10 States with highest level of gun violence: ALL red states; shocker

Pardon me, but I smell partisan hackery and lies coming from a prog site.

9. Crime-gun export rates in 2009
10. Percentage of crime guns with a short “time to crime” in 2009

dufuck is that nonsense?

36 Illinois 32.2

Chicago leads the nation in murder, so we all now know this link is utter bullshit.

quell surprise

Not the slightest bit true.

States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


There are also a lot less deer-related highway fatalities in those states. Four of those 10, to be exact:

Deer Car Accidents, Deer Collisions: States Where You Are Most Likely Hit a Deer Driving - ABC News

Imagine that. :badgrin:
Democrats are so stupid. If guns are legal then obviously they're going to be used in homicides more frequently. Duh. It's like the states with the most cars have the most traffic accidents. The real story is the double digit results of the states with the stringent gun laws. Like Michigan and Maryland. They still have high gun crime because democrats keep creating unstructured families in those jurisdictions. And, of course, they're run by democrats.

Hmmmmmmmmm........................ Isn't the GOP mantra that more guns means less murders? Perhaps you had better redo your talking point.:badgrin:
They also have the most blacks and/or Hispanics, you racist pig.
So make it illegal for the ******* to own guns? That's how it used to be. We made it illegal for them to own dogs once as well, they could used as weapons. Ah, the good old days.

you cant buy a gun in 97% of heavily-Black Chicago; thanks to Democrats.

yet they have appalling gun violence
so that's pretty much what you liberals want

idiots and hypocrites

Dumb fuck, look it up;

Stockton - In Photos: The 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - Forbes
Its a small price to pay for second amendment rights
the op should move to nice safe blue state
and leave the rest of us alone
guess some idiots don't know what per capita means


That takes care of the Chicago claims but does not touch the fact that the OP's list is utter bullshit. I brought out the FBI's crime rates and those are not total number of crimes but per capita. Obviously the only relevant way of tracking crime.
I hear crickets......

So ?

If you're afraid of guns, then I would suggest staying away from these states.

Naturally, if guns are easier to obtain, there's going to more incidents involving them.
Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that one out.
You RW'ers obviously don't know the meaning of "rate". As you keep talking about Chicago having the most murders. Ok. But it has a massive population. Its why South Carolina, with a much smaller population, has a higher RATE of gun violence than Illinois.

Facts are facts.

States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


No shocker really..

Conservatives love to shoot folks.

Like the tea baggers in Arizona.

States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


Louisiana tops the list because it has the dealiest city in the US as far as gun violence goes.
I suppose some Progressive Liberal dipshit would try to say that New Orleans is a hot-bed of Conservative, Bible Thumping, Tea Party Supporters.

Liberal Democrats with guns in New Orleans kill each other almost daily.


States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


No shocker really..

Conservatives love to shoot folks.

Like the tea baggers in Arizona.

Oh I have to capture this. :lol:
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States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


No shocker really..

Conservatives love to shoot folks.

Like the tea baggers in Arizona.
and another ignores the facts and instead opts for the lie that this list is.

States with highest levels of gun violence (and lowest levels of gun control, no permits, etc) are all red states:

6.South Carolina
7.New Mexico

8 of these 10 have the weakest gun laws in America.

The link also shows a color coded US map, where the highest rates of gun violence occur. The worst (in red) and the least bad (yellows and greens). It looks like a Tea Party electorate map. The red states...all have the worst gun violence rate.

Who would've thought: States with the MOST GUNS and the LEAST restrictions on those guns......saw the highest rates of gun violence.


Louisiana tops the list because it has the dealiest city in the US as far as gun violence goes.
I suppose some Progressive Liberal dipshit would try to say that New Orleans is a hot-bed of Conservative, Bible Thumping, Tea Party Supporters.

Liberal Democrats with guns in New Orleans kill each other almost daily.


Never forgotten my first time to NOLA the tour guide(was down to pick up my bitch Ruby Starr for my kennel) she told me don't go there. I said you have to be kidding. We were talking 9th ward. Don't cross this line.

Any freaking idiot who wants to make Louisiana a red state with gun issues obviously has never been out of their basement. And never been to NO.

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