10 Democrat Senators, All Female + DNC chair call on Frankenstein to resign, & the list is growing

Yes well we do not like men who abuse females, unlike the GOP, it appears they honor men who do.


"Moore's gotta go...Franken was practicing for a skit (at night) just 'crossed a line'...'went to far'...apologized (of course he said he didn't mean it)...will learn from his mistakes..."


Like I said, we do not endorse female abusers like the GOP does and one accused to be a pedophile. Makes me ill when the 14 year old was telling her story. You GOP can't sink any further.

Moore isn't even accused of being a pedophile. Get real. His two accusers are very sketchy. The 14 year old Leigh was a really fucked up kid. Right in the court papers and her timeline is unbelievable.

It's not a matter of GOP or D's. Its a matter of innocent until proven guilty. Why? Because women lie.

Still comes down that Democrats, when accused face the music in congress or by public condemnation...

You say that like it is some kind of 'achievement'. Facing the Music because you HAVE TO...end then only after lying, denying, justifying, etc.... ('I was practicing for a skit', 'he went too far', he 'crossed a line', etc,,,)
It is an achievement if the bar is as low as the example of Republicans. Btw, Franken never claimed he didn't do it. The story broke and he did a mea culpa. And I noticed you are yet to address the conduct of POTUS which is every bit as loathsome as Franken.
It's up to 21 that want him out. Boy did this shit backfire on the Dems.
:bye1: Nancy. :bye1:Chuck. :eusa_dance:
1) It is an achievement if the bar is as low as the example of Republicans. 2) Btw, Franken never claimed he didn't do it.
Yeah, again...

1. That is why there are literally 10 Democrats to every one GOP

2. So claiming he did not sexually harass a woman who had to 'fight him off', trying to justify it by claiming 'he was practicing for a skit' and snowflakes shamefully joining in by claiming 'she asked for it is not denying he did it, huh?!

So when is the hallelujah moment coming for Republicans in regards to both Trump and Moore? Both, very credibly accused of the same and in Moore's case even more egregious sexual misconduct.
Undeniable Evidence against Conyers has been provided. Franken admitted it. The Moore case is still in question, prosecutorially speaking.

That being said, I am not a Moore supporter nor am I defending him, just pointing out a supposed / reported 'fact'.


Franken is denying some of the latest accusations. Why aren't you defending him, given that RWnuts believe that denials prove innocence...?

I am. I find this really disturbing that just because one is a man and a woman is accusing him of something that the lynch mob comes out. Very wrong. Very very wrong. I may hate his politics but he serves his state and the citizens in that state very well.
Still comes down that Democrats, when accused face the music in congress or by public condemnation...

You say that like it is some kind of 'achievement'. Facing the Music because you HAVE TO...end then only after lying, denying, justifying, etc.... ('I was practicing for a skit', 'he went too far', he 'crossed a line', etc,,,)
It is an achievement if the bar is as low as the example of Republicans. Btw, Franken never claimed he didn't do it. The story broke and he did a mea culpa. And I noticed you are yet to address the conduct of POTUS which is every bit as loathsome as Franken.

1st off, I find Franken's behavior to be obnoxious, but certainly nothing to resin over. So, what ha Trump done that you find loathsome?
I am. I find this really disturbing that just because one is a man and a woman is accusing him of something that the lynch mob comes out. Very wrong. Very very wrong. I may hate his politics but he serves his state and the citizens in that state very well.
B...b...b...but Hillary said EVERY woman must be believed....except, of course, those who accuse her husband or any Democrat. :p
1) It is an achievement if the bar is as low as the example of Republicans. 2) Btw, Franken never claimed he didn't do it.
Yeah, again...

1. That is why there are literally 10 Democrats to every one GOP

2. So claiming he did not sexually harass a woman who had to 'fight him off', trying to justify it by claiming 'he was practicing for a skit' and snowflakes shamefully joining in by claiming 'she asked for it is not denying he did it, huh?!

1. Every GOP what? Accused, proven, denying?
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement. “As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn't have done it.” 'Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent'
3. Simple question. Did you vote for Trump?
Ugly Al should say No. I am staying. While playing this in the background.

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Still comes down that Democrats, when accused face the music in congress or by public condemnation...

You say that like it is some kind of 'achievement'. Facing the Music because you HAVE TO...end then only after lying, denying, justifying, etc.... ('I was practicing for a skit', 'he went too far', he 'crossed a line', etc,,,)
It is an achievement if the bar is as low as the example of Republicans. Btw, Franken never claimed he didn't do it. The story broke and he did a mea culpa. And I noticed you are yet to address the conduct of POTUS which is every bit as loathsome as Franken.

1st off, I find Franken's behavior to be obnoxious, but certainly nothing to resin over. So, what ha Trump done that you find loathsome?

Both cases of sexual misconduct were confirmed by victims.
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
I did provide the link
...It took 10 Democratic Party Senators coming forward and demanding Franken to GTFO for him to come to the decision to step down.

Yes, Democrats sure do 'Face the music' when it starts playing.

2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
I did provide the link
Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
I did provide the link
Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
Easy if you aren't willing to even so much as acknowledge my point, that in light of the election of Trump anyone who voted for him should be very weary about gloating when Democrats react with lackluster in their own ranks against sexual misconduct, I don't see a point in continuing. I'm perfectly willing to defend my arguments, but not when the other person isn't even willing to acknowledge, let alone address my counter arguments.
So when is the hallelujah moment coming for Republicans in regards to both Trump and Moore? Both, very credibly accused of the same and in Moore's case even more egregious sexual misconduct.
Undeniable Evidence against Conyers has been provided. Franken admitted it. The Moore case is still in question, prosecutorially speaking.

That being said, I am not a Moore supporter nor am I defending him, just pointing out a supposed / reported 'fact'.


Franken is denying some of the latest accusations. Why aren't you defending him, given that RWnuts believe that denials prove innocence...?

I am. I find this really disturbing that just because one is a man and a woman is accusing him of something that the lynch mob comes out. Very wrong. Very very wrong. I may hate his politics but he serves his state and the citizens in that state very well.
tiny, he set himself up by admitting he gropes women. there is no longer a defense for him. sorry. that door is open to all. The Photo did him in.
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
I did provide the link
Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
Easy if you aren't willing to even so much as acknowledge my point, that in light of the election of Trump anyone who voted for him should be very weary about gloating when Democrats react with lackluster in their own ranks against sexual misconduct, I don't see a point in continuing. I'm perfectly willing to defend my arguments, but not when the other person isn't even willing to acknowledge, let alone address my counter arguments.
again for me, and I have remained consistent here, I do not believe anyone who didn't report a sexual assault to someone at the time of the event, and has no right to come back years later and accuse someone. PERIOD. There is no way to know if it's true. no matter what you might think. shame on you for failing to report it. And, I DON'T CARE YOUR EXCUSES ON WHY YOU DIDN'T REPORT IT!
2.this was his original statement. “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann,” Franken said in a initial statement.
Please provide the link to this and make sure you highlight the 'initial statement' .

Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
I did provide the link
Saying you do not remember is neither an admission of guilt not denial.

Franken followed this up by claiming he was practicing for a skit...then 'this was a prank'...followed by an 'APOLOGY'...followed by an admission that he had not meant one damn word of his apology.....
Easy if you aren't willing to even so much as acknowledge my point, that in light of the election of Trump anyone who voted for him should be very weary about gloating when Democrats react with lackluster in their own ranks against sexual misconduct, I don't see a point in continuing. I'm perfectly willing to defend my arguments, but not when the other person isn't even willing to acknowledge, let alone address my counter arguments.
again for me, and I have remained consistent here, I do not believe anyone who didn't report a sexual assault to someone at the time of the event has any right to come back years later and accuse someone. PERIOD. There is no way to know if it's true. no matter what you might think. shame on you for failing to report it. And, I DON'T CARE YOUR EXCUSES ON WHY YOU DIDN'T REPORT IT!
tiny, he set himself up by admitting he gropes women. there is no longer a defense for him. sorry. that door is open to all. The Photo did him in.
You are consistent unless it's Al Franken? The photo is old, so according to your logic it shouldn't matter?

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