10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

Wow, you have a vivid imagination.
You mean in imagining that rapist actually serving time for his crime?

You may be right. With the mother fully supporting the rapist's right to access her daughter, and with the DNA evidence destroyed by the same doctor who falsified the report, and with that doctor being no doubt advised by her lawyers to take the fifth at this point, what evidence can be brought against him? The doctor reported that the rapist was a seventeen year old. Wouldn't take Johnny Cochran to get this guy off. "If he's not seventeen, he's gotta be clean!"
The reality, this is the problem with having extreme poverty. This woman tolerated this man's behavior because he brought stability into her life. Shouldn't be that way, but it is. Unlikely she'll get to keep her children after this mess, but yes, there is an unlimited supply of poor people because the right wing loves poverty.
Please list all of your evidence for the part that I bolded? Women don't have to be in "extreme poverty" to tolerate a man's bad behavior. Nor to women in poverty automatically tolerate a man's bad behavior. "Extreme poverty" is not a thing in the U.S., other than the mentally ill/addicted homeless that the left have created.
What, we have inflation? Let's get the fed to raise interest rates! More poverty. Yeah!
The left love poverty. That's why they insist on importing so much of it and creating it among existing U.S. citizens. Under which president did American blacks achieve the lowest level of unemployment in history?
You mean in imagining that rapist actually serving time for his crime?

You may be right. With the mother fully supporting the rapist's right to access her daughter, and with the DNA evidence destroyed by the same doctor who falsified the report, and with that doctor being no doubt advised by her lawyers to take the fifth at this point, what evidence can be brought against him? The doctor reported that the rapist was a seventeen year old. Wouldn't take Johnny Cochran to get this guy off. "If he's not seventeen, he's gotta be clean!"

Please list all of your evidence for the part that I bolded? Women don't have to be in "extreme poverty" to tolerate a man's bad behavior. Nor to women in poverty automatically tolerate a man's bad behavior. "Extreme poverty" is not a thing in the U.S., other than the mentally ill/addicted homeless that the left have created.

The left love poverty. That's why they insist on importing so much of it and creating it among existing U.S. citizens. Under which president did American blacks achieve the lowest level of unemployment in history?

Meet ME
Lived in my house for 33 years
Planning a Caribbean trip in August
Already paid for

My husband and I are both retired

Meet ME
Lived in my house for 33 years
Planning a Caribbean trip in August
Already paid for

My husband and I are both retired
Yes, I know many human beings that lean left. I'm currently a teacher, and before that I worked at a local news TV station. I have in-laws who live in Virginia and Chicago. Despite the stereotypes, there are plenty of left-leaners in Texas.

You sound like a decent person. When I meet a decent person who leans left, my assumption is that they take at face value the left's stated concern for poverty, and don't stop to realize that it is their own policies that increase the amount of poverty in the U.S.

That's how the left stay in power, and get the votes of decent people such as you and your husband.
Yes, I know many human beings that lean left. I'm currently a teacher, and before that I worked at a local news TV station. I have in-laws who live in Virginia and Chicago. Despite the stereotypes, there are plenty of left-leaners in Texas.

You sound like a decent person. When I meet a decent person who leans left, my assumption is that they take at face value the left's stated concern for poverty, and don't stop to realize that it is their own policies that increase the amount of poverty in the U.S.

That's how the left stay in power, and get the votes of decent people such as you and your husband.
I disagree
You mean in imagining that rapist actually serving time for his crime?

You may be right. With the mother fully supporting the rapist's right to access her daughter, and with the DNA evidence destroyed by the same doctor who falsified the report, and with that doctor being no doubt advised by her lawyers to take the fifth at this point, what evidence can be brought against him? The doctor reported that the rapist was a seventeen year old. Wouldn't take Johnny Cochran to get this guy off. "If he's not seventeen, he's gotta be clean!"

I'm sure there's plenty of other evidence to go around... but quit pretending you care about the victim here.

The left love poverty. That's why they insist on importing so much of it and creating it among existing U.S. citizens. Under which president did American blacks achieve the lowest level of unemployment in history?

Then why do all the bad recessions happen when the Republicans are in charge.
Yeah, that's the problem here Joe... as a white liberal with privilege, do you think you're a misogynist?

Nope. Sue proved herself to be an ugly bigot when I explained to her that she was repeating lies about Islam, and she doubled down by quoting the nastiest, racist sites she could find.
Yeah, that's the problem here Joe... as a white liberal with privilege, do you think you're a misogynist?

Ask him why, at sixty years of age, he's still a pathetic incel who has never been married. He won't be able to help himself, replying with an answer that clearly shows what a misogynist he is.
Ask @him why, at sixty years of age, he's still a pathetic incel who has never been married. He won't be able to help himself, replying with an answer that clearly shows what a misogynist he is.

I've already explained that to you. I don't believe in signing away half my property for a relationship that would become boring after 10 years to please an imaginary fairy in the sky.

Now, here's a better question, why are you up at 2:40 in the morning obsessing over me.
Nope. Sue proved herself to be an ugly bigot when I explained to her that she was repeating lies about Islam, and she doubled down by quoting the nastiest, racist sites she could find.
Islam has nothing to do with the fact that an illegal tramp and her childrem must be deported
Islam has nothing to do with the fact that an illegal tramp and her childrem must be deported

No, but it shows what an ugly racist she is...

And you, too, for that matter.

The immigration status of this family isn't the point here. The point is that this girl had to cross a state line to get needed medical treatment because of an absurd law passed by five justices.
No, but it shows what an ugly racist she is...

And you, too, for that matter.

The immigration status of this family isn't the point here. The point is that this girl had to cross a state line to get needed medical treatment because of an absurd law passed by five justices.
The illegal immigration status is the point of this thread

You conjure up a totally unrelated issue of islam because you are embarrassed that a couple of your pet minorities are abusing the generosity of this country
The illegal immigration status is the point of this thread

You conjure up a totally unrelated issue of islam because you are embarrassed that a couple of your pet minorities are abusing the generosity of this country

No, the point of the story is that a young girl had to cross a state line to get a medical procedure that was required, because there's no way a ten year old carrying a pregnancy to term is healthy.

That the usual racists and bigots like Sue and Mormon Bob are trying to make the immigration status of the people involved the issue - in short, they have LESS humanity because they don't have a green card or citizenship- just exposes their racism.
The illegal immigration status is the point of this thread

You conjure up a totally unrelated issue of islam because you are embarrassed that a couple of your pet minorities are abusing the generosity of this country

The immigration status is the latest phase of this story. I said this a few pages ago.

The response from the Right has been exactly the same every step of the story.

The democrats are awful for making up a story about a ten year old being raped and having to cross state lines to get an abortion.

The democrats are awful for politicizing the story of a ten year old girl getting raped and having to travel across state lines to get an abortion.

The democrats are awful is the point of every single response from the right regarding this story. Now it is that the Democrats are awful for not being intolerant jackasses about immigration.

No matter what the facts are, the spin from the Right has been exactly the same. The democrats are awful.
The mistake is in having sympathy for anyone involved, including the ten year old. Her mother gave her daughter up to be sexually used. The state has enough confidence in mother to keep children in her care, including the ten year old. The only patsy is Fuentes, the alleged rapist. He is sitting in jail, bewildered, trying to figure out what he did wrong.

There are two innocent victims in this for which we SHOULD have sympathy: the ten year old and the baby that was aborted.

I don't know how or why you would say we shouldn't have sympathy for the girl.
There are two innocent victims in this for which we SHOULD have sympathy: the ten year old and the baby that was aborted.

I don't know how or why you would say we shouldn't have sympathy for the girl.

Because you are making her cross state lines to get a needed medical procedure... the fact is you are having MORE concern about a glob of tissue than you have for an actual child.

But it's okay, it's not like they are nice white Americans, is it?

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