10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

wind and solar have not replaced coal, that would be natural gas

without a study, not an abstract, but without the study your numbers are meaningless.

Millions of tons? is that significant? if it is okay for wind and solar to emit millions of tons of CO2, why cant coal power be used?

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
Stann I understand you can disagree/rate my post, but how come if you disagree you dont give us a different number?
Because you are being subjective , allowing bias in your conclusions. I simply want to compare the three , as I just did. If your figures were correct, that would mean coal and natural gas are producing over 100 times that amount of CO 2. I'll try to look up the exact amounts for you. Later.
Really. You're funny.

Step 1: Determine the generator production capacity in megawatts and convert that to power production in MWh. If your generator capacity is 10 megawatts, it can yield 10 megawatts each hour, or 10 MWh.

Step 2: From that MWh figure, multiply it by 8,760 (the number of hours in a year). For this example, that would produce an annual production of 87,600 MWh.

Step 3: Divide the annual MWh figure by 1,000 to get GWh. The result would be 87,600 MWh/year, equalling 87.6 GWh/year.
hahahahahaha, you had to use a link to explain gwh, you got it wrong, are you man enough to admit as much
Stann I understand you can disagree/rate my post, but how come if you disagree you dont give us a different number?
That was easy. Got it. Worldwide burning fossil fuels creates 34 billion tonnes ( GT ) per year. 45% from coal , 35 % from oil , and 20% from gas. Read em and wrap. You lose again.
hahahahahaha, you had to use a link to explain gwh, you got it wrong, are you man enough to admit as much
When people start laughing hysterically it's time to call for the guys in the white suits to take them away. It's real desperate.
Because you are being subjective , allowing bias in your conclusions. I simply want to compare the three , as I just did. If your figures were correct, that would mean coal and natural gas are producing over 100 times that amount of CO 2. I'll try to look up the exact amounts for you. Later.
coal, and natural gas produce more than a 100 times the electricity than wind and solar

subjective? bias? compare the 3? You can not compare something that does not work, like solar and wind, to something that does work, coal and natural gas

let us compare them tonight, hahahaha, we got to wait until morning when the wind blows and the sun comes up, but it might not be windy tomorrow, so we will not know until tomorrow if we can include wind. And here in the northeast, we are overcast the last 4 days, so most likely we will not be able to include solar.

We must wait and see when solar and wind will produce than we compare them to coal and natural gas, we will just have to hurry, you know, cause the sun will go down and then there will be nothing to compare
That was easy. Got it. Worldwide burning fossil fuels creates 34 billion tonnes ( GT ) per yeat. 45% from coal , 35 % from oil , and 20% from gas. Read em and wrap. You lose again.
34 billion tons of what?

we dont use oil to produce electricity, so wherever you get your numbers from, it really dont matter. They are wrong

I really dont give a shit how much everything else produces, if you are talking about CO2, I am just pointing out you are a hypocrite if you deny that wind and solar are adding CO2 to the atmosphere.

Further, we get electricity, cheap electricity, 24 hours a day, rain or shine, even during emergencies, war, etc..

Stann, why do you want less electricity, for more money?

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
When people start laughing hysterically it's time to call for the guys in the white suits to take them away. It's real desperate.
gwh, crick said that is giga watts times hours

what a moron, or do you agree with him?
34 billion tons of what?

we dont use oil to produce electricity, so wherever you get your numbers from, it really dont matter. They are wrong

I really dont give a shit how much everything else produces, if you are talking about CO2, I am just pointing out you are a hypocrite if you deny that wind and solar are adding CO2 to the atmosphere.

Further, we get electricity, cheap electricity, 24 hours a day, rain or shine, even during emergencies, war, etc..

Stann, why do you want less electricity, for more money?

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
CO2 , you idiot !

Since you were unwilling to put your money where your mouth was, I've once again been forced to do it for you. Try to remember this one, eh.

View attachment 880762
This chart shows how much carbon dioxide, per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated, can be attributed to a wind turbine during its life from cradle to grave. If you’re wondering about those awkward-sounding “grams of carbon dioxide-equivalent,” or “CO2-eq,” that’s simply a unit that includes both carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases, such as methane.

You can see that the results vary by country, size of turbine, and onshore versus offshore configuration, but all fall within a range of about five to 26 grams of CO2-equivalent per kilowatt-hour.

To put those numbers in context, consider the two major fossil-fuel sources of electricity in the United States: natural gas and coal. Power plants that burn natural gas are responsible for 437 to 758 grams of CO2-equivalent per kilowatt-hour — far more than even the most carbon-intensive wind turbine listed above. Coal-fired power plants fare even more poorly in comparison to wind, with estimates ranging from 675 to 1,689 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour, depending on the exact technology in question.

There’s another crucial difference between fossil fuels and wind turbines. A coal or natural gas plant burns fuel — and releases carbon dioxide — every moment that it runs. By contrast, most of the carbon pollution generated during a wind turbine’s life occurs during manufacturing. Once it’s up and spinning, the turbine generates close to zero pollution.

What’s more, wind turbines often displace older, dirtier sources that supply power to the electricity grid. For example, after a new wind farm connects to the grid, the grid operator may be able to meet electricity demand without firing up a decades-old, highly polluting coal plant. The result? A cleaner, more climate-friendly electricity grid.

In fact, it’s possible to calculate a carbon “payback” time for a wind turbine: the length of time it takes a turbine to produce enough clean electricity to make up for the carbon pollution generated during manufacture. One study put that payback time at seven months — not bad considering the typical 20- to 25-year lifespan of a wind turbine. Bottom line: Wind turbines are far from a joke. For the climate, they’re a deal too good to pass up.
Besides giving you every opportunity to find your own numbers, I gave you the benefit of the worst case comparison and that showed that the best natural gas plant would produce 17 times more CO2 per kWh than the worst wind turbine. Now its my turn. Lets look at the other end of things. Let's compare the best wind turbine to the worst coal plant. That would be 1,689 gms CO2 equiv per kWh against 4.9 gms. In that case, over the course of their lifetimes, the coal plant will produce 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh as the wind turbine.

So, now WE have a range. Fossil fuel plants will produce anywhere from 17 to 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh (and MWh and GWh and TWh) as wind turbines.
Besides giving you every opportunity to find your own numbers, I gave you the benefit of the worst case comparison and that showed that the best natural gas plant would produce 17 times more CO2 per kWh than the worst wind turbine. Now its my turn. Lets look at the other end of things. Let's compare the best wind turbine to the worst coal plant. That would be 1,689 gms CO2 equiv per kWh against 4.9 gms. In that case, over the course of their lifetimes, the coal plant will produce 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh as the wind turbine.

So, now WE have a range. Fossil fuel plants will produce anywhere from 17 to 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh (and MWh and GWh and TWh) as wind turbines.
Electra refuses to hear the voice of reason. He only wants to see the negative ( which is over abundantly negated in the end ). But others who are not in denial will listen to reason and help save our future in this world. End of story. Thanks as always. Stan.
gwh, crick said that is giga watts times hours

what a moron, or do you agree with him?
You would be the moron here. When you do math on quantities with units, you do the same math on the units. 60 miles / 2 hour = 60/2 miles/hour or 30 mph. An acceleration of 1,000 meter per hour over 20 hours is 1,000/20 meters/hour/hour or 50 meters/hour^2. A Wh or kWh or MWh or GWh or TWh is a value of watts TIMES hours, not watts DIVIDED by hours.

Based on your failure to understand this point I would have to conclude you've never had a class in physics of any sort.
200,000 tons of CO2, is belched every day by Solar and Wind.

20 years? bull shit!

A slip up on his part , he should have said we choose the truth over lies. That's all the republicans are today. Mean , hateful , ignorant lies.
And you just said that about Democrats i would agree, but then that would mean your whole life has been a lie.

Electra refuses to hear the voice of reason. He only wants to see the negative ( which is over abundantly negated in the end ). But others who are not in denial will listen to reason and help save our future in this world. End of story. Thanks as always. Stan.
You do know that with an A added to Stan, you would have Satan.....Just saying..
Says the liar who's trying to make renewables look worse than coal. LOL. No comparison.
If renewables are so great, why is Germany going back to coal? Oh yeah, because coal is better than renewables. Still want to play this game?

He predicted European coal generation will average 15 gigawatts in 2022, up from 11GW in 2021 and 8 GW in 2020. Germany’s coal fleet, which has largely operated as a backup source of power in recent years, is now likely to run more frequently.

Coal’s on a comeback in energy-desperate Europe


If renewables are so great, why is Germany going back to coal? Oh yeah, because coal is better than renewables. Still want to play this game?

He predicted European coal generation will average 15 gigawatts in 2022, up from 11GW in 2021 and 8 GW in 2020. Germany’s coal fleet, which has largely operated as a backup source of power in recent years, is now likely to run more frequently.

Coal’s on a comeback in energy-desperate Europe

View attachment 881372
They’re not going back to coal. It was a temporary move because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and that impact on energy supply.

They’re moving to natural gas and renewables and that invasion sped that up.

Heat pumps for all!!!
Besides giving you every opportunity to find your own numbers, I gave you the benefit of the worst case comparison and that showed that the best natural gas plant would produce 17 times more CO2 per kWh than the worst wind turbine. Now its my turn. Lets look at the other end of things. Let's compare the best wind turbine to the worst coal plant. That would be 1,689 gms CO2 equiv per kWh against 4.9 gms. In that case, over the course of their lifetimes, the coal plant will produce 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh as the wind turbine.

So, now WE have a range. Fossil fuel plants will produce anywhere from 17 to 345 TIMES as much CO2 for every kWh (and MWh and GWh and TWh) as wind turbines.
you really are a fool, first and foremost, I never said coal plants produce no CO2. I simply stated that wind and solar emit 400,000 tons of co2 everyday. Now you and stann (you must be stann, you arguing the stann argument) have taken that and turned it into a contest of who produces the most.

Yes, Solar and Wind are the largest source of new CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and it is a huge number.
400,000 tons daily (stann says I should be using the new monster turbines).

which wind turbine are talking about?
which coal plant are you talking about?
where is your link, you must link, your rule, I followed it, link

co2, food for life, crick wants to eliminate!


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you really are a fool, first and foremost, I never said coal plants produce no CO2. I simply stated that wind and solar emit 400,000 tons of co2 everyday. Now you and stann (you must be stann, you arguing the stann argument) have taken that and turned it into a contest of who produces the most.

Yes, Solar and Wind are the largest source of new CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and it is a huge number.
400,000 tons daily (stann says I should be using the new monster turbines).

which wind turbine are talking about?
which coal plant are you talking about?
where is your link, you must link, your rule, I followed it, link

co2, food for life, crick wants to eliminate!
Your BVDs need changing.

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