10 Most Peaceful Countries.....Hmmmm...notice something?

And China can sink the whole thing with a few missiles. An aircraft carrier is useful but only so long as it isn't in the range of modern missile technology and isn't detected.

No, they can't, not even close. There is no such thing just 'a carrier'. There are entire carrier battle groups around carriers. The odds of some Chinese missile getting though is so near zero the Chinese aren't even likely to waste firepower trying to hit one. The major reason they won't try is because almost the entire Chinese coast line is open to return fire from U.S. forces and our allies, and they aren't capable of stopping the reduction of both their Navy and Air Force along with their coastal bases.
So you believe that China intends to attack the US, that America should be the world policeman, and that the US should be bogged down for the next several decades in the Middle East. Fortunately the rest of America doesn't.

There is such a thing, and the Chinese government publicly admitted anti-carrier missiles exist, and there were big crater maps on google Earth, either Google is lying and the Chinese government is lying about something they have no reason to lie about - or you are 'right'.

If you want a new cold, that's your problem. Again, the rest of America doesn't. If you want the US to take full financial liability for all the world's security concerns, do it out of your own wallet. We can't even pay off the last war, let alone take care of all the veterans.
Edit: Also that argument makes no sense, as I was describing a carrier vs a missile, not some ridiculous ww3 scenario where China has no navy, and only has one missile in its entire arsenal and no nukes.
And China can sink the whole thing with a few missiles. An aircraft carrier is useful but only so long as it isn't in the range of modern missile technology and isn't detected.

No, they can't, not even close. There is no such thing just 'a carrier'. There are entire carrier battle groups around carriers. The odds of some Chinese missile getting though is so near zero the Chinese aren't even likely to waste firepower trying to hit one. The major reason they won't try is because almost the entire Chinese coast line is open to return fire from U.S. forces and our allies, and they aren't capable of stopping the reduction of both their Navy and Air Force along with their coastal bases.

So you believe that China intends to attack the US, that America should be the world policeman, and that the US should be bogged down for the next several decades in the Middle East. Fortunately the rest of America doesn't.

That isn't what I said, but if you need to make up a fake argument for lack of a response, go ahead. As for being the 'world's policeman' it's worked out better than the alternatives so far, so I guess you'll just have to live with it; going on some 70 years now without another world war is the best record so far. I guess you prefer something else to have had happened. Of course you do.

As for the ME, we're seeing just how wonderful it is when they're allowed to run free and follow their own agendas. Grand results there, eh? They can't kill and butcher each other fast enough. No doubt you're enthusiastically cheering on such vermin as ISIS, just because the U.S. opposes them, right?

There is such a thing, and the Chinese government publicly admitted anti-carrier missiles exist, and there were big crater maps on google Earth, either Google is lying and the Chinese government is lying about something they have no reason to lie about - or you are 'right'.

Wishful thinking on your part. You have this hate for the America, and you can't wait for it to be destroyed. This blinds you to the fact that your fantasy of a Chinese victory over U.S. military forces is actually possible. As for Chinese lying, they routinely lie; you have a need to overestimate their power, and how fast the reaction would be if they attempt to launch anything like that missile, and no it wouldn't get near a carrier, despite your wish to see it happen.

If you want a new cold, that's your problem. Again, the rest of America doesn't. If you want the US to take full financial liability for all the world's security concerns, do it out of your own wallet. We can't even pay off the last war, let alone take care of all the veterans.

Another response to something that wasn't said. This sort of strawman nonsense does indicate just how twisted your mindset is, though, and how you read posts on these issues.
Edit: Also that argument makes no sense, as I was describing a carrier vs a missile, not some ridiculous ww3 scenario where China has no navy, and only has one missile in its entire arsenal and no nukes.

Actually you were doing just that, as what you were describing is something that isn't going to happen except in your dreams.
Lol, read the above, but wish I hadn't. I could go back to the initial ridiculous statement you are supporting, with the nonsense about China and Russia - but it would be a waste of my time.

Unlike you I don't believe that Russia and China aren't doing their bit towards regional security*, or that America needs a vast military budget to fight some fools war with Russia or China. Ukraine isn't enough, nor is Georgia, but you want another great war to fuel your ego.

*China funds Sudan and many other African nations to fight terrorism, and even has been deploying troops.
Edit: Looking back it was Bear calling Russia and China 'socialist leeches' and some rant about aircraft carriers. I pointed out that China had the capability to sink some of them, and was developing a good navy, and then you supported his BS.
10 World s Most Peaceful Countries Womenosophy - Part 7

Iceland. Finland. Denmark. Austria. Canada. Switzerland. New Zealand. Japan. Belgium. Norway.

All listed as oddly peaceful countries who seem to really get along well. Good economies. Very low crime.

What do they all have in common???

They're RACIST!!!! NO diversity. We should bomb them all.
Correlation is not cause and effect. To support your contention, you would have to show me a clear link between racism and peace and why racism promotes peace. South Africa, Rwanda, and Pakistan are listed as being among the 12 most racist nations and they far far from being the most peaceful. Only one nation, Japan that you claim to be the most peaceful is listed as being the most racist. You have not show that racism makes a country peaceful.

Top 12 Most Racist Countries in the World - Listovative
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Lol, read the above, but wish I hadn't. I could go back to the initial ridiculous statement you are supporting, with the nonsense about China and Russia - but it would be a waste of my time.

Unlike you I don't believe that Russia and China aren't doing their bit towards regional security*, or that America needs a vast military budget to fight some fools war with Russia or China. Ukraine isn't enough, nor is Georgia, but you want another great war to fuel your ego.

*China funds Sudan and many other African nations to fight terrorism, and even has been deploying troops.

You can keep mis-representing what I said forever, it won't change the obvious fact that you got handed your ass; repeating the same thing over and over and over isn't going to help you save face.
"10 Most Peaceful Countries.....Hmmmm...notice something?"

Yes, the thread premise fails as a post hoc fallacy.
"10 Most Peaceful Countries.....Hmmmm...notice something?"

Yes, the thread premise fails as a post hoc fallacy.

It fails to point out the obvious; nearly all of those countries have survived and prospered under the umbrella of U.S. military and economic supremacy of the last 70 years, something they could never have done on their own. Of course, many of them hate the U.S. because of that, being deranged nutjobs who are still mindlessly influenced by '50's and '60's Soviet propaganda.

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