10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

You state here that 100,000 tons are emitted by wind and solar. In your newer posts, you've been claiming that wind turbines on their own are producing 200,000 tons of CO2. What changed?

What is the source of these numbers?
200,000 tons of CO2 by wind and solar, every day, that never changes, cricket

What is the source of these numbers? As I answered your posts, I showed you the sources. And as you know, in the past, I have sourced the numbers.

I also left out a lot, new roads built to the wind turbines and solar panels. New transmission lines to the solar and wind farms. Oh, and there is the voltage inverters and other equipment left out.

You refused to debate, I asked you over and over, you called that dodging, now you want to pretend that these numbers are not real

200,000 tons of CO2 are polluting our air by Solar and Wind farms, every day
do you understand that when we speak of electricity, we speak in hours, not seconds, not minutes, not days

giga watts per hour, is how we measure electricity, unless we are speaking of wind and solar, then we must wait until there is a hour of wind and pure sunlight, until the wind blows, or the sun shines, we only get the emissions, 200,000 tons of CO2 everyday, from Wind and Solar

200,000 tons of CO2 is emitted daily by solar and wind.
I'm afraid that is incorrect. It is not GW PER hour. It is GW x hours.
I'm afraid that is incorrect. It is not GW PER hour. It is GW x hours.
no moron, it is gwh, giga watts per hour, crick, you prove over and over your stupidity, you clear lack of knowledge, of electricity.

that is the unit of measurement for electricity
200,000 tons of CO2 by wind and solar, every day, that never changes, cricket

What is the source of these numbers? As I answered your posts, I showed you the sources. And as you know, in the past, I have sourced the numbers.

I also left out a lot, new roads built to the wind turbines and solar panels. New transmission lines to the solar and wind farms. Oh, and there is the voltage inverters and other equipment left out.

You refused to debate, I asked you over and over, you called that dodging, now you want to pretend that these numbers are not real

200,000 tons of CO2 are polluting our air by Solar and Wind farms, every day

elek just pulls a number out of his ass.
Just read where China has built the largest solar panel field in the world. It also stated it would pay for itself in 1 year. These newer , bigger , stronger windmills are projected to last even longer 30 to 40 years. Imagine 40 years of non-polluting , clean energy. What a blessing.
China is a communist country, they get free labor and build whatever they want

Stann, there is no turbines that last 20 years let alone 40 years.

200,000 tons of CO2 pollutes our air everyday from solar and wind turbines.

Bigger wind turbines? Being built now. Let me recalculate

400,000 tons of CO2 pollutes our air everyday from wind turbines and solar panels
you are again, full of shit, there is more hate spewing out of democrats

not one good thing does a democrat say, about anything except themselves
Who do Democrats hate ? republicans hate transgenders , gays , immigrants , muslims , Jews , anyone who's non-white , Asians , the poor and let's not forget women.

elek just pulls a number out of his ass.
really? tell us how much co2 per ton of steel, per ton of concrete, and per ton of fiberglass, than multiply that by the number of wind turbines built everyday, that is what I did, that is what you ignore, you keep pulling your fingers out of your ass, and they stink
China is a communist country, they get free labor and build whatever they want

Stann, there is no turbines that last 20 years let alone 40 years.

200,000 tons of CO2 pollutes our air everyday from solar and wind turbines.

Bigger wind turbines? Being built now. Let me recalculate

400,000 tons of CO2 pollutes our air everyday from wind turbines and solar panels
You are an idiot. Your confusing the startup cost ( production ) with the lifetime cost , which in this case is a definite plus.
really? tell us how much co2 per ton of steel, per ton of concrete, and per ton of fiberglass, than multiply that by the number of wind turbines built everyday, that is what I did, that is what you ignore, you keep pulling your fingers out of your ass, and they stink
Hilarious fuckup
I'm afraid that is incorrect. It is not GW PER hour. It is GW x hours.
Link, link, link!
While we wait, we will all be laughing at Crick's stupidity, that is you, cricket

Gigawatt-Hour (GWh) | Definition, Importance, & Conservation …

Gigawatt hour, abbreviated as GWh, is a unit of energy that represents one billion (1 000 000 000) watt-hours and is equal to one million kilowatt-hours. Gigawatt hours are mostly used as a measurement of the output of large electric power stations. One gigawattcould power 10 million watt bulbs. With a much lower
You are an idiot. Your confusing the startup cost ( production ) with the lifetime cost , which in this case is a definite plus.
production never stops because wind and solar are weak, short lived, scams,
Stann disagrees? yet Stann can not link or quote any articles that state anything different, nobody can, not abu, crick, stann, or otto

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
production never stops because wind and solar are weak, short lived, scams

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
Found what I was looking for a comparison of each cost in CO2 damage to the environment. Wind produces 5 to 26 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour ( most of that occurs during manufacture.) Natural gas : 437 to 758 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour. Coal : 675 to 1,689 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour. This occurs the entire time it is used. This not not include the costs and damages that mining causes to health and the planet.
Found what I was looking for a comparison of each cost in CO2 damage to the environment. Wind produces 5 to 26 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour ( most of that occurs during manufacture.) Natural gas : 437 to 758 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour. Coal : 675 to 1,689 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour. This occurs the entire time it is used. This not not include the costs and damages that mining causes to health and the planet.
wind and solar have not replaced coal, that would be natural gas

without a study, not an abstract, but without the study your numbers are meaningless.

Millions of tons? is that significant? if it is okay for wind and solar to emit millions of tons of CO2, why cant coal power be used?

146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
production never stops because wind and solar are weak, short lived, scams,
Stann disagrees? yet Stann can not link or quote any articles that state anything different, nobody can, not abu, crick, stann, or otto
146,000,000 tons of CO2 emitted by solar panels and wind turbines, every year.
Stann I understand you can disagree/rate my post, but how come if you disagree you dont give us a different number?
Really. You're funny.

Step 1: Determine the generator production capacity in megawatts and convert that to power production in MWh. If your generator capacity is 10 megawatts, it can yield 10 megawatts each hour, or 10 MWh.

Step 2: From that MWh figure, multiply it by 8,760 (the number of hours in a year). For this example, that would produce an annual production of 87,600 MWh.

Step 3: Divide the annual MWh figure by 1,000 to get GWh. The result would be 87,600 MWh/year, equalling 87.6 GWh/year.

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