10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

And you, too, for that matter.
can always tell when your argument tanks
The immigration status of this family isn't the point here.
that's only because its indefensible and exposes the real problem

The point is that this girl had to cross a state line to get needed medical treatment because of an absurd law passed by five justices.
What law was passed joe?...how come "crossing state lines" [borders] is all of a sudden a problem for you joe? because it was legal this time?
Which turns out to have been a lie. It's been repeatedly clarified that under the laws of the state in which this girl lived, a case such as hers would have been allowed an abortion to protect her life and health.

Her tragic situation was fraudulently exploited to support a political agenda that, in fact, it didn't even support.

Really? Because there seems to be no clear consensus by legal experts on whether or not she could legally have that abortion in Ohio. The problem here is that a doctor in Ohio DIDN'T want to risk performing the surgery, which indicates at least ONE doctor said "no".

And in the mean time, the real issues raised by this case are being neglected and dismissed. Issues such as why she was raped in the first place, and why she and her siblings are being left in the custody o a mother who is apparently OK with her daughter being raped; and why we are allowing our country to be illegally invaded by foreigners who bring such savage values into this country with them.

So you are claiming that if this sort of thing happens outside the country, it's okay then? Frankly, I wonder what kind of "Parent" turned their daughters over to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young to get a special seat in the Celestial Heaven... but that's just me.

That “glob of tissue” was an actual child too. An actual human being who has been killed.

In this case, tragically, it was necessary to kill one human being, in order to prevent serious harm or even death to another.

But that does not mitigate in the least the fact that an innocent human being was killed, on top of the harm that was done to another innocent human being by being raped, impregnated, and put into the position of having to have her own child killed.

This is a terrible story, all around, but you show no sympathy whatsoever for the innocent victims of this matter.

Nope, fetuses aren't people. if they were, women would be regulated to second class citizenship.

Let's have a little fun, Bob. Let's leave abortion to the side. If Globby the Fetus has more rights than the person it is inside, then could a woman be arrested for assault for having a drink of wine during her pregnancy? Or a smoke.

Heck, let's go one further. A very dear friend of mine was working while pregnant, when in the seventh month of pregnancy her doctor ordered her to bed rest. But what if she was really poor and couldn't go on bed rest, because she needed that paycheck really bad. And let's say that worst case scenario, she had a premature birth. Should she be charged with assault or worse, negligent homicide if the fetus didn't make it?
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