10 SWAT Officers Quit Because what Democrats Ask Them To Do and Legal Protection Provided Don't Match

Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
Even worse is the lack of individual will to protect ones self...

People know that if they do protect themselves, the cops will show up and arrest them.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
They can join the military go to war and find out what it's like to try and kill people that are shooting at you at the same time and not unarmed people they are used to wasting...
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.

They live in florida....Citizens have massive rights to shoot people in florida

So the line for what's reasonable to limit a cop to do is much higher than most states....

Makes sense florida cops are mad.

The funniest part is they don't want protections for dogs, when their own dogs get treated as fucking people. hahahaha

What did they think the obvious conclusion of treating police dogs like humans was? We were gonna treat everyone else's dog as less than human? No SWAT members if citizens have to respect your poorly trained little mongrels you have to respect everyone elses
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.

Hmm. Outside of Fox's gratuitous tossing of AOC and Omar's names in there, I don't see where any "Democrats" prevented them from doing their job.
Oh, and they just resigned from SWAT. They didn't resign the police force.
People know that if they do protect themselves, the cops will show up and arrest them.

{When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed.} - Ayn Rand

Our laws do not protect us from criminals, but protect the criminals from us.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
They can join the military go to war and find out what it's like to try and kill people that are shooting at you at the same time and not unarmed people they are used to wasting...
they are swat moon.....there is a good chance they have experienced that....
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.

Hmm. Outside of Fox's gratuitous tossing of AOC and Omar's names in there, I don't see where any "Democrats" prevented them from doing their job.
Oh, and they just resigned from SWAT. They didn't resign the police force.

That's because you're dumb as a cat turd and tell the truth less often.


They write that they were displeased that top officials with the Hallandale Beach police kneeled with protesters during a Monday demonstration, WSVN reported.

“Until these conditions and sentiments are rectified and addressed,” the officers write, “we cannot safely, effectively and in good faith carry out duties in this capacity without putting ourselves and our families at this needless increased level of risk.”}

The entire city and country is run by radical left hacks.

I call for a general strike, nationwide by police and sheriffs.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
They can join the military go to war and find out what it's like to try and kill people that are shooting at you at the same time and not unarmed people they are used to wasting...

Over half of police officers come from the military.

Try again troll.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.


10 trump supporting cops who spit on their oath and the constitution?



that must be almost ALL of them....

If you can't abide by your sworn oath then get the fuk out of the police
Is part of the idea to restrain things like SWAT forces? Absolutely. So they got the message. That's good.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
Even worse is the lack of individual will to protect ones self...

People know that if they do protect themselves, the cops will show up and arrest them.
They have been cowered to kneel and kiss dirty feet but they will be fast and furious to a civil citizen to teach him a lesson for defending himself. They brought this upon themselves in a general sense. Unfortunately in many specific ways, the better officers suffer for it.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
They can join the military go to war and find out what it's like to try and kill people that are shooting at you at the same time and not unarmed people they are used to wasting...
they are swat moon.....there is a good chance they have experienced that....
Then they should be ashamed.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
Even worse is the lack of individual will to protect ones self...

People know that if they do protect themselves, the cops will show up and arrest them.
They have been cowered to kneel and kiss dirty feet but they will be fast and furious to a civil citizen to teach him a lesson for defending himself. They brought this upon themselves in a general sense. Unfortunately in many specific ways, the better officers suffer for it.

This is what I don't understand. The bad officers make it far harder for the good officers but yet there is still this reluctance to get rid of them.
Terrible we live in a country that can't provide police protection because of a small group of crybabies.
Even worse is the lack of individual will to protect ones self...

People know that if they do protect themselves, the cops will show up and arrest them.
Yet another problem that needs addressing. This nanny state bullshit didn’t spring forth from the ether. A bunch of timid pussies asked the state for it. And the state quite happily obliged.
They can join the military go to war and find out what it's like to try and kill people that are shooting at you at the same time and not unarmed people they are used to wasting...
Nobody is used to wasting unarmed people, and unarmed is a questionable term. In most cases, there is no such thing as "unarmed"

This is what I don't understand. The bad officers make it far harder for the good officers but yet there is still this reluctance to get rid of them.
Since you have put the word officerS in the plural, you are talking about more than just Derek Chauvin. So what other officerS are you referring to ? Names please.

10 trump supporting cops who spit on their oath and the constitution?



that must be almost ALL of them....

If you can't abide by your sworn oath then get the fuk out of the police
So you think that they swear to follow Democrat insanity ? To allow rioters to riot ? looters to loot ? Occupiers to occupy ?

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