100% Proof Emerges Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton

My understanding was I was sharing this with adults.

Obama was "on trial" (or should have been) the way Trump is now "on trial" running for president. Except the deck is stacked so badly against him every liberal outlet in the country, many republicans, and of course the entire Mainstream media are doing all they can to find anything on him to make him look bad and make small matters of the past to be THEE big questions the nation has to endure in a presidential debate. (such as he called a woman "miss housekeeper." Can you imagine??? The horror.) It is a sick joke.

Actually, it says a lot about his character. The man is a bully by nature.

But you self-styled "Christians" are getting behind a man who is a womanizer, who made his fortune promoting vice, who is abusive to woman, to minorities, to veterans, to the disabled.

Tell me true, do you think that Jesus would vote for Donald Trump?

Even more sick is that if anyone dared bring up Obama's birth in the past it is now used on them as though they were some kind of outer space alien because it is sooo obvious he was born in Hawaii. Yeah, you know what? Bullshit! But none of you know-it-alls have the slightest interest in truly knowing the truth because you already won that war in the public's mind, why would you ever want to jeopardize that winning hand? So instead of his bogus birth being a negative for Obama it has turned into a MAJOR positive! How ironic. How clever is the devil. We cannot win on this, only lose worse and worse.

Guy, the fact Obama was born in Hawaii isn't in dispute. The kind of thinking that goes into doubting it is and should be.

As I said to Mackie before he scampered off, the notion of birtherism is that if a black man accomplished something, he must have cheated! It's a racist notion. And trump was able to ride it to the Republican Nomination. Because so many of you have no problem with bearing false witness, apparently.
Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me

Sorry, I cannot justify the time today to oppose your "wisdom."

I pity you, but the mission does seem hopeless.

Pull out your old trump card and blame all of our dismay on the color of his skin. LOL Like I said, this endeavor to educate you seems hopeless.

1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc. - Freedom Outpost
Crooked Hillary and her crooked 'debates'. Just imagine the Little Sister of Merkel as POTUS.
Anything is criminal by demoncrats, anything!

100% Proof Emerges Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton - Open Debate Coalition Deleting Top Rated Questions From Americans Regarding Benghazi, Email Scandal

On Sunday, October 9th at 9 pm, the eyes of much of the nation will once again be on TV for round 2 of our very own 'Thrilla in Manilla', the presidential debates featuring Donald Trump vs 'War Criminal' Clinton.

While Trump tells reporters today he'll 'hit harder' next time around after many supporters claimed he handled 'the body countress' with kid gloves, we get absolute proof today that the next presidential debate is already being fixed in the war criminal's favor.

As this new story from The Atlantic tells us, the 2nd presidential debate will try something new and and ordinary Americans like you and I will be able to submit questions that Trump or Clinton might have to answer if they get enough 'up votes' from other 'ordinary Americans' like you and I. Only problem is, we already have 100% proof that the questions are being fixed in the favor of Clinton with questions that quickly became the highest voted being deleted by the website.

We shouldn't be surprised however. The Open Debate Coalition that is running this 'something new' was formed by globalists back in 2008 and their leadership board and many of those giving testimonials about the organization looks like a who's who of war criminals and the 'Hitlery Clinton fan club'.

REad more here:

100% Proof Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton

All News Pipeline - RationalWiki

News Pipeline or ANP is a conspiracy theorist news site. It was founded in July 2014 by Stefan Mark Stanford (aka Live Free or Die) and Susan Duclos,[1] two contributors to Before It's News, who thought BIN was too soft on reporting the truth about everything (though they still occasionally post to BIN as well).

Nearly every one of their rants features Alex Jones, and many contain grammatical errors. Its articles are sufficiently wacky that many people cry Poe, but it seems that it is in fact entirely sincere.

It also features video interviews with fellow conspiracy theorists.
Sorry, I cannot justify the time today to oppose your "wisdom."

I pity you, but the mission does seem hopeless.

It's okay, I was done listening to religious idiots when one told me that my Mom dying an excruciating death from Cancer was part of "God's Plan".

Pull out your old trump card and blame all of our dismay on the color of his skin. LOL Like I said, this endeavor to educate you seems hopeless.

Again, you guys completely lost your shit when the black guy got in there.
Someone has to have a conscience.
Well no one is expecting that from today's Dimbocrats.
The press consists of educated people who know what a disaster for America Trump as President would be.
You are a total fool and a corporate stooge and shill.
You are the fool for being conned by this huckster. There is a sucker born every minute.
And you are sucking up everything from the dry vent air all the way down to the dusty carpet, shit4brains.
Says the rube suckered by Trump.
It is what it is and its been this way for some time. I'm not going to snivel over it, instead I'll watch as he continues to thwart them and beat them at their own game.

What they don't understand is that Trump has the American people behind him and we far outnumber these corrupt motherfuckers. It's a game of numbers and they can't beat it...and they know it. I've said for some time, it's only going to get worse as November draws closer so buckle up your chinstraps and get ready to knock some heads ;)

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning
Makes you wonder what planet some of these folks are from.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.
Your guy didn’t study. Your guy lost.
wow, what a claim. a debater won a debate, a business man though is keeping even. not sure what you call a win. What are the polls today? Did she win the debate, sure she is a better debater, she's done it 31 times to his five or six. yep. she's rehearsed, he isn't. how is that winning, canned answers more of the same. not many want more of the same canned answers. they want new blood, new ideas, and with that comes some handicap, and we're willing to accept the handicap. But you can't judge winner for at least two more days. who gets the bump.
Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?
Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Actually Candycorn since you asked, I am 8 1/2" and almost 7" in circumference (with Cialis) which is why I can't really wear even a Magnum XL comfortably.

LOL! does anyone ever read these posts! ROTFLMAO! done....I'm officially done.

Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Yes well, the state of the union indicates he did.
Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Yes well, the state of the union indicates he did.

The 13 million more people employed or the $50 trillion in added wealth?
Too bad they did not apply those standards when Obama was on trial.

Too bad there are so many clueless liberal robots like you incapable of being honest or knowing right from wrong.

Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Yes well, the state of the union indicates he did.

The 13 million more people employed or the $50 trillion in added wealth?
How about he single handedlly doubled the debt? Saddled the nation with a failing Obamacare? The war on coal? The race war? The invasion of illegal immigrants resulting in lower wages? Oh! And how about the 48 million on food stamps?
Obama was a Senator, a State Legislator and a Lawyer... more than qualified.

I do just fine on the right from wrong thing and I don't do it because I think an imaginary pixie in the sky is goingto punish me
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Yes well, the state of the union indicates he did.

The 13 million more people employed or the $50 trillion in added wealth?
How about he single handedlly doubled the debt? Saddled the nation with a failing Obamacare? The war on coal? The race war? The invasion of illegal immigrants resulting in lower wages? Oh! And how about the 48 million on food stamps?

News to me

What did Obama spend to double the debt?
Obamacare is the best national healthcare plan this country has ever devised. If you disagree, point to a Republican alternative that is better
Cheap oil and natural gas is conducting a war on coal. How do you like that $2 a gallon Obamagas?
Illegal immigrants have dropped by one million under Obama
48 million on food stamps? Job creators need to do a better job
If he's so qualified why did he fuck it up so bad?

70 million voters said he didn't
Yes well, the state of the union indicates he did.

The 13 million more people employed or the $50 trillion in added wealth?
How about he single handedlly doubled the debt? Saddled the nation with a failing Obamacare? The war on coal? The race war? The invasion of illegal immigrants resulting in lower wages? Oh! And how about the 48 million on food stamps?

News to me

What did Obama spend to double the debt?
Obamacare is the best national healthcare plan this country has ever devised. If you disagree, point to a Republican alternative that is better
Cheap oil and natural gas is conducting a war on coal. How do you like that $2 a gallon Obamagas?
Illegal immigrants have dropped by one million under Obama
48 million on food stamps? Job creators need to do a better job
You are full of libtard end bullshit as always.

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