100 residents to be selected for basic income pilot program in Cal city

Ask Venezuela...they had wealth, then did things your way....now they have no food or toilet paper and government goon squads are murdering citizens......

I fear that I will live to see the same happen here in California, as has happened in Venezuela. This state is certainly walking down a similar path, toward a similar end.
You should note that when you run out of other peoples money, someone is going to come for you and you (government officials) are going to have a real problems, unless you have disarmed them of all guns. There will be a over throw of the State.

Why do you think California has such strict gun laws, and is always pushing for even more. They know where their policies are going to lead, and they know what will happen if they allow Californians to remain armed.
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This is going to be interesting. This is just a trial to see what happens. This city is about 30 minutes from me and I applaud them trying out various things to reduce poverty and the stress it brings.

"A team of independent researchers will pick 100 people to receive the money. The purpose is to study how an extra $500 a month impacts people’s health and stress level. Researchers are also looking to see if people feel financially secure."

If you want to reduce poverty, encourage teenagers to stop having babies without husbands and fathers, stay in highschool and get a diploma, don't get arrested, and get a job, any job...that is how you actually stop poverty.....then you cut taxes so businesses can hire those people....and you make sure the police can keep people safe.....you tell the democrats to stop letting violent criminals out of jail....
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment does that, not means testing for welfare.

What's the rate?
How many homeless are there? Does the Ux number really matter. How about the labor participation rate.
This is going to be interesting. This is just a trial to see what happens. This city is about 30 minutes from me and I applaud them trying out various things to reduce poverty and the stress it brings.

"A team of independent researchers will pick 100 people to receive the money. The purpose is to study how an extra $500 a month impacts people’s health and stress level. Researchers are also looking to see if people feel financially secure."

If you want to reduce poverty, encourage teenagers to stop having babies without husbands and fathers, stay in highschool and get a diploma, don't get arrested, and get a job, any job...that is how you actually stop poverty.....then you cut taxes so businesses can hire those people....and you make sure the police can keep people safe.....you tell the democrats to stop letting violent criminals out of jail....
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment does that, not means testing for welfare.

What's the rate?
"The natural rate of unemployment is the difference between those who would accept a job at the current wage rate and those who are able and willing to take a job – it is the rate of unemployment when the labor market is said to be in equilibrium.

"It is a controversial phrase that basically means the lowest rate of unemployment at which the employment market can be in stable equilibrium – when there is no tendency for inflation to go up or down."

What is the natural rate of unemployment? Definition and meaning
It doesn't mean anyone will get any money. You might as well play the lottery. What a cruel freaking trick.
When you are an uninformed moron you will think this is amazing good lmfao!!!! Here is a news flash the under , uninformed loons don't get sooner or later your RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE's money you idiots.

Not necessarily.

It depends on how it is funded.
This is going to be interesting. This is just a trial to see what happens. This city is about 30 minutes from me and I applaud them trying out various things to reduce poverty and the stress it brings.

"A team of independent researchers will pick 100 people to receive the money. The purpose is to study how an extra $500 a month impacts people’s health and stress level. Researchers are also looking to see if people feel financially secure."

If you want to reduce poverty, encourage teenagers to stop having babies without husbands and fathers, stay in highschool and get a diploma, don't get arrested, and get a job, any job...that is how you actually stop poverty.....then you cut taxes so businesses can hire those people....and you make sure the police can keep people safe.....you tell the democrats to stop letting violent criminals out of jail....
Compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment does that, not means testing for welfare.

What's the rate?
"The natural rate of unemployment is the difference between those who would accept a job at the current wage rate and those who are able and willing to take a job – it is the rate of unemployment when the labor market is said to be in equilibrium.

"It is a controversial phrase that basically means the lowest rate of unemployment at which the employment market can be in stable equilibrium – when there is no tendency for inflation to go up or down."

What is the natural rate of unemployment? Definition and meaning

Now if only that other poster who continually goes on about it would understand that and explain how it relates to the MW. You see, he's not honestly talking about employment, he's trying to include those who can work but choose not to with those who would work but cannot. His goal is a guaranteed universal income simply for existing, and he's employing verbal gymnastics to do it.
Sounds like a stupid idea to me.

People will take every dime you give them. I assume they are using tax money for this trial.

Wonder how the tax payers in Stockton will like having their hard earned money given to those that didn't earn it??
Some on the left are for equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will. Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner, promotes the general welfare of our economy and general prosperity.
Now if only that other poster who continually goes on about it would understand that and explain how it relates to the MW. You see, he's not honestly talking about employment, he's trying to include those who can work but choose not to with those who would work but cannot. His goal is a guaranteed universal income simply for existing, and he's employing verbal gymnastics to do it
It is difficult to imagine subsistence without work, yet that is what a universal basic income would mean to all citizens. If such a policy replaced the current hodgepodge of minimum wage laws, earned income tax credits, food stamps, housing assistance and all the rest of our current welfare state, all sorts of doors might open to replace traditional wage labor. If that sounds like paying people not to work, automation has already set that motion in progress.
Minimum Wages vs. Universal Basic Income | HuffPost


Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation?
Sounds like a stupid idea to me.

People will take every dime you give them. I assume they are using tax money for this trial.

Wonder how the tax payers in Stockton will like having their hard earned money given to those that didn't earn it??
"Just 80 miles east of Silicon Valley, one of the wealthiest regions in the country, is Stockton, California — once known as America's foreclosure capital.
Soon, the former bankrupt city will become the first in the country to participate in a test of Universal Basic Income, also known as UBI. Stockton will give 100 residents $500 a month for 18 months, no strings attached..."

"The Stockton project has its roots in Silicon Valley, too. Its financial backers include Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes' organization, the Economic Security Project — a fund to support research and cultural engagement around Universal Basic Income. It contributed $1 million to the Stockton initiative."

This California town will give a $500 monthly stipend to residents
I do not pretend anything. I know people who moved there and are very happy. I also know the history of Stockton and how it went from a bustling import center to a barren wasteland. I have also worked there installing new foundations and concrete patios and walkways. You seem to want to find the worst in anything that doesn't fit your mold of republican and then chastise the shit out of it.
You tell yourself whatever you need to get along. I didn't make up that small and partial list of Stockton "accomplishments".
And I didn't imagine Stockton as the place where things were so bad some people there were getting money for nothing
(probably a small recompense just for living in Stocktown).
Enjoy your crime ridden, poverty struck shit hole. Let me know how socialism works out.
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This is going to be interesting. This is just a trial to see what happens. This city is about 30 minutes from me and I applaud them trying out various things to reduce poverty and the stress it brings.

"A team of independent researchers will pick 100 people to receive the money. The purpose is to study how an extra $500 a month impacts people’s health and stress level. Researchers are also looking to see if people feel financially secure."

Until you realize your pay check shrinks, your taxes go up you live in a card board box and they end up living in the Hyatt. Their kids get brand new clothes yours comes from goodwill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You don't get the picture yet but you will once your pay and family are raped of "YOUR INCOME" .



Some on the left are for equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will. Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner, promotes the general welfare of our economy and general prosperity.
How does a market controlled by those who own the means of production promote the general welfare when automation blurs the lines between the three types of unemployment?

Three Types of Unemployment: Cyclical, Frictional & Structural - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
Now if only that other poster who continually goes on about it would understand that and explain how it relates to the MW. You see, he's not honestly talking about employment, he's trying to include those who can work but choose not to with those who would work but cannot. His goal is a guaranteed universal income simply for existing, and he's employing verbal gymnastics to do it
It is difficult to imagine subsistence without work, yet that is what a universal basic income would mean to all citizens. If such a policy replaced the current hodgepodge of minimum wage laws, earned income tax credits, food stamps, housing assistance and all the rest of our current welfare state, all sorts of doors might open to replace traditional wage labor. If that sounds like paying people not to work, automation has already set that motion in progress.
Minimum Wages vs. Universal Basic Income | HuffPost


Wouldn’t Unconditional Basic Income Just Cause Massive Inflation?
Under Capitalism, "only fools and horses should Have to work"
Some on the left are for equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will. Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner, promotes the general welfare of our economy and general prosperity.
How does a market controlled by those who own the means of production promote the general welfare when automation blurs the lines between the three types of unemployment?

Three Types of Unemployment: Cyclical, Frictional & Structural - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
why should it matter? Employment is at the will of either party. Some may choose to not work, but do something else. Only Capital Must circulate under Capitalism.

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