10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

No, the point of the story is that a young girl had to cross a state line to get a medical procedure that was required, because there's no way a ten year old carrying a pregnancy to term is healthy.

Because you are making her cross state lines to get a needed medical procedure...

Which turns out to have been a lie. It's been repeatedly clarified that under the laws of the state in which this girl lived, a case such as hers would have been allowed an abortion to protect her life and health.

Her tragic situation was fraudulently exploited to support a political agenda that, in fact, it didn't even support.

And in the mean time, the real issues raised by this case are being neglected and dismissed. Issues such as why she was raped in the first place, and why she and her siblings are being left in the custody o a mother who is apparently OK with her daughter being raped; and why we are allowing our country to be illegally invaded by foreigners who bring such savage values into this country with them.
There are two innocent victims in this for which we SHOULD have sympathy: the ten year old and the baby that was aborted.

I don't know how or why you would say we shouldn't have sympathy for the girl.

Their sympathy for invading foreign criminals, and for sexual abuses of children, is greater than their (nonexistent) sympathy for the children themselves.

They only care about children inasmuch as they can be exploited to promote their depraved agendas.
the fact is you are having MORE concern about a glob of tissue than you have for an actual child.

That “glob of tissue” was an actual child too. An actual human being who has been killed.

In this case, tragically, it was necessary to kill one human being, in order to prevent serious harm or even death to another.

But that does not mitigate in the least the fact that an innocent human being was killed, on top of the harm that was done to another innocent human being by being raped, impregnated, and put into the position of having to have her own child killed.

This is a terrible story, all around, but you show no sympathy whatsoever for the innocent victims of this matter.

Your only interest is in exploiting it to promote an agenda of death and murder and pedophilia…

But it's okay, it's not like they are nice white Americans, is it?

…And racism.
Which turns out to have been a lie. It's been repeatedly clarified that under the laws of the state in which this girl lived, a case such as hers would have been allowed an abortion to protect her life and health.

Her tragic situation was fraudulently exploited to support a political agenda that, in fact, it didn't even support.

And in the mean time, the real issues raised by this case are being neglected and dismissed. Issues such as why she was raped in the first place, and why she and her siblings are being left in the custody o a mother who is apparently OK with her daughter being raped; and why we are allowing our country to be illegally invaded by foreigners who bring such savage values into this country with them.

You say it would have been allowed. But the problem is that prosecutors need only find one expert to say that the woman would survive to bring the justification into question.

After all. Opinions differ. One Doctor says the woman’s life is in jeopardy. It won’t be hard to find one who says the first Doctor misdiagnosed or overreacted. In that moment the perfectly legal becomes clearly criminal.

Even if the woman and her Doctor are vindicated by a Jury a couple years later. The Doctor is bankrupt and has probably lost his license. The woman is equally ruined. Who would take that chance? Would you?

And before you say nonsense. It’s already happening.

You expect Doctors to play Russian Roulette. They won’t do it.
The immigration status is the latest phase of this story. I said this a few pages ago.

The response from the Right has been exactly the same every step of the story.

The democrats are awful for making up a story about a ten year old being raped and having to cross state lines to get an abortion.

The democrats are awful for politicizing the story of a ten year old girl getting raped and having to travel across state lines to get an abortion.

The democrats are awful is the point of every single response from the right regarding this story. Now it is that the Democrats are awful for not being intolerant jackasses about immigration.

No matter what the facts are, the spin from the Right has been exactly the same. The democrats are awful.
I’m proud to be a Democrat
That “glob of tissue” was an actual child too. An actual human being who has been killed.

In this case, tragically, it was necessary to kill one human being, in order to prevent serious harm or even death to another.

But that does not mitigate in the least the fact that an innocent human being was killed, on top of the harm that was done to another innocent human being by being raped, impregnated, and put into the position of having to have her own child killed.

This is a terrible story, all around, but you show no sympathy whatsoever for the innocent victims of this matter.

Your only interest is in exploiting it to promote an agenda of death and murder and pedophilia…

…And racism.
POTENTIAL human being

No TEN YEAR OLD CHILD is capable of carrying a fetus to term
Disgusting to think otherwise
No, the point of the story is that a young girl had to cross a state line to get a medical procedure that was required, because there's no way a ten year old carrying a pregnancy to term is healthy.

That the usual racists and bigots like Sue and Mormon Bob are trying to make the immigration status of the people involved the issue - in short, they have LESS humanity because they don't have a green card or citizenship- just exposes their racism.
We have already had many threads begin by libs waving the bloody shirt of where the 10-year old got her abortion

This thread is about the fact that her whole family are illegal aliens and should be deported
We have already had many threads begin by libs waving the bloody shirt of where the 10-year old got her abortion

This thread is about the fact that her whole family are illegal aliens and should be deported
Threads change topics
Nope. Sue proved herself to be an ugly bigot when I explained to her that she was repeating lies about Islam, and she doubled down by quoting the nastiest, racist sites she could find.
well sure, if as a member of white privilege, [which is the one thing you didn't even bother to deny] its finger pointing time, as you feel you're entitled to your bigotry.
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Ask @him why, at sixty years of age, he's still a pathetic incel who has never been married. He won't be able to help himself, replying with an answer that clearly shows what a misogynist he is.
he once told me ted kennedy never killed anyone, when I proved he did [which took some doing] he all of a sudden remembered he was found not guilty, when I proved he pled guilty [which took some doing] he tried to have me banned...lol
I understand her all too well.

Instead of addressing the TRULY EVIL policy of forcing a 10 year old to have her rapist's baby, she decides to play the race card, because honestly, when you are a religious nut, you don't think rationally.
She did not have the baby but she was raped and impregnated at 10-years old. As a parent of the little girl, what is worse, going to Indiana or getting raped?
he once told me ted kennedy never killed anyone, when I proved he did [which took some doing] he all of a sudden remembered he was found not guilty, when I proved he pled guilty [which took some doing] he tried to have me banned...lol

Mary Jo Kopechne should be remembered as a great hero, who gave her life to insure that Ted Kennedy would never be President of the United States.
I've already explained that to you. I don't believe in signing away half my property for a relationship that would become boring after 10 years
You're not a very good socialist joe, just a typical one
to please an imaginary fairy in the sky.
yeah, don't think the sky is where this one is
Now, here's a better question, why are you up at 2:40 in the morning obsessing over me.
there is never a bad or wrong time to take down a white privilege bigot joe ...it should be every ones obsession, except of course for the bigots themselves

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