARMZ, would be given a license to export uranium from the US mines to a foreign country. The NRC promise allayed concerns that the Russians would drain the United States of valuable uranium assets.

However, there was some regulatory sleight-of-hand taking place. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission secretly modified an existing license by a third party to transport abroad US uranium on behalf of Rosatom."

When Russia Bought US Uranium Mines
Russia was still selling us uranium from decommissioned nuclear warheads. They own huge uranium mines in Somethingastan over there. Why would they ship that low yielding ore anywhere for processing.
You know, on the whole:


I must say, I did like the volcano idea.

You missed my National Debt Clock link? It's clicking off millions of dollars being spent every minute by the Democrats. And by the time I brought the exact amount here it would be up several million more dollars the way the Democrats are spending money we do not have in the treasury. It's at the "*" asterisk at the bottom of my post that you took out. I'm sorry you used the f word. That means to be even steven about this, I have to put you on my ignore list like other ill-bred men on the lying left who can't think of more original slurs than the taboo speech you used. Bye!
So you're not going to tell me what the (what ever acceptable adjective floats yer boat) is that you're smoking I take it?
You don't have to tell me and you don't have to convince me. I lived in California for 34 years, I was there when she was first elected. I didn't like her then, I don't like her now. But the fact of the matter is, after a nuclear strike on the U.S., it'll be her and the cockroaches that survive...
It takes diplomacy, not communist push to avert a nuclear strike. Pelosi's job devolved into widening divisions of Democrats and Republicans which appeared with the Media destroying Richard Nixon in or around 1973. We need to go back to exercising brotherly love in both houses of Congress--the House as well as the Senate. I'm not looking for a Republican takeover, I am praying for enough unity to keep the world a safer place. It takes brotherly love to do that. Not sure the House is ready to reordain brotherly love.
Rand Paul: "PELOSI BETRAYED THIS COUNTRY" Congress Sits SILENT as Rand Paul UNVEILS New Facts on Democrats"

"OUR LEADERS ARE TRAITORS" Ted Cruz UNLEASHES New Facts on Nancy Pelosi​


"PELOSI WILL BE REMOVED" Ted Cruz UNLEASHES Hard Evidence against Nancy Pelosi​

Even if republicans take back the house and senate with a corrupt DOJ/FBI there's little they can do, not that they would actually do anything beyond talking tough and writing any letters.
Maybe. The GOP has a track record for being feckless.

But this time could be different since it’s an angry base that wants tools like Brandon and Pelousy and Schumer etc punished. Treat all of them the way they treated Trump and all of us.
Oh, no doubt she'll keep her place. Her voters would NEVER replace her but the question is, will she be willing to step down with a near sure knowledge she'll never have that gavel again?

She's decrepit and likely an alcoholic. If she chooses to die in that job I hope she gets on with it soon.
She has already requested Biden appoint her as ambassador to Italy if the Republicans retake the House.
By my clock it is now 6:56 PM on the East Coast. Which means it is 3:56 PM in San Francisco. Not one single report of Speaker Pelosi being removed or stepping down. As Speaker Pelosi represents San Francisco in Congress, one would a story or two about her losing her position.

Seems Jordan, who lied about not knowing his wrestlers were sexually abused has also lied about Pelosi, no surprise he is after all a supersillious lying fuck faced supporter of the Trator.
It is now by my clock 8:19 PM (11:19 PM EST) and still no story from any Bay Area Media about Ms. Pelosi stepping down or being removed.
You're the one using Putin as your avie. But you are right about Jordan being a Congressman. Right now, he's the American people's best friend as well.

I'm using a Fascist Dictartor you people worship.

Jordan is lying sack of shit who pretended he did not know the men he was coaching for wrestling were being sexually abused. He ain't nobody's buddy.

As of 7:49 PST (10:49 EST) Pelosi has not been removed.
As of 8:57 AM PST (11:57 EST) Pelosi has NOT been removed.

Nothing broadcast media in the SF Bay Area.

ABC - KGO - Nope Pelosi is still Speaker of The House.

CBS - KPIX - Nope Pelosi is stilll Speaker of The House.

FOX - KTVU - Nope Pelosi is still Speaker of The House.

NBC- KNTV - Nope Pelosi is still Speaker of The House.

PBS- KQED - Nope Pelosi is still Speaker of The House.

Jordan is a lying fuck faced shit stain who supports the Traitor.
You missed my National Debt Clock link? It's clicking off millions of dollars being spent every minute by the Democrats. And by the time I brought the exact amount here it would be up several million more dollars the way the Democrats are spending money we do not have in the treasury. It's at the "*" asterisk at the bottom of my post that you took out. I'm sorry you used the f word. That means to be even steven about this, I have to put you on my ignore list like other ill-bred men on the lying left who can't think of more original slurs than the taboo speech you used. Bye!

wait, you think that whole 31 trillion has added in the last 2 years/


Holy fuck, I did not know you were that stupid.

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