100 Greatest films of all time - discuss

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

They run this poll every 10 years. Sight and Sound is a highbrow review magazine so I think the results reflect that. I used to get it in the early 80s when I was a bit pretentious.

They run a critics poll alongside it and there are a few crossovers. Personally I am siding more with the critics against the directors.

I confess that I havent even seen a lot of the films listed. There are also a lot of faves that dont make the list. Shane is one, Battle of Britain is another. And Jungle Book.

Still its all moot. Its only a list of opinions.
I like musicals so you probably won't like mine opinion of the greatest movies.
Also, I have too many to pick just 1 for the greatest.
No "Casablanca"?....Really?

Both "North by Northwest" and "Rear Window" are better than "Vertigo".

"Citizen Kane"?.....The most overrated "great" move of all time, if you're not counting "Pulp Fiction" and/or "Saving Private Ryan".
For me , near perfect en bloc , though my order would be different -----because , of course , we all are different .

My personal favourite is L'avventura at number 38 but I am happy to see it recognised as being somewhere in the list of the best .

The good news for me is that very little of modern Hollywood figures . And rightly so.

The list is rightly less concerned with just entertainment but more about films with wider themes and more artistic and thoughtful treatments .

On what basis could any Stallone film feature for example ?
None without cheapening and trivialising . imho Though some of the films he starred in are hugely entertaining .
Good meals but hardly pieces of near timeless art .
How about 1989's "No Holds Barred"? When Mean Gene Okerlund reviewed the film, he declared that it was "without a doubt the greatest motion picture ever made".
You are aware that the movie "Cobra" is fiction and that Stallone is not, and has never been, a cop?

Sure, I understand that. I was talking about Stallone's character which was very realistically done, and could be a role model for modern, urban police officers.
No 'Reefer Madness', or 'Killer Klowns From Outer Space'?

That list is bogus. :smoke:
It is always hard to say what is "the best" but one movie I thought was excellent was the 1927 "Sunrise A Song of Two Humans".
One of the greatest films that should be on the list is Death Wish 3.

Not only is it a tremendous flick, its currently very relevant as New York City has basically devolved back to where it was when this documentary was filmed originally.


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