$100,000 dollar reward for khalidi video of obama.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If there are any hackers out there...if the video is on someones computer....you could get a lot of money to expose obama's ties to a foreign terrorist....as opposed to the domestic terrorist bombers he likes to associate with....

Reward 100 000 for Khalidi Tape - Breitbart

The Khalidi tape may provide the key.

The mainstream media has recently been eager to probe the implications of Mitt Romney’s comments at a fundraiser on an incomplete, apparently illegally obtained video tape. Yet it has refused to explore the implications of the Khalidi tape, and has protected Obama from whatever that video might reveal.

With America under attack, and Israel in existential danger, there is no longer any excuse for the cover-up.

The initial $50,000 reward offered by Breitbart News in July generated much interest–including in Israel–but no credible responses. Inquiries to the Arab American Action Network, and to anti-Israel activist Ali Abunimah, who served on the Network’s board at the time and has criticized Obama’s shift away from his earlier professed beliefs, remain unanswered.

Accordingly, we have doubled the reward amount in the hope that the source will come forward.
rashid khalidi is a terrorist spokesman....he is a good friend of obama and michelle....obama gave a farewell speech about him and the media has it....but has refused to show it...to anyone....this was right in the middle of his first election run....

Of course....Mitt Romney made comments in a speech and they ran it 24/7....and he wasn't praising a foreign terrorist....
This puts it into perspective....

The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama s Khalidi Bash Tape National Review Online

Let’s try a thought experiment. Say John McCain attended a party at which known racists and terror mongers were in attendance. Say testimonials were given, including a glowing one by McCain for the benefit of the guest of honor … who happened to be a top apologist for terrorists. Say McCain not only gave a speech but stood by, in tacit approval and solidarity, while other racists and terror mongers gave speeches that reeked of hatred for an American ally and rationalizations of terror attacks.

Now let’s say the Los Angeles Times obtained a videotape of the party.

Question: Is there any chance — any chance – theTimes would not release the tape and publish front-page story after story about the gory details, with the usual accompanying chorus of sanctimony from the oped commentariat? Is there any chance, if the Times was the least bit reluctant about publishing (remember, we’re pretending here), that the rest of the mainstream media (y’know, the guys who drove Trent Lott out of his leadership position over a birthday-party toast) would not be screaming for the release of the tape?

Do we really have to ask?

So now, let’s leave thought experiments and return to reality: Why is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat?

At the time Khalidi, a PLO adviser turned University of Chicago professor, was headed east to Columbia. There he would take over the University’s Middle East-studies program (which he has since maintained as a bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism) and assume the professorship endowed in honor of Edward Sayyid, another notorious terror apologist.

The party featured encomiums by many of Khalidi’s allies, colleagues, and friends, including Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, and Bill Ayers, the terrorist turned education professor. It was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife, Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat’s press agency.

Is there just a teeny-weenie chance that this was an evening of Israel-bashing Obama would find very difficult to explain? Could it be that the Times, a pillar of the Obamedia, is covering for its guy?

Gateway Pundit reports that the Times has the videotape but is suppressing it.

Back in April, the Times published a gentle story about the fete. Reporter Peter Wallsten avoided, for example, any mention of the inconvenient fact that the revelers included Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife and fellow Weatherman terrorist. These self-professed revolutionary Leftists are friendly with both Obama and Khalidi — indeed, researcher Stanley Kurtz has noted that Ayers and Khalidi were “best friends.” (And — small world! — it turns out that the Obamas are extremely close to the Khalidis, who havereportedly babysat the Obama children.)


Yes...our President...friend to terrorists, both foreign and domestic....
Ask Mitt Romney how long they sat on his video.........
If there are any hackers out there...if the video is on someones computer....you could get a lot of money to expose obama's ties to a foreign terrorist....as opposed to the domestic terrorist bombers he likes to associate with....

Reward 100 000 for Khalidi Tape - Breitbart

The Khalidi tape may provide the key.

The mainstream media has recently been eager to probe the implications of Mitt Romney’s comments at a fundraiser on an incomplete, apparently illegally obtained video tape. Yet it has refused to explore the implications of the Khalidi tape, and has protected Obama from whatever that video might reveal.

With America under attack, and Israel in existential danger, there is no longer any excuse for the cover-up.

The initial $50,000 reward offered by Breitbart News in July generated much interest–including in Israel–but no credible responses. Inquiries to the Arab American Action Network, and to anti-Israel activist Ali Abunimah, who served on the Network’s board at the time and has criticized Obama’s shift away from his earlier professed beliefs, remain unanswered.

Accordingly, we have doubled the reward amount in the hope that the source will come forward.

This is just more of the EXTREME (In 2014 known as normal) Right Wing trying to paint Obama as a terrorist and the Left responding for some reason..

Our politicians work for Industry, not people. Obama works for Lockheed Martin and other similar Corporations and that is the closest connection I see.

"If you don't use our weapons, why did we fund you?"
Whee.................... more wingnuttery. Good economic times. The renewable energy is now cheaper than dirty coal, another win for the President. Putin had better look good without a shirt, because the oil aggreements and sanctions have taken the shirt right off the back of Russia. Employment, at jobs with good wages, is on the rise, and next year looks really good.

Yep, all you fellows have left is wingnuttery.

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