-100 in New Hampshire tonight!! Damn global warming!!

Holy crap! I've lived in Wisconsin for the last 10 years and have never seen weather that cold.

It was -15 over the new Year's Eve and my tire pressure got so low the TPM light came on.
Russian hackers must have hacked USA good weather.

BTW, it's been record warm in Moscow this winter, so it's Putin who sent all that snow and low temperatures to USA.

the red bastards STOLE our balmy spring-like temps?------for the sake of COMMUNISM? ------
share the warmth?
Hey I got an idea ..lets freeze our ass off and build a weather center here!!!

The other guys says "fuck you its to cold, how about we go to Hawaii and build a weather station there"
Mt. Washington was put there by God, to remind the rest of us in New England that zero degree weather is actually balmy and not so bad! :p
Yet another ignorant rightwing nitwit can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

lol.......I'll take being on the side of the "nitwits" all day to Sunday s0n!! You bozo's have been shouting out that whole people on the right are stoopid with science mantra for almost 20 years now............and to what end?:bye1: Nobody is paying attention to that line of crap.........the evidence is stunning!!

Please show us where that whole narrative is working in the real world s0n?? Provide some links please!:coffee:

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