10 Reasons Why UFOs Are No Longer a Conspiracy Theory


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

10 Reasons Why UFOs Are No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The truth is out there, and UFOs are no longer a conspiracy. All of a sudden, and starting back a few years, the UFO phenomena is al of a sudden worthy of scientific study. What changed?


The evidence has been hidden from the public for decades and those witnesses to the truth have been made out to be conspiracy fools.
My oh my how things suddenly change...


10 Reasons Why UFOs Are No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The truth is out there, and UFOs are no longer a conspiracy. All of a sudden, and starting back a few years, the UFO phenomena is al of a sudden worthy of scientific study. What changed?


The evidence has been hidden from the public for decades and those witnesses to the truth have been made out to be conspiracy fools.
My oh my how things suddenly change...

I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
The evidence has been hidden from the public for decades

Specifically what evidence is that?

I don't remember seeing an alien spacecraft on display at the Air and Space Museum lately.

Okay, I'm going to try to take this seriously.

The problem with the UFO phenomenon is that we see what Hollywood tells us we should see.

In the 1950's, everyone saw the Space Brothers, human like aliens (who were almost always white people) met "contactees" to bring us messages of peace from space. Not a big surprise, that's what Hollywood Science Fiction in the 1950's told us we were going to see, from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" to "Plan Nine from Outer Space".

By the 1970's, though, our images had changed. The first sighting of a Gray in popular media was "An interrupted Journey" which retold the story of Betty and Barney Hill (who claimed to be kidnapped by aliens in 1961). Except, of course, the Hill's didn't describe "grays", they described human looking aliens with "Jimmy Durante noses". (For millennials, Jimmy Durante was a comedian noted for having a bizarely shaped nose.)

Their rudimentary drawings, however, were used as the basis for the aliens in the TV movie. This was followed up by Steven Spielberg and his Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That cemented the image of the Gray in the American Consciousness. (Europeans, on the other hand, continue to be visited by human-looking aliens while South Americans are beset by hairy dwarves.)

Now, I am sure people are seeing UFO, but 99% of them are misidentifications of conventional objects, or outright hoaxes by people trying to get attention.
Okay, I'm going to try to take this seriously.

The problem with the UFO phenomenon is that we see what Hollywood tells us we should see.

In the 1950's, everyone saw the Space Brothers, human like aliens (who were almost always white people) met "contactees" to bring us messages of peace from space. Not a big surprise, that's what Hollywood Science Fiction in the 1950's told us we were going to see, from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" to "Plan Nine from Outer Space".

By the 1970's, though, our images had changed. The first sighting of a Gray in popular media was "An interrupted Journey" which retold the story of Betty and Barney Hill (who claimed to be kidnapped by aliens in 1961). Except, of course, the Hill's didn't describe "grays", they described human looking aliens with "Jimmy Durante noses". (For millennials, Jimmy Durante was a comedian noted for having a bizarely shaped nose.)

Their rudimentary drawings, however, were used as the basis for the aliens in the TV movie. This was followed up by Steven Spielberg and his Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That cemented the image of the Gray in the American Consciousness. (Europeans, on the other hand, continue to be visited by human-looking aliens while South Americans are beset by hairy dwarves.)

Now, I am sure people are seeing UFO, but 99% of them are misidentifications of conventional objects, or outright hoaxes by people trying to get attention.
Cool Man let's start the chicken or egg debate, again. The chicken is God and the egg is a random quantum mechanical event. People get fired up.
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"The Party is always right"

Who are we supposed to believe, The Party or our lying, unreliable senses?
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
they just posted a couple last week. Blame the msm for not reporting what they were given it was on fox and from an official Government source after an outgoing official reported it.
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

Except is that what they are seeing, or are they seeing something that they are misintepreting?

Cool Man let's start chicken or egg debate, again.

Okay, let's.

The first UFO reports were during the "Flap" of 1947, which started when Kenneth Arnold saw UFO's in Washington and described them as "Flying Saucers" (Except he said they skipped like saucers, not that they were saucer shaped). At the time, everyone assumed that they were unknown aircraft, either something the Russians were developing or something we were developing and not telling people. It was also at this time you had Roswell, but that was really just a weather balloon, and you will find VERY FEW references to it before 1977 in UFO literature.

1951 you had "The Day the Earth Stood Still", (which you can argue is a Christian Allegory in Sci-Fi terms) and the next year, George Adamski reported that he was talking to friendly aliens from Venus. That kicked off the whole "Contactee" craze of UFO's, and the notion that UFO's were alien spacecraft became cemented. 1952 also saw the East Coast flap of UFO sightings.

As stated, the "Space Brother" (Also referred to as Nordic or Tall aliens) remained the staple of most UFO stories in the US and Europe for decades, until the aforementioned TV movie came out, and people started seeing "Gray" aliens.

Now, here's the interesting thing about Gray Aliens. Everyone agrees their heads look like this.


But the other details change. They are reported as being completely naked, wearing Robes, Space suits or military uniforms, depending on who is telling the story. Which tells me that people are making this shit up, or that the Reticulan Space Force has the most lax Dress Code policy in the universe.

"Hey, Zog, it's Naked day!"
"Dammit, I thought it was Uniform Day! We still get to do anal probes, though, right?"
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
they just posted a couple last week. Blame the msm for not reporting what they were given it was on fox and from an official Government source after an outgoing official reported it.

Proof of extra terrestrial life would be the biggest news story since The Big Bang. I don't think any news organization could suppress it.
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
they just posted a couple last week. Blame the msm for not reporting what they were given it was on fox and from an official Government source after an outgoing official reported it.

Proof of extra terrestrial life would be the biggest news story since The Big Bang. I don't think any news organization could suppress it.
they posted proof that unidentified craft as I described were entering our restricted airspace and hovering over our warships.

10 Reasons Why UFOs Are No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The truth is out there, and UFOs are no longer a conspiracy. All of a sudden, and starting back a few years, the UFO phenomena is al of a sudden worthy of scientific study. What changed?


The evidence has been hidden from the public for decades and those witnesses to the truth have been made out to be conspiracy fools.
My oh my how things suddenly change...

Psychologists say that belief in UFO's are really just a homoerotic fantasy of sorts.


Um.............er............not saying that is you or anything, but..........................
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
The US military isn't official enough?
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
they just posted a couple last week. Blame the msm for not reporting what they were given it was on fox and from an official Government source after an outgoing official reported it.

Proof of extra terrestrial life would be the biggest news story since The Big Bang. I don't think any news organization could suppress it.
they posted proof that unidentified craft as I described were entering our restricted airspace and hovering over our warships.
I thought I saw a UFO on radar in Vietnam because it moved too fast. Just an SR-71. taking pictures.
Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

Ya cause air force navy and Marine officers WITH VIDEO seeing and reporting objects flying with no wings and no discernable propulsion system doing 7 or more mach and turning on a dime all faked the videos and are lying. RIGHT?

How come we never actually see any of those video in any official media?
The US military isn't official enough?
The existence of UFO's is undeniable, but "alien life" isnt the only explanation for them. More than likely these are experimental aircraft.

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