10 Democrat Senators, All Female + DNC chair call on Frankenstein to resign, & the list is growing

Goodbye, Franken, and take Moore and Trump with you.
Trump and Moore never admitted to anything.
Moore admitted to chasing teen pussy as an adult male. That's more than enough to burn him with decent people.
No, it only burns him with snowflake idiots.
Decent people know that's not true but you would have no way of knowing that.

Let me get this straight: You imagine that you're decent people?

Well when I was a teenager I chased teen stuff as well. oh decent people. LOL. So I'm not decent cause I choose not to believe he did anything wrong. gotcha, the moral condescension. yeah you're better than me bullshit response from a lib. please.
When you were 32 did you try and fuck a 16-year-old? He did.
who's done that? you got evidence to show that?
One, he admits to dating teenagers as grown man. Two, more than one that age said he hit on them. Three, the molestation one was 14. Do you want to play again?
one he never admitted to dating teenagers as a grown man. post the comment. the rest is all hearsay 40 years too late.
"Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated girls in their teens when he was in 30s. “Not generally, no,” the former judge said in response." Also known as yes, I dated teens.
Roy Moore on whether he dated teenage girls: "Not generally, no"
You’re welcome to your interpretation
Since MN has a republican governor this will help the Rs push through legislation.

Does he appoint Frankenstein's replacement?

MN has a democrat governor and yes he appoints the replacement.

That's what I thought. The Dims lose nothing by kicking these two reprobates to the curb. If they were going to reduce their head count in Congress as a result, I gaurantee you they wouldn't be alling on either to resign. They would be defending them to the last man.

I'd much rather defeat Franken in an election than see him resign
Pretty much every man running for office puts his arms around people at picture time. they're fucked.
"I’m disappointed with my friend Leeann Tweedon. Her partner at KABC John Phillips is a Roger Stone pal & they coached her for weeks to bring Al Franken down. I’d hoped she’d use her voice to speak out for all women again predators like Roy Moore & Donald Trump but she’s a birther" - Wacky Tom Arnold
So is the midget, FISH LIPS FRANKEN going to resign Thursday? As some folks have noted, the dummycrat party might be purging their filthy scumbags only as a basis to attack republicans going forward!
Hearing rumblings that Sen Franken is resigning tomorrow. Mostly on social media right now

He would be an idiot to resign over those mild transgressions while grab-them-by-the-pussy Trump stays in office.

Dims, including Franken, are the ones who are always screaming that some Republican should resign over some sexual peccadillo. They created the monster, so why should anyone feel any sympathy for them when they get eaten?
I'm starting to feel sorry for Franken. I think he should hang in there. The Supreme Court ruling on Adam Clayton Powell says they can't throw him out of office for stuff he did earlier, before his term started.

They are only doing this purge in the Senate and the House so they can better attack Moore and Trump from a supposed position of purity -- as if -- so it's better for the GOP if Franken stays in. We'd only get a caretaker Dem in that seat anyway.

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