10 Year old girl gets arrested for a drawing

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
A 10 year old girl was arrested at her school, for a drawing she and some other kids made about a bully at school.

This is real people!!! This is your DementocRat Resident and his cronies policies in action!!!

Good thing she didn't draw one like this. They would have sent the poor kid to GITMO.

The parent of the bully gets the school to bully the student who has been bullied with the police as the bullies; and this is the kind of corrupt shit going on every day all over the place that many are fed up with. Being fed up and the elites knowing how fed up people are of these corrupt little actions all over they capitalize on that shit. Common sense goes out the door and evil reigns for a moment in life and times of humankind.
The parent of the bully gets the school to bully the student who has been bullied with the police as the bullies; and this is the kind of corrupt shit going on every day all over the place that many are fed up with. Being fed up and the elites knowing how fed up people are of these corrupt little actions all over they capitalize on that shit. Common sense goes out the door and evil reigns for a moment in life and times of humankind.

These "Karens" that start this shit and create this menagerie of lunacy, hate, racism, harassment, and bullying NEED to be arrested and thrown in prison!!! THEY are the ones doing all of this shit, and getting away with it, because the whole world is meant to kiss THEIR asses. Their asses NEED to be spanked with a 2x4 with rusty nails sticking out of it!!!!
Well the young girl was taught in school what it means to be black in America.
No she was taught how corrupt one school district and the cops in that district can be.

My daughter was singled out for punishment years ago when there were actually several others involved in a prank against a teacher. The others parents were not even notified by the school but daughter got a three day suspension. She was still the only true honor roll student with a 4.0 in that school when she graduated; see, they could not take away from her, her intelligence even though they would have liked to.
No she was taught how corrupt one school district and the cops in that district can be.
This is hardly a one off thing.

My daughter was singled out for punishment years ago when there were actually several others involved in a prank against a teacher. The others parents were not even notified by the school but daughter got a three day suspension. She was still the only true honor roll student with a 4.0 in that school when she graduated; see, they could not take away from her, her intelligence even though they would have liked to.

Was she hauled off in handcuffs with you not permitted access to her?
This is hardly a one off thing.

Was she hauled off in handcuffs with you not permitted access to her?
No but they did do that to my son after he reported to me a teacher who would not let him go to lunch and was verbally abusing him every day. Son had started throwing up blood and when I asked him what he was eating ate lunch at school he let me know what that teacher had been doing to him every day. He had a hernia since he was a baby and he could never go without eating some lil something even if it was crackers. We simply were not in the 'in crowd' of the locals. Never have been and that no matter where you are seems to cause issues. It shouldn't but it does because people generally just can't seem to overcome their animal instincts.

BTW, I do think suing the school and the police is good in this case. Glad she has someone to stand up against the assholes that did that. They should be fired asap
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A 10 year old girl was arrested at her school, for a drawing she and some other kids made about a bully at school.

This is real people!!! This is your DementocRat Resident and his cronies policies in action!!!

I dunno----was the drawing a threat to other students. I am uncomfortable with them labeling the other child a bully (so we are supposed to hate him/her blindly) while not showing us the drawing....this story may not be as advertised.
It's in the news daily and I don't wear blinders.

The daily news you generally watch makes money by pushing the narrative that America is a "racist country." Wasn't Obama, the first "African American President", the one who was supposed to usher in a new era of "post-racial America"?

Did he fail, or was he just lying?
If she was a Republican in Congress, she would get away with it

She just has to say……It was a JOKE
The daily news you generally watch makes money by pushing the narrative that America is a "racist country." Wasn't Obama, the first "African American President", the one who was supposed to usher in a new era of "post-racial America"?

Did he fail, or was he just lying?

Yes, he was a complete failure at nearly everything he did but I have no idea what he has to do with anything I've said.
I dunno----was the drawing a threat to other students. I am uncomfortable with them labeling the other child a bully (so we are supposed to hate him/her blindly) while not showing us the drawing....this story may not be as advertised.
Very true as we do seem to be seeing a lot of that but a ten year old girl in handcuffs?
Yes, he was a complete failure at nearly everything he did but I have no idea what he has to do with anything I've said.

Obama has everything to do with the racial divide in this country. Why would a young girl need to be taught that being black in America is any different from being white, red, or brown in America?

Are you saying that schools should be teaching racism, like some are with Critical Race Theory?
Obama has everything to do with the racial divide in this country.

I recall him calling Bull Conner to sic the dogs on protesters. Good times.

Or are you saying having a black president caused it? Yeah, I can see that. They need to understand their place and stay in it, eh?
I recall him calling Bull Conner to sic the dogs on protesters. Good times.

Or are you saying having a black president caused it? Yeah, I can see that. They need to understand their place and stay in it, eh?

Obama is not black. He is half black and half white, with the two halves constantly warring against each other.

Because of that fact, all he could ever do was stir up racial unrest. He is not the "Great Unifier", nor is Joe Biden.
Obama is not black. He is half black and half white, with the two halves constantly warring against each other.

Because of that fact, all he could ever do was stir up racial unrest. He is not the "Great Unifier", nor is Joe Biden.

So option 2.
Obama has everything to do with the racial divide in this country. Why would a young girl need to be taught that being black in America is any different from being white, red, or brown in America?
That sentiment should apply in all things. A friend when I was younger had the notion she was less than because she grew up in a barrio as the daughter of a concubine. She was beautiful and smart enough that at twenty-one she actually started her own little restaurant that did very well but that feeling she had been given as being less than stuck with her. After her husband and the father of her two small children beat the snot out of her she wanted to leave him but she was scared and that feeling she had been given growing up was part of the problem. I told her first and foremost she was free and an American no matter where she grew up here or who her parents were. She just needed to know that and that she had someone in her corner in order to have the courage to stick up for herself and her two little girls and leave the abusive relationships behind her.

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