10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration


An ACORN is not a TREE

If you dissect an acorn, knowing what to look for, you can find a tiny oak tree inside of it. It doesn't look much like a tree, but it is very clearly recognizable as a plant of some sort, in an immature form.

The same is true of every seed, from nearly every seed-bearing plant.

It's very easy to see in a peanut.

A monster

Who has been rejected by WOMEN
One of my clients was arrested because he had been having regular sex with his 7 year old daughter. You know how he was caught? He went to a clinic to get treated for gonorrhea that he got from his 7 year old daughter. He wasn't the only one she was screwing. She spread disease through her brother's high school, including her brother and the workers at a construction site a block away. No one involved, not one of the men, not the girl's MOTHER thought there was anything in the least wrong with this girl's behavior or any of the men either.

What kind of people produce that? What kind of culture vomits that up. No. I have no sympathy for the 10 year old. She is happily selling herself to help mama pay the rent. Hopefully, by the time she's 18 she will have had so many abortions her uterus will be rock hard with scar tissue.
If you dissect an acorn, knowing what to look for, you can find a tiny oak tree inside of it. It doesn't look much like a tree, but it is very clearly recognizable as a plant of some sort, in an immature form.

The same is true of every seed, from nearly every seed-bearing plant.

but here's the problem with that, Mormon Bob. Most acorns never become trees. They usually end up getting eaten by squirrels.

Most Zygotes don't become babies... they never attach to the uterine wall.

If those operations don't work and the fetus dies, they aren't charged with murder.
Well, if doctors were charged with murder every time a patient dies, we would shortly have no more surgeons. You didn't think this through. If the fetus died through some fault it would surely be malpractice just like is anyone died.
but here's the problem with that, Mormon Bob. Most acorns never become trees. They usually end up getting eaten by squirrels.

Most Zygotes don't become babies... they never attach to the uterine wall.
Then there is no pregnancy at all.
Well, if doctors were charged with murder every time a patient dies, we would shortly have no more surgeons. You didn't think this through. If the fetus died through some fault it would surely be malpractice just like is anyone died.

Actually, I thought it through quite a bit. Before a doctor performs fetal surgery, he has the mother sign a shitload of waivers before a knife hits flesh.

Then there is no pregnancy at all.

But if your argument is that life begins at conception, then all those Zygotes are lost human beings. You also wouldn't be able to use fetal stem cells in medicines if left up to you guys.
Actually, I thought it through quite a bit. Before a doctor performs fetal surgery, he has the mother sign a shitload of waivers before a knife hits flesh.

But if your argument is that life begins at conception, then all those Zygotes are lost human beings. You also wouldn't be able to use fetal stem cells in medicines if left up to you guys.
Good thing my argument isn't that life begins at conception. My argument follows the medical position that the pregnancy occurs upon implantation regardless of life beginning at conception.

Any time a surgery is performed the patient or guardian has to sign a shitload of forms.
Actually fetal stem cells have had very poor results. Adult stem cells and cord blood cells have had enormous success.
but here's the problem with that, Mormon Bob. Most acorns never become trees. They usually end up getting eaten by squirrels.

Most Zygotes don't become babies... they never attach to the uterine wall.


Early mortality does not change what kind of organism it was.

Some human beings die while they are still in the womb. Some die as infants.

Some die as young children.

Some die as adolescents.

Some die as adults.

When they die does not make them any less human.
Actually, I thought it through quite a bit. Before a doctor performs fetal surgery, he has the mother sign a shitload of waivers before a knife hits flesh.

I had to sign all sorts of similar shit before each of the two operations that I had on my broken leg.
But if your argument is that life begins at conception, then all those Zygotes are lost human beings. You also wouldn't be able to use fetal stem cells in medicines if left up to you guys.

Even by established Incel Joe standards, you're being unusually irrelevant today.
Actually, we really haven't done the research on their potential because the hands of scientists are tied by religious fanatics.

Your problem is that you claim that holding to any reasonable standards of morality or ethics makes one a “religious fanatic”.

Josef Mengele would be your kind of scientist, who did his research unfettered by “religious fanaticism”.
One of my clients was arrested because he had been having regular sex with his 7 year old daughter. You know how he was caught? He went to a clinic to get treated for gonorrhea that he got from his 7 year old daughter. He wasn't the only one she was screwing. She spread disease through her brother's high school, including her brother and the workers at a construction site a block away. No one involved, not one of the men, not the girl's MOTHER thought there was anything in the least wrong with this girl's behavior or any of the men either.

What kind of people produce that? What kind of culture vomits that up. No. I have no sympathy for the 10 year old. She is happily selling herself to help mama pay the rent. Hopefully, by the time she's 18 she will have had so many abortions her uterus will be rock hard with scar tissue.




Lack of consent only means the statute was violated. It does not mean the child was forced or threatened. You don't like the way it really is. Americans don't. That's why we pass laws protecting children. The values that these laws are based on are NOT universally held. If ONLY we could just put these rapists away. But we can't. We can't because the values held by those like the mother of the ten year old are applied. That's why the girl is still in the home of the mother that sold her out. But we have a law. Minors cannot give consent. That's what the law says.
Lack of consent only means the statute was violated. It does not mean the child was forced or threatened. You don't like the way it really is. Americans don't. That's why we pass laws protecting children. The values that these laws are based on are NOT universally held. If ONLY we could just put these rapists away. But we can't. We can't because the values held by those like the mother of the ten year old are applied. That's why the girl is still in the home of the mother that sold her out. But we have a law. Minors cannot give consent. That's what the law says.
I used to like CATS

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