100,000 dead ain't Sheyat compared to 40 million out of work....

Trump has been criticizing them, which has been fair to do. Then he blindly listens to them. Not smart.

Oh every scientist in the world was listening to China's scientists. A mistake, sure, but a reasonable assumption nonetheless. There is an inherent level of trust in the scientific community. Scientists trust each other to be factual and exact. But it seems that our scientists relied on that trust a bit too much and were betrayed.

Don't trust China. Mistake by Trump.
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the World Health Organization.

How did you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog; trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they ultimately didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish by placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face. China, and by proxy, WHO, betrayed us all.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

(I can't help but notice in that comment chain you said the president (and by default, America) was not prepared for this pandemic, but then make the assertion to me in our discussion that we were. How does that work again?)
Last edited:
The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

Yes, indeed, the study is from WAY BACK IN 2019!

When did the virus get released in CHINA?

It's 2020 now. Look at the numbers. We're now leading the world in cases and deaths.

Do you think we've done a good job of handling this?
Chronological snobbery.

You are employing a chronological fallacy in an attempt to refute another argument.

Even an all-star lineup of scientists can only work with the information they are given, and if China is withholding the information and destroying evidence, it inhibits their ability to act accordingly, thus delaying any response on our part. This virus could have been stopped if for a bit of cooperation on China's part.

Us "leading the world" in cases and deaths is irrelevant.

You're just embarrassing yourself now. He brought up an old study. We can look back on that study to see how it turned out. Pretty simple stuff.

I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can: We were well-prepared to handle the pandemic. Then we fucked it up.

We have about 30% of the cases and deaths in the world despite being only 5% of the world population. Our economy is a complete disaster. Do you think we handled this virus well?

And of course you believe everything that China reports, i.e.
- ONLY 82,985 cases out of 1.4 billion people?
- ONLY 4,634 deaths? out of 1.4 billion
- ONLY ZERO tests?
Really you believe that?
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.

My turn. What the hell are you talking about?

I am addressing the content of the discussion between you and Markle.
The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

Yes, indeed, the study is from WAY BACK IN 2019!

When did the virus get released in CHINA?

It's 2020 now. Look at the numbers. We're now leading the world in cases and deaths.

Do you think we've done a good job of handling this?
Chronological snobbery.

You are employing a chronological fallacy in an attempt to refute another argument.

Even an all-star lineup of scientists can only work with the information they are given, and if China is withholding the information and destroying evidence, it inhibits their ability to act accordingly, thus delaying any response on our part. This virus could have been stopped if for a bit of cooperation on China's part.

Us "leading the world" in cases and deaths is irrelevant.

You're just embarrassing yourself now. He brought up an old study. We can look back on that study to see how it turned out. Pretty simple stuff.

I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can: We were well-prepared to handle the pandemic. Then we fucked it up.

We have about 30% of the cases and deaths in the world despite being only 5% of the world population. Our economy is a complete disaster. Do you think we handled this virus well?

And of course you believe everything that China reports, i.e.
- ONLY 82,985 cases out of 1.4 billion people?
- ONLY 4,634 deaths? out of 1.4 billion
- ONLY ZERO tests?
Really you believe that?

Now I'm just repeating myself.

Read post #179 and #201.

I've probably said it another half dozen times here alone.
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.

My turn. What the hell are you talking about?

I am addressing the content of the discussion between you and Markle.

The Johns Hopkins study that he brought up.

Are you going senile?
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.

My turn. What the hell are you talking about?

I am addressing the content of the discussion between you and Markle.

The Johns Hopkins study that he brought up.

Are you going senile?

Nope. Just noting how you are trying to make two competing arguments at the same time. Akin to flipping a coin and wanting it to be both heads and tails.
It's the same as always. The right sees suffering somewhere else and say tough shit, let them die. Then they start to suffer and the outpouring of self-pity would be embarrassing if they had any shame. You want some pity? I pity you, feel better?
Jesus. Read the damn study and then get back to me.

I did "read the damn study". Something you are working hard to discredit. Were we prepared or not? You tell Markle we weren't, and then tell me we were.

Which is it, my schizophrenic friend?

Ok, one more time. I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can for you. If you don't get it after this, I'm sorry.

"I did "read the damn study". Something you are working hard to discredit."

I have stated the exact opposite: "I'm not disregarding it because it's old. I think it's accurate if you look at how it was done and what it's actually measuring." Post #180

Can you show me where I'm trying to discredit it? You won't find a post of mine saying that. You're just lost.

"Were we prepared or not? You tell Markle we weren't, and then tell me we were."

We were well-prepared by the metrics outlined in the study. That is, we had systems in place that we're top-notch compared to the rest of the world.

"They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:

  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing." (Post #164)

By THOSE metrics outlined in the Johns Hopkins study, yes, we we were prepared. In fact we were the most prepared country in the world.

However, Trump was clearly in way over his head and he didn't think to check the stockpile or come up with a cohesive plan. He disregarded Obama's plan and didn't replace it with anything adequate. In THAT sense, no, we were not prepared.

There you go, bud. Hope that helps.
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.

My turn. What the hell are you talking about?

I am addressing the content of the discussion between you and Markle.

The Johns Hopkins study that he brought up.

Are you going senile?

Nope. Just noting how you are trying to make two competing arguments at the same time. Akin to flipping a coin and wanting it to be both heads and tails.

I can understand how it might seem that way to you since you have no idea what you're even talking about. Must be hard.
I have reread that discussion multiple times... and I have discovered the flaw in Xponent's argument.

He would have said "he fucked up" even if only 100 people died from this virus instead of 100,000. His concern for the well-being of his fellow-men isn't.

Without being specific, Xponent contends "the president fucked up."

How? And in what way? What specific action by the president led to 100,000 Americans dying from this virus?
Last edited:
I have stated the exact opposite: "I'm not disregarding it because it's old. I think it's accurate if you look at how it was done and what it's actually measuring." Post #180

"The study is from 2019" you said. Obviously you trying to discredit it.

Post #164.
View attachment 340590

Trump minimized the seriousness of this virus. Now 100,000 people have died from it and our economy is a disaster. Good job, conservatives. So much winning.

Your desperation is duly noted. And you have good reason for your desperation but why LIE?

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

Nothing I posted was a lie.

We have plenty of quotes of Trump diminishing the seriousness of this virus. And it blew up in his face.

Feb 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."


And "we" have dozens of quotes with Democrats screaming that President Trump was overreacting.

Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Your childish effort if both childish and counter-productive. Trying to blame President Trump for something that is clearly not, will serve only to show that Democrats are far more interested in bringing down a president than solving problems.

Specifically what were the Democrats doing, spending all their time on between January 2017 and February 5th 2020?

I'll help, here is what Democrats were concentrating all their time and energy upon.

House impeachment managers walk articles to Senate
Jan. 15, 2020
  • "The seven impeachment managers chosen by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who will guide the trial, deliver the articles to the Senate in a historic moment."

Your "But Pelosi" is noted.

Doesn't change a thing about Trump's inability to get us prepared for this disaster.



The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

You have no idea what is being discussed and you don't want to answer straight-forward questions that clearly show you're wrong.

Oh, now I understand even more, it wasn't China we trusted. It was the WHO.

How do you expect the President and his task force to act efficiently when they were being lied to by the CCP? Look at the comment chain with the study again. We relied on WHO, who relied on China's word that there was no evidence of human to human transmission related to this virus. The WHO is supposed to be the premier global health watchdog, trusted to relay accurate health information and statistics to the world, which they didn't.

The evidence is damning, and it makes you look all the more foolish, placing every expectation on the President when he was doing the reasonable thing and relying on information being put out by the WHO, who, it was discovered, was put on a leash by the Chinese Communist Party. They were made to delay the pandemic announcement so China could save face.

Now look at us.

Like I said. You presume too much.

You took a study by Johns Hopkins saying we're well-prepared and somehow turned it into a criticism of the WHO.

Wow. Just wow.

My turn. What the hell are you talking about?

I am addressing the content of the discussion between you and Markle.

The Johns Hopkins study that he brought up.

Are you going senile?

Nope. Just noting how you are trying to make two competing arguments at the same time. Akin to flipping a coin and wanting it to be both heads and tails.

I can understand how it might seem that way to you since you have no idea what you're even talking about. Must be hard.

You can stop making excuses now.
The study is from 2019. You realize this, right? One might want to look at how we have done in the last few months and compare it to this study.

They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:
  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing. Several months later, we're now leading the world in cases and deaths. By a mile.

Even though we were one of the countries best prepared to handle this thing several months ago, we STILL fucked it up about as bad as humanly possible.

Trump was given an all-star lineup and still somehow managed to lose by 100 points.

Yes, indeed, the study is from WAY BACK IN 2019!

When did the virus get released in CHINA?

It's 2020 now. Look at the numbers. We're now leading the world in cases and deaths.

Do you think we've done a good job of handling this?
Chronological snobbery.

You are employing a chronological fallacy in an attempt to refute another argument.

Even an all-star lineup of scientists can only work with the information they are given, and if China is withholding the information and destroying evidence, it inhibits their ability to act accordingly, thus delaying any response on our part. This virus could have been stopped if for a bit of cooperation on China's part.

Us "leading the world" in cases and deaths is irrelevant.

You're just embarrassing yourself now. He brought up an old study. We can look back on that study to see how it turned out. Pretty simple stuff.

I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can: We were well-prepared to handle the pandemic. Then we fucked it up.

We have about 30% of the cases and deaths in the world despite being only 5% of the world population. Our economy is a complete disaster. Do you think we handled this virus well?

And of course you believe everything that China reports, i.e.
- ONLY 82,985 cases out of 1.4 billion people?
- ONLY 4,634 deaths? out of 1.4 billion
- ONLY ZERO tests?
Really you believe that?

Now I'm just repeating myself.

Read post #179 and #201.

I've probably said it another half dozen times here alone.
But YOU are the one critical of USA handling of the pandemic!
I don't see any country including China and India with over 30% of the World population has done better? Being critical of the USA that has tested 4.5% of the population which is nearly twice as many as the next largest,Russia is strictly because of your dislike of Trump.
I have reread that discussion multiple times... and I have discovered the flaw in Xponent's argument.

He would have said "he fucked up" even if only 100 people died from this virus instead of 100,000. His concern for the well-being of his fellow-men isn't.

Without being specific, Xponent contends "the president fucked up."

How? And in what way? What specific action by the president led to 100,000 Americans dying from this virus?

"He would have said "he fucked up" even if only 100 people died from this virus instead of 100,000. His concern for the well-being of his fellow-men isn't."

Complete bullshit.

"How? And in what way? What specific action by the president led to 100,000 Americans dying from this virus?"

Minimized the seriousness of this virus. Sat on his ass for 3.5 years instead of checking on the stockpile of supplies. Disregarded Obama's plan because Obama made it. Didn't replace it with an adequate plan.
Jesus. Read the damn study and then get back to me.

I did "read the damn study". Something you are working hard to discredit. Were we prepared or not? You tell Markle we weren't, and then tell me we were.

Which is it, my schizophrenic friend?

Ok, one more time. I'm going to make this as simple as I possibly can for you. If you don't get it after this, I'm sorry.

"I did "read the damn study". Something you are working hard to discredit."

I have stated the exact opposite: "I'm not disregarding it because it's old. I think it's accurate if you look at how it was done and what it's actually measuring." Post #180

Can you show me where I'm trying to discredit it? You won't find a post of mine saying that. You're just lost.

"Were we prepared or not? You tell Markle we weren't, and then tell me we were."

We were well-prepared by the metrics outlined in the study. That is, we had systems in place that we're top-notch compared to the rest of the world.

"They're using something called the Global Health Security Index. The study ranks systems in place to combat an infection. They use six different categories:

  • Prevention: Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens
  • Detection and Reporting: Early detection and reporting for epidemics of potential international concern
  • Rapid Response: Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread of an epidemic
  • Health System: Sufficient and robust health system to treat the sick and protect health workers
  • Compliance with International Norms: Commitments to improving national capacity, financing plans to address gaps, and adhering to global norms
  • Risk Environment: Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats
Based on those categories, we were in good shape to handle this thing." (Post #164)

By THOSE metrics outlined in the Johns Hopkins study, yes, we we were prepared. In fact we were the most prepared country in the world.

However, Trump was clearly in way over his head and he didn't think to check the stockpile or come up with a cohesive plan. He disregarded Obama's plan and didn't replace it with anything adequate. In THAT sense, no, we were not prepared.

There you go, bud. Hope that helps.

Prove to me where Obama had a plan?
Federal officials repeatedly warned that US hospitals lacked enough ventilators
In at least 10 government reports from 2003 to 2015, federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators and other lifesaving medical supplies if it faced a viral outbreak like the one currently sweeping the country.

Both the Obama and Trump administrations had adequate time to respond to the task force recommendation before the coronavirus outbreak, said Dr. Lee Gross, who practices family medicine in North Port, Florida, and is president of Docs 4 Patient Care, a national health care advocacy group.
The Obama administration had at least seven years to replenish the stockpile of masks, while the Trump administration had about three.
“Certainly the number of depleted masks were not replaced, and we should know why. It’s been a problem across multiple administrations,” Gross told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.

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