10 Reasons Why A Post-Presidency Impeachment of Barak Obama Is Warranted

Precedent has been set. The Democrat House impeached President Trump for a second time after he was already out of office.

Keep that in mind in 2022 when Obama is impeached and found guilty in The Senate.

Once that's done it's time to set out after Roosevelt the traitor who got undreds of thousands of Americans killed his war-to-save-the-economy. We already know that's wrong - because today's Democrats are willing to sacrifice the entire national economy with their thirst for power-through-fearmondering.
You should double check the date he was impeached and the date he left office.

You celebrate impeachment dates like a children's birthday party?

The deal is simply that what goes around comes around. Convict President Trump and Obama, Clinton, Carter and Rooseveldt are fair game. Truman? He gets a pass because of his outstanding service in ending World War II. Of course you "progressives" hate him for that so he could be a target for you under your very own methods.
After 6 years with control of the House. Millions spent investigating every leaf that fell from the Obama Tree. And now you want a do over with that wanker of a list? Good luck

Say, how are all those prosecutions from the Durham investigation into Obamasgate going?
You should double check the date he was impeached and the date he left office.

You celebrate impeachment dates like a children's birthday party?

The deal is simply that what goes around comes around. Convict President Trump and Obama, Clinton, Carter and Rooseveldt are fair game. Truman? He gets a pass because of his outstanding service in ending World War II. Of course you "progressives" hate him for that so he could be a target for you under your very own methods.

Once AGAIN Henry of the Upright Fart, you can't impeach a POTUS who's no longer in office. There ain't no provision for that. Ask your supervisor to get the United States Constitution translated into Russian, and maybe you can figure that out.

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